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Life is meaningless without you, love can be such a beautiful torture. My heart breaks as I long for you, love can be such lovely torture. As You Wish, by Alesana

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Posts: 2305
Cheating Jul 07 2008, 07:37 AM
Obvousily a bad thing but has anyone cheated and regretted it afterwards or really enjoyed it? has anyone ever cheated on you? how did you react? do you forgive them or forget them? does everyone deserve a second chance when it comes to cheating?


Jul 09 2008, 12:20 AM
ive been cheated on twice and afterwards i preferd to be alone i started livin on my own too for two and a half years i worked for my father and i made a beautiful harley but evry day i would look at my knife in the kind of way people took me....... for granted but the first time i was cheated on was by my ex Kayla Dowdd i loved her like mad i was comin home from juvi hopefully to suprize her and what did i see i saw her FUCKIN my best friend in our bed i wanted to kill him i wanted take my knife and shove it in his fuckin throat......but all i said to her is im leavin she didnt want me to.When Kayla took a good look in my eyes she said that teyre dead and i told her that she makes me feel dead too. so many years down the track i found someone a yankee she got married behind my back thats when i started to live alone i use to look at my knife to look for answers all that came up was death............all of my pain ended when i meet Fatiha now she makes me feel whole again and i kno she wont cheat on me and she knows i wont cheat on her i couldnt do a thing like that.
Posts: 2305
Jul 11 2008, 11:37 AM
god me you havent had much luck with girls have ya, well atleast your happy with Fatiha now then :)
Jul 14 2008, 02:17 AM
i dont kno i looked at her msn name and i saw was.i thought i loved u...thought u were the one...now i'm thinking maybe i was wrong... <3 Jayson that will make me use a knife on myself
Emo Pictures - XEmoBunny
Posts: 3
Jul 14 2008, 01:29 PM
ive never cheated or been cheated on but i think people who do it r bastards and dnt deserve a second chance. i would never cheat on my fiance.
Jul 14 2008, 11:48 PM
ur a lucky one then once it happens u feel like ur burnin i felt like my ex left a knife in my heart and i became heartloess until i meet Fatiha on this site
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Jul 20 2008, 05:08 PM
Well, I've been cheated on a lot. And my current girlfriend did it to me and to be honest, I gave her a second chance and it's made us closer than ever. It hurt like hell though I have to say, but was worth it in a strange way.
Posts: 100
Jul 20 2008, 05:17 PM
I'm almost identical to Joe. I forgave Jess straight away and we came out the other side so strong. I'm just worried about what's happening at the moment; but I know for a fact she couldn't cheat again.
Posts: 2742
Jul 20 2008, 05:23 PM
well I think it really depends on the person that cheated and your feeling for them. My mate at college said that he doesnt know if he would cheat on his girlfriend so I told him that if he cheated on her i would tell her and hit him so hard :S i dont know i just hate people that cheat i dont know how people could do that. But at the end of the day i've hurt people i care about just as much as i would of done by cheating but they excepted it and we moved on.
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Jul 20 2008, 05:48 PM
Yeah, it's better that way. To just accept it I mean, no point in being immature and act depressed about the past, I'm gonna use such an overused saying right now but... "Everything happens for a reason" right? Surely if you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend it's because someone better is on their way? Just my opinion anyway.
Posts: 2742
Jul 20 2008, 05:53 PM
The only problem with sayings is that if you have a mind like mine them im going to switch it now and say well "everything happens for a reason" so there must be a reason why they got back together :S Sorry thats just my mind for you.
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Jul 20 2008, 05:58 PM
Who knows? Life's complicated But if you truly love somebody, the cheating becomes irrelevant... Painful, but not as bad as expected, so long as you can be sure nothing like that would ever happen again. Sometimes somebody who cheats on you, needs to lose you before realising how much they need you. So cheating can, and in my case does, bring relationships closer.
Posts: 2742
Jul 20 2008, 06:17 PM
Its not only cheating that makes people think like that can be other things like a major argument which makes you break up, then you both realise how much you miss them.
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Jul 20 2008, 06:19 PM
Yeah exactly [: So technically the bad bits in relationships can end up fixing and completely renewing your relationships for the best. But yeah, everybody deserves a second chance or two.
Posts: 2742
Jul 20 2008, 06:47 PM
yea they can make it better i think but only if your the kind of person that can be big and look over it. otherwise it will break the relationship.
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Jul 20 2008, 06:51 PM
You should know if a person who cheated on you deserves a second chance already, but make sure to ask them to PROVE THEY LOVE YOU, because not only will that make you feel a lot better when you do, it'll prove they are worth holding onto. When I asked my girlfriend that she wrote me a million love letters and did so much for me, I'm glad I gave her the chance. So please follow my example, too much love is being wasted [:
Posts: 2742
Jul 20 2008, 07:05 PM
yea love is wasted far too much these days :( so i will follow your example but ill decide wether or not to forgive them at the time :D
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Jul 20 2008, 07:07 PM
Yeah, it really all depends on the situation I suppose, and who you're cheated on with. I guess it's a part of life you just gotta face, you shouldn't let it ruin a good relationship though.
Posts: 2742
Jul 20 2008, 07:33 PM
no deffinatly not dont let it ruin your life because you should just go out and try again because there is always someone out there for you.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18278
Jul 21 2008, 10:11 AM
I have been given a second chance before. When it comes to a 3rd or 4th chance I think people need to call it a day though.
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Jul 21 2008, 10:13 AM
I dunno, I think maybe a 3rd chance is acceptable, in some situations at least...

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