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I am not afraid. I won't burn out in this place. My intention is to to fade and I will, I will. House On A Hill, by The Pretty Reckless

What is Emo - Introduction to the Emo Scene Community

Emo Scene Intro | Emo Music | Emo Fashion & Style | Emo Lifestyle & Culture | Scene Kids

EMO means "emotional"...

Emo is a slang term known to be short for emotional, but that doesn't make much sense really. If you claim "emo" were to mean "emotional" it then becomes an all encompassing word. It becomes extremely vague and it has no limit as to what it can describe. Emo when wrongfully used to mean "emotional" describes every living thing, every song, every word, every breath, every statement.

EMO is a subculture...

The term emo is used to describe a subculture which has evolved dramatically over time so the emo of yesterday and today will be discussed.

Emo of yesterday...

Emo was created as a shortened term to describe a specific thing, in this case "emotive hardcore" developed out of the D.C. punk scene in the 80s. In its original incarnation, emo was short for emocore, or emotional-hardcore. The name was applied to hardcore punk rock bands who distinguished themselves from their peers by adding an emotional element to their music. Themes of sadness, love and angst were dealt with in their lyrics. The music was also characterised by particularly dramatic vocals which left the audience in an emotionally charged state, crying or screaming. Real Emo was manly and hard. It was fast and thrashy sung in a way that wasn't pretencious and whiney. This genre is still alive today, although very obscure and unknown to most.

The history of emo is somewhat less ambiguous than its current meaning which is detailed next.

Emo of today...

Emo Girl, Emo Rangers

Emo Guy

The emo culture continued to develop through the 90's and into the new millennium really kicking off around 2003 and reaching the height of its popularity to date. The word has been adopted by a whole generation of teenage music lovers for whom a melodramatic attitude and style of dress is just as important as musical taste. It's now seen as one of the more consumer-driven subcultures, and one of the most brand-obsessed.

Initially defined as a genre of music, nowadays the cultural phenomenon that is Emo is much more than that encompassing its own set of fashion, style, behavior, and perspectives on life within the definition. The music is also significantly different to what was once classed as emo. These changes/evolution obviously are the subject of debate and anger "yesterdays true" emos. At the end of the day its just a word that has horned its way into popular usage while shedding many of the qualities that originally defined it.

Punk which can be described as Emo's predecessor also evolved to encompass a diversified set of lifestyle suggestions above and beyond the kind of music, including certain behaviors, fashion imperatives and identity traits which are indicative of an emerging new culture. Emo still has its roots firmly planted in music with "emotion" is at its core though.

The behaviors, attitudes, and values expressed through the music involve emotionally turbulent themes often associated with adolescence such as despair, nostalgia, heartbreak, hope, and self-loathing. The various and sometimes conflicting social practices associated with Emo subculture contain valuable insights into what it means to be an adolescent today. For many youth, Emo subculture facilitates identity formation, social interactions and emotional involvement. It is a place where many adolescents share their experiences about the world and express their feelings about life through music.

Emo Music [read more]

By the millennium arguably "emo" bands were garnering regular rotation on MTV, Kerrang, etc and radio stations nationwide. These days, emo (inc. screamo, etc) music has been popularised and sent into the mainstream through bands like Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, MCR, Aiden, Atreyu, Hawthorne Heights, Silverstein, Funeral For A Friend, etc...(see emo bands)

Bless The Fall Panic At The Disco
Bless The Fall & Panic At The Disco

Emo Fashion [read more]

Pretty Emo Girl

Emo Guy - Sonny Moore

Emo Girl - Blonde

Emo Guy Boy - White Hoody

Emo Scene Girl

Probably nothing characterises the Emo look more than the Emo hairstyle - long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black (or other colors), straightened and layered... Spikes are occasionally accentuated at certain angles of the hair.

Emo clothing is characteristed by skinny jeans (usually black), tight band or vintage looking t-shirts or zip- hoodies, studded belts, converse or skate shoes, black nail polish and eye liner on both genders. Black thick-rimmed glasses are another popular feature.

Today's emo fashion derives its influence from the gothic subculture as well as from punk.

Emo Lifestyle [read more]

When referring to a person's personality and attitude, most definitions of emo include a number of the following terms: shy, quiet, mysterious, introvert, angst ridden and sensitive often identified by his/her music and fashion. (generalising here). Artist talent is known to be associated with the emo culture along with a degree of sophistication and depth. Emos can feel they are misunderstood by society.

Emo's like to go to gigs, write poetry (of the romantic and morbid kind), gather on online communities such as soEmo.co.uk, Myspace, etc. They are like any normal person really!

Self-harm is wrongly associated with the emo culture and the media has played a large part in this describing the emo scene as dangerous for example!

Confusion and Criticism

The term's definition is still the subject of debate, with some question as to whether it can even be defined. There is no one definition of emo, nowadays it is seemed to describe anything that's a little bit different from the social 'norms' if you will.

Many other music-centered cultural movements are difficult to define. Meanings evolve, replicate, and recombine so that Emo, which started as a somewhat "agreed-upon" collective subculture, has become a highly contested set of meanings and collective practices. "Emo" will just get harder and harder to define as time goes on...You can get into a hundred pointless debates about the definition and origin of emo.

In the years since emo music's rise in popularity, it has attracted criticism, often severe.

Society sometimes considers emos as failures; they are not strong enough to hide their emotions, they're sensitive, shy, introverted, and often quiet. The outward expression of feelings makes them a target for ridicule. Usually, Emo kids like to express their feelings writing poems about their problems with depression, confusion, and anger; all because the world fails to understand them.

Emo has been characterised as a fad that will be discarded and forgotten in the near future. Critics cast the emo music as lacking any artistic merit and/or musical skill, the emo fashion as embarrassing and the emo people as imagining or pretending that they lead harsh, painful lives when they actually live in comfortable, middle- to upper-class homes.

The ones who are emo not because they feel it, but because they like to be trendy are named 'posers'. Apparently a big percent of the current emo subculture is formed by posers.

The emo subculture is accused that it is celebrating self-harm. I think you'll agree this is pretty stupid though! A lot of the pathethic anti-emo quotes shown below link emo to self harm:

"It's like the Emo culture has taken Punk and sprayed it with girly deoderant."
"I'm so Emo, even surgeons are impressed with my skills with a blade."
"I'm so emo, its a lucky day if I get a papercut."
"I'm so emo, i'm changing my name to Gillette."
"I wish my lawn were emo...then it would cut itself."
"I'm so emo, i attempted to drown myself... in my own tears."
"Im so emo, id cut my wrists and hope to die with tears of blood running from my eye."

MCR (My Chemical Romance) / Emo Fans even staged a protest against The Daily Mail's false "suicide cult" claims in London, UK


The themes underpinning the Emo revolution will never go away. They will always be prominant feature of mainstream youth culture. Emo, as a catch-all phrase, will eventually phase out and be replaced by a new word-of-the-day befitting the emotional character of the times.

The term "scene" has become popular since the emo subculture kicked off. Scene kids or scenesters I believe are more about the style and looking like an emo without the personality of it all. In other words, scene kids are the ones that dress emo, but only because it's a trend or you could say Scene is Emo without the emotion. The term is subject to a significant debate like emo though.

Emo Videos

Emo Quizzes

Emo Books


Last revision 05.01.2024

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k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
CRフィーバー戦姫絶唱シンフォギア めぐみほのぼのパチンコ 多彩なリーチ演出があり、どのタイミングで当たるかドキドキします。 L 主役は銭形 4 https://www.baccaratgame.asia/article/2233.html 大当たりの瞬間に周りが盛り上がると、嬉しさが倍増します。共に祝える仲間がいるのが良いですね。 転生したらスライムだった件 [url=https://www.k8casino.org/] k8 カジノ パチンコ[/url] P結城友奈は勇者であるALLRUSH RFa Ver.119 アナザーゴッドハーデス-奪われたZEUSver 三國志T P フィーバー戦姫絶唱シンフォギア3 黄金絶唱 Light ver. https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/el-dorado-%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3 キャラクターの個性が豊かで、ストーリーに引き込まれます。感情移入できます。 CRぱちんこウルトラマンタロウ 戦え!!ウルトラ6兄弟 https://www.onlinecasinofinland.org/article/200.html シンプルなルールで、初心者でもすぐに楽しめます。気軽に挑戦できます。 CRヱヴァンゲリヲン10 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AD%E3%83%83%E3%83%88-%E6%88%A6%E5%9B%BD-%E4%B9%99%E5%A5%B3-%E8%A5%BF%E5%9B%BD 友人と一緒に行くことで、競争心が芽生え、より楽しめます。勝負の結果がどうなるか楽しみです。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
キュインぱちすろ南国育ち 1st vacation スロログ リーチ演出が多彩で、どのタイミングで大当たりが来るかワクワクします。 戦国BASARA 2 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/shinbun/post-11608.html サウンドエフェクトが迫力満点で、プレイ中に盛り上がります。特にバトル時が楽しい。 ケロロ軍曹 [url=https://pachika.com/news/post-2507.html] エウレカ 新台 曲変化[/url] P 結城友奈は勇者である GC250Ba アナターのオット!?はーです リング呪いの7日間; GI優駿俱樂部 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E9%80%86%E8%A5%B2-%E3%81%AE-%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A3%E3%82%A2-%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3-%E5%B0%8E%E5%85%A5 簡単なルールで、初心者でもすぐに楽しめるのが良いです。気軽に挑戦できます。 夜蝶飛翔特 https://www.pachirep.com/article/67.html ボーナスゲームの演出が豪華で、期待感が高まります。特に大当たり時は圧巻。 BLOOD+ 二人の女王 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/dq6-%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AD%E3%83%83%E3%83%88 大当たりの瞬間は、心臓がドキドキします。興奮が何とも言えません。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
Pフィーバー戦姫絶唱シンフォギア2 Ver.199 戦国乙女スマスロエンディング条件 パチンコは、ルールを覚えればすぐに楽しめるので、初心者でも安心です。気軽に始められます。 CR牙狼FINAL Ver.399 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3-%E3%82%AC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%80%E3%83%A0-%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5 シンプルなデザインが魅力。初心者でも楽しみやすい仕様です。 緑イミソーレ(特殊大賞燈) [url=https://pachika.com/news/post-8923.html] 今月の新台[/url] コードギアス反逆のルルーシュ スーパービンゴネオ 聖闘士星矢 -黃金激闘篇- 琉球の守護神 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E3%82%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88-%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3-%E5%A4%AA%E7%94%B0 音楽と演出が楽しく、プレイ中に笑顔になれます。リラックスできます。 雷電(ピンク) https://injapan.today/news/id2701.html アニメの名シーンを再現しており、ファンにはたまらない演出です。 P 真・北斗無双 第3章 ジャギの逆襲 https://www.pachinko777.com/article/205.html パチンコの演出は、時に驚かされることがあります。毎回新しい発見があります。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
南国育ち(胡蝶25) ビーベット入金不要ボーナス リーチ演出が多彩で、どのタイミングで大当たりが来るかワクワクします。 八代將軍戰神版 https://injapan.today/topics/jinguji-kun 音楽とサウンドエフェクトが素晴らしく、ゲームに没入できます。特にボーナス時の音が最高。 鬼武者3 [url=https://www.k8casino.biz/Articles/2959.html] アビエーター カジノ[/url] CR地獄少女 弐 P とある魔術の禁書目録 南国育ち(胡蝶25) キャッツ・アイ~コレクション奪還作戦~ https://www.withmagazine.net/Articles/1489.html パチンコは、友人や家族と一緒に楽しむのに最適です。共通の趣味があると盛り上がります。 シンドバッドアドベンチャーは榎本加奈子でどうですか https://casinos.town/tag/%E6%A8%AA%E6%B5%9Cf%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AA%E3%83%8E%E3%82%B9 パチンコの台によって異なる演出があり、選ぶ楽しさがあります。自分に合った台を見つけるのが良いです。 CR七つの大罪 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3-d-%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3-%E5%A7%AB%E8%B7%AF 美しいビジュアルと迫力ある演出が魅力。プレイ中に没入感が高まります。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
P ぱちんこ シン・エヴァンゲリオン Type レイ アクエリオン 天井 シンプルなルールで、初心者でもすぐに楽しめるのが良いです。気軽に挑戦できます。 CR吉宗4 天昇飛躍の極 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3-ayumi-hamasaki 友達と一緒に行くと、盛り上がりが倍増します。共通の趣味として楽しむことができます。 PA ぱちんこ AKB48 桜 LIGHT ver. [url=https://www.inuyasha.asia/ja/%E7%8A%AC%E5%A4%9C%E5%8F%89-%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AD%E3%83%83%E3%83%88-%E6%9C%88] スロット 犬夜叉 月[/url] ミリオンゴッド-神々の凱旋 CRミリオンゴッドライジング~ゼウス再び~ L マクロスフロンティア 4 ファファファ https://pachika.com/guide/post-7390.html 美しいアニメーションと迫力ある演出が魅力。毎回新しい発見があります。 琉球の守護神 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3-%E5%AF%BE%E6%B1%BA-%E5%8B%95%E7%94%BB ボーナスゲームの演出が豪華で、楽しみが倍増します。特に大当たり時は圧巻。 牙狼 守りし者 https://www.turboslott.com/article/1099.html 演出の多様性があり、毎回新しい体験が待っています。飽きることがありません。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
P DD 北斗の拳2 ついでに愛をとりもどせ!! ラオウ 沖縄ばくさいパチンコ ボーナスゲームの演出が豪華で、楽しみが倍増します。特に大当たり時は圧巻。 カイジ https://www.k8pachinko.media/Articles/2926.html 定期的に新しいイベントがあり、飽きずに楽しめます。新しい体験が待っています。 デビル メイ クライ クロス [url=https://pachika.com/guide/post-7635.html] スマスロモンキーターン 設定判別[/url] e スマパチ シン・エヴァンゲリオン Type カヲル CR義風堂々!!兼続と慶次 押忍!サラリーマン番長 ラブ嬢 https://www.deadlysevensinslot.com/article/2541.html ボーナスゲームの演出が豪華で、楽しみが倍増します。特に大当たり時は圧巻。 CR北斗の拳6拳王 https://www.k8casino.biz/Articles/2988.html 定期的に新しいイベントがあり、飽きずに楽しめます。新しい体験が待っています。 CR北斗の拳7 転生 Ver.319 https://injapan.today/topics/curtis 友人と一緒にプレイすることで、楽しさが倍増します。共に喜ぶ瞬間が嬉しい。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
アラジンAII 犬夜叉 天井 有利区間 パチンコのルールはシンプルですが、奥が深いです。初心者でもすぐに楽しめます。 CR RAVE この世界こそが真実だ https://www.k8o.jp/guide/2929.html 定期的に通うことで、常連さんとのつながりが生まれます。コミュニティ感が楽しいです。 CRモンスターハンタ [url=https://www.k8io.net/k8-%E3%82%AB%E3%82%B8%E3%83%8E/%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5%E3%82%AC%E3%82%A4%E3%83%89/2832.html] カジノ ゴッド[/url] 新鬼武者 再臨 e スマパチ シン・エヴァンゲリオン Type カヲル プレミアムビンゴ Dororonえん魔くん メ~ラめら https://injapan.today/realtime/id4804.html 歴史をテーマにしたパチスロで、独特の魅力があります。日本の伝統を感じます。 聖闘士星矢 海皇覚醒 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/shinbun/post-1554.html 音楽が豪華で、プレイ中に盛り上がります。神々の祝福を感じます。 P ぱちんこ シン・エヴァンゲリオン Type レイ https://www.sjb.jp/topics/cr%E7%94%B2%E8%B3%80%E5%BF%8D%E6%B3%95%E5%B8%96%E3%80%9C%E5%A4%A9%E8%86%B3%E3%81%AE%E7%AB%A0 シンプルなルールで、初心者でもすぐに楽しめるのが良いです。気軽に挑戦できます。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
CRキャッツ・アイ k8 カジノ パチンコ 定期的に新しいイベントがあり、飽きずに楽しめます。新しい体験が待っています。 聖闘士星矢 -黃金激闘篇- https://www.sjb.jp/pachinko/8164 大当たりの瞬間は、心臓がドキドキします。興奮が何とも言えません。 ぱちんこソードアート・オンラインK12 [url=https://www.gantz-pachinko.jp/tags/%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AD%E9%89%84%E6%8B%B34%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E3%83%A1%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E3%83%87%E3%83%93%E3%83%ABver] 鉄拳4デビルアルティメット 天井[/url] 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ2 CR花の慶次X~雲のかなたに~ 青龍(4発1) https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/kekka/post-891.html リーチ演出が多彩で、どのタイミングで大当たりが来るかドキドキします。 牙狼 守りし者 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E5%90%89%E7%A5%A5%E5%AF%BA-%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AD%E3%83%83%E3%83%88-%E3%82%A4%E3%83%99%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88 リーチ演出が多彩で、どの瞬間も楽しめます。特に聖闘士の技が迫力満点。 八代将军 天国の戦い https://www.bandarcasinosbobet.org/article/160.html シンプルなルールで、初心者でもすぐに楽しめます。気軽に挑戦できます。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
島娘 スロット 甘い台 パチンコは一度ハマると抜け出せない魅力があります。友人と競い合うことで、さらに楽しさが増します。 CR牙狼FINAL Ver.399 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/tags/%E3%81%B2%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8F%E3%82%8A-%E9%A3%9F%E5%A0%82-%E3%83%91%E3%83%81%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3 シンプルなルールで、初心者でもすぐに楽しめるのが良いです。 バイオハザード6 2発1 [url=https://pachika.com/guide/post-7755.html] ストライクウィッチーズ2 先読みチャンス 保留[/url] CR真・花の慶次 Ver.399(2:1) ぱちスロ にゃんこ大戦争 BIGBANG P 真・北斗無双 第3章 ジャギの逆襲 BLOOD 二人の女王 https://xn--k8-9g4a3b4f.site/shinbun/post-11808.html 大当たりの瞬間は、周囲と一緒に盛り上がれるのが嬉しいです。共感が生まれます。 パチスロ 貞子3D https://www.iadcg.org/games/id4510 簡単に遊べるルールで、初心者でも安心。気軽に挑戦できるのが良いです。 バイオハザード6 https://injapan.today/realtime/id12967.html パチンコの演出は、時に驚かされることがあります。毎回新しい発見があります。
k8casinonup Dec 21 2024, 09:24 AM
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