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Emo Forums » General Emo Discussion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18272
Scene and Emo? Jun 10 2008, 03:15 PM
Someone is called 'scene'...what are they like? What is the difference between 'scene' and 'emo'? Is 'scene' a progression on from 'emo'? Is what we know as 'emo' being taken over by 'scene'? This is all very confusing and in my opinion saying someone is 'scene' doesn't make much sense. Then again you could argue calling someone an 'emo' doesn't make any sense either, and it would be better to say someone who is into the emo scene / culture. I have touched on this before throughout soEmo.co.uk, but I'd like to hear your views.


Emo Pictures - DiEiNgInSiDe
Posts: 108
Jul 22 2010, 08:30 AM
My opinion is that scene is just a style (lots of colours, big teased hair, cup cakes, hello kitty, ect.) and emo is emotional poeple (people who have lots of hard shit in their life, people who arn't afraid to show emotion ect.)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18272
Jul 23 2010, 01:14 PM
Do you lot think there are more 'scene' people nowadays compared to emo's?
Emo Pictures - XmisunderstoodX
Posts: 64
Jul 24 2010, 12:11 PM
i think 'scenes' are are a bit more gobbier, think there better than most people with the fact of not being afraid to say so. in my opinion they dress in a fashion with a mix of emo, chav and girly girl, which i think is a little fucked up! lol :]. the music i think they listen to is rock, chart music and a little bit of sreamo. where as 'emos' can be gooby but normaly kind senitive people that love to dress in black and bright clothing with skulls aka clothes from blue banana lol. also emos tend to listen to screamo, emo , metal and rock music but mostly screamo and emo music. they can sometime be a little bit emotioal. this is what i think so dont blame me if you think differently and im sorry if anyone gets offended x i am EMO! and proud :] lol and tbh i prefer emos anyway. emos r u the best :]
Posts: 8
Jul 25 2010, 06:39 AM
I agree with like every other comment on there but.. I know alot of scenes who, when not around other people become all emo :s
Emo Pictures - HeartBrokenGirl
Posts: 7
Sep 06 2010, 08:12 PM
well they are not different emo and scene and the same except scene people wear color ful clothes and hair and well just emo....wear black and dark colors like me. Scene and emo cut and bleed and cry blood like anyother emo kid out there

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