1000's of emo guys & girls!
I dont know what i am trying to say... STENCIL IN YOUR HEART INTO ANOTHER'S HANDS!! And youre saying.. NOTHING AT ALL! NOTHING AT ALL!! My Heart, Your Hands, by From First To Last
in my hair pink
lose your life or lose the love of your life
lose my life. im too selfless.
lose an arm or lose a leg.
...lose a leg...
have a heart or lose existence?
have a heart the pain is worth it
Lip peirced OR Eyebrow peirced
lip pierced. id actually like to "snake bites" but my mom said i gotta wait.... jerk....
kicked in the dick orkicked in the puss
kicked in the dick as it would i'd be doing the kicking :D
And I am allowed it whenever I want jsut my drama stops me
Boys Like Girls OR The Verve
id have to say boys like girls. havent heard the other band.
Gir or Dib
deal or no deal
coffe or hot chocolate........
Punk more colour
Paiin on the outsie or inside
stabbed or cut?
both =D
cut cos a stab is deeper
blue hair or black
electric... too lazy....
Warped Tour or Bamboozle
Warped Tour
Red Bull
monster... red bulls are nasty as hell. horrible after taste.
Rockstar orFull Throttle