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No matter how hard I try, you're never satisfied, this is not a home I think i'm better off alone. You always disappear even when you're here. this is not my home i think im better off alone. home. home. this house is not a home. Home, by Three Days Grace

Emo Forums » Emo Music (Reply)

Posts: 73
Morrissey/The Smiths - greatest influence in emo? May 20 2008, 07:51 AM
Okay guys, I've been a fan of Morrissey The Smiths for a while now, and seeing a cover of There Is A Light That Never Goes Out (one of my all-time favourite songs) at the Aiden gig, I really started thinking about their impact on emo music, as a general thing. Their lyrical style is quite similar to that of many newer emo bands, and they inspired other greats, such as My Chemical Romance. They had such a great influence, but they're virtually unknown - I mean, the other day I was listening to them at school and not ONE person in any of my classes (about 100 people) had even heard of them. I thought that was really bizarre, so, you guys: what do you all think of them?


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
May 20 2008, 12:00 PM
I'll let others hopefully reply but here is a link for them to that song: The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out
Emo Pictures - Tantra_B
Posts: 3019
May 20 2008, 12:54 PM
You right, they have influenced so many of today's bands, yet they're not as well known. It's a surprise really because the Smiths aren't actually that bad. Of course, I've heard of Morrisey but I've never actually checked out any songs, but The Smiths are a different matter. When I first saw the Aiden doing a cover of "A light That Never Goes Out" at the Astoria, WiL asked if many people liked/known who The Smith's are. The cheers from the crowd were less than convincing. When I think about it, many of my friends haven't even heard of the band, or known that they have actually influenced so many bands. I think without the doubt that The Smiths must be one of the greatest influences in emo, they really are. Without them, many of today's bands wouldn't be as good as they are, I'm sure. I think they should get the recognition they deserve. Not just for influencing many of today's best bands, but for being lyrical genius and such an awesome band. Of course, not forgetting Morrisey, I would have offered some opinion, but seeming as I haven't heard anything, it's wise that I don't.
Emo Pictures - Tantra_B
Posts: 3019
May 20 2008, 12:55 PM
*There Is A Light That Never Goes Out Whoops :P
Mar 06 2009, 01:05 PM

It's a shame this forum post is so old....


But yes, I'd say they are incredibly influentual on the current music scene as such.
I've been listening to them all my life but for the past two years of my life I've listened to The Smiths and Morrissey incredibly closely. I'd also add that the vocals are incredibly 'emo' aswell - Morrissey's voice is said to be incredibly depressing, and what's not stereotypically emo about singing in a depressing manner?

There are several lines I could quote from The Smiths - Unlovable;

"I know I'm unloveable; You don't have to tell me; Oh, message received; Loud and clear; Loud and clear; I don't have much in my life; But take it - it's yours"

"I wear Black on the outside; 'Cause Black is how I feel on the inside; I wear Black on the outside; 'Cause Black is how I feel on the inside"

"And if I seem a little strange; Well, that's because I am; If I seem a little strange; That's because I am."


Posts: 41
Mar 08 2009, 06:53 PM
Wicked topic... Very interesting..

I can definitely see where you are coming from but this kind of blurs the line between the current "emo" genre and all music in general so much more and adds to the confusion.. I am a bit of a stickler for musical categorisation and tbh.. Emo, in it's current state, doesn't exist.. It is all post hardcore.. The majority of lyrics are emotive in some way.. that is the whole point of music in some sense.. to inspire emotion. Emo honestly is a label now and has lost it's connection to music..

But...... Morrissey's impact on music as a whole is huge.. His lyrics are so emotive and poetic.. he has such a large variation of styles as well.. I definitely think if there was an actual modern variation of emo he would be a big inspiration for some of the lyrics.. We have to remember that he was very much a punk rocker in his early days, this inspired a lot of his lyrics, and punk and it's emotive, self aware lyrics are what spawned hardcore punk.. which is what spawned post-hardcore which is essentially the key foundation of the so called emo genre so I think we all have punk to thank ahead of anything else lol XD

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