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Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Kamikazeke
Posts: 78
Should I go all the way? Jan 11 2013, 10:36 PM
So I've been wanting to dye my hair rainbow for a few years now. First my hair wasn't long enough for it to look good, and now I'm just trying to strengthen it and put a little life back into it before I torture the living hell out of it again. I always thought that I wanted to to black with strands of rainbow placed throughout my hair. Recently I stumbled across this picture: I fell in love with the dye job drawn in this one. It made me seriously consider doing my entire head like the way it is pictured above. My main fear is that when it is finished it will end up looking like a wig or I will look like a clown. I've looked up many pictures of people with their full head dyed rainbow, and most of them just look silly. I would hate to kill my hair again for an ultimately unsatisfying result. So should I take a chance and do my whole head, or just stick with my original plan of black hair with rainbow highlights?


Posts: 29
Jan 11 2013, 10:53 PM
Hey double friend! As much as it would pay off if it turned out good, I think you would be better off just doing the highlights, it would suck to be stuck looking like a clown and it might be awhile until your hair gets to a state where you could fix it. Now I personally want to do that one on the right of that picture...
Emo Pictures - Xolivia-von-sodomyX
Posts: 510
Jan 11 2013, 11:02 PM
if u really want to i would go for it u will never know till you try and i have scene some really cool lookin ranbow hair. i think if you do it right it would look great!
Posts: 11
Jan 12 2013, 12:56 AM
I think it would look amazing. You should do it. It's just hair, if you don't like It change it. But then again I really like crazy colors in girls hair, so is like it no matter what. . But I still think you should.
Posts: 189
Jan 12 2013, 03:42 AM
doooooo itt!!!! that would be AMAZING!
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18278
Jan 12 2013, 08:22 AM
Just do it. Some people on here have rainbow coloured hair and it looks good.
Emo Pictures - Kamikazeke
Posts: 78
Jan 12 2013, 11:58 PM
Haha Sounds like I should do it then :] I suppose if I don't like it I can always stick some black in there. Looks like I've got a nice little project ahead of me. Thanks guys for all your help. I really appreciate it ^_^

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