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What got me into this mess that devoured me, Lies and deceitful actions keep promising, What got me into this mess that devoured me, Darling don't Lie, You can't stop lying. Darling, by Eyes Set To Kill

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Keeping a long relationship Jul 21 2008, 04:07 PM
Right, in my opinion there are a few things you need to do in order to make a relationship last longer. They consist of; Trust - You have to trust your partner with your life, but this ain't no one sided game either, they must trust you equally as much. Attraction - This one's an obvious one, but yeah, there's need to be obvious attraction for any relationship to work, dating for dares is pathetic. Romance/Entertainment - Your relationship needs to have both of these. It needs to be sweet and 'cuddly' but still have the flare of any relationship, this could include anything ranging to Picnics to Sky diving, I dunno... Be creative. Willpower You need to want it to last, forever. You need to try the best you can and make sure you tell your lover that you love them every day and when possible, kiss them just as much. More suggestions, anyone?


Posts: 2305
Jul 21 2008, 04:57 PM
hmmm proberly having things in common/similar intrests and being able to accept and understand the things you dont have an interest in, hmmm trying to think, think you covered most of it
Aug 04 2008, 03:42 AM
You dont have to have the same views and oppinions per se - I know a few couples who are like night and day, and that is exactly what make them perfect for eachother. Personally I think it's up to you as a person to decide whether or not someone's interesting to you. As you mentioned, willpower. I think it's important to want it to happen with a person, and it's important to sometimes hold in there when things go wrong not cus you want to, but cus you know you have to. There were times where I really didn't like my ex (back when we were going out) or some of the things that she did / the way she acted. Yet, I forced myself to forget it, as I knew I loved her and wanted to wake up with her every day. It's that persistensy to really want it that I think is quite important, cus it requires sacrifices, and, as we know, sacrifices are basically just things we do cus we have to, even though we dont like doing them. Keeping it interesting is ofc important, noone wants to be bored in a relationship. I think that happens anyway tho, in time. And all you can hope for is that the person is worth it. :) I like to think that your life comes down to the choices youve made along the way. Like the choice to stand up to your superior, or the choice to focus on what you have in common instead of what you dont. Or the choice to let someone help you for once. In the end, you just have to trust your decision. And hopefully youll land on solid ground. J.D - Zach Braff.
Emo Pictures - AllReasonGone
Posts: 116
Aug 06 2008, 04:16 PM
Good god, that was really deep. But in my opinion it's not always about making sacrifices. I mean, if the person loved you, they wouldn't make you make sacrifices unless it was really needed.
Aug 07 2008, 03:44 AM
The problem is that most sacrifices are made without the other person acutally knowing that you're making it for them. Like the choice to not do something you really really want cus your better half needs someone to talk to right there and then. (Not that we wouldn't want to be there for that special someone, ofc, but you know what I mean.) Or the choice not to be able to go somewhere you really want, for example, since that would be leaving that someone behind. (I know a lass who'd really like to come live with me in London cus it's her dream to live in London and I'm basically the only chance she has of making that possible. But she's currently invovled with a guy she's taking her chances on, so there she gives up something she really wants for something else she hopes works out. Again, a sacrifice to make it work.) Hoop hoop, I'll use another awesome J.D quote here. When you start med-school, they warn you that youre going to have to make sacrifices. But I guess that means different things to different people. Like giving up something you really want now for something youve wanted your whole life. Or spending less time on yourself so you can spend more time with someone you love. At some point you might have to give up your own sense of safety and wellbeing, but after a while it doesnt feel as if youre giving up anything at all.' If the relationship is right, and you will be truly happy with said person, then, indeed, in the end if wont seem as if you're giving up anything. But if the relationship dont turn out the exact way you wanted it to, it means your sacrifices may become unbearable - a burden that will cause you to think it's not worth it in the end.

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