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That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I don't know if I can do it Oh no, I've said too much I haven't said enough Losing My Religion, by R.E.M.

Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

Emo Pictures - WitherdRose
Posts: 1459
Corrupt A Wish Aug 28 2008, 02:34 AM
Saw this on another forum. Basically, one person makes a wish, and the others grant it, but mess it up. Ex- Person 1-I wish for a computer Person 2-Granted. But its windows 95 and has a virus. i wish for a car Person 3-Granted. Too bad you don't have a license and so it goes on. It can actually be quite fun :D ok i'll start. I wish I could fly :D


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18278
Jan 04 2009, 12:01 PM
Granted but in today's society it's hard not to be.

I wish I didn't go back to work tomorrow grrr. I won't get on here as much either.
Posts: 678
Jan 04 2009, 12:40 PM

granted but your job gets stolen by some youth

i wish my job was stolen by some youth

Emo Pictures - WitherdRose
Posts: 1459
Jan 04 2009, 11:23 PM

GRANTED  you have no job now


I wish I had revisied

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18278
Jan 05 2009, 03:50 PM
Granted but people have proven exams aren't a great test of your knowledge.

I wish I was on holiday.
Posts: 678
Jan 05 2009, 03:55 PM

granted you are on a walking tour of gaza city.


i wish something interesting would happen


Posts: 332
Jan 07 2009, 01:55 PM

granted a cow flies through ur roof n u get squashed to death... turns out it got sucked into a tornado n was coincidently flung at 130mph all the way from the state os massachusetts.. along the way it broke the record for fastest flyin mammal and met the first alien for a whole 0.00187 seconds. it also collided and downed a jumbo jet which crashed on a desert island and about half the passengers died.. the other half survived n were rescued in about a week.. just in time to make it to ur funeral. which they came to out of the fact that they were linked to u by deaths of their family/fellow passengers by the same cow.. they had burgers after the funeral

i wish i didnt have so much time on my hands

Posts: 678
Jan 07 2009, 02:12 PM

granted, you lose your hands in a bizzare typing incident..


i wish that the next reply is just as funny as the last one

Emo Pictures - WitherdRose
Posts: 1459
Jan 07 2009, 11:09 PM

Granted but its only funny to me.... hehe cows XD


I wish I had front row tickets to Mindless Self Indulgence

Posts: 332
Jan 08 2009, 03:48 AM

granted but the singer stage dives and crowd surfs. then when he gets to u u accidently drop him out of shock of gettin to touch his ass. after this ur sent to court for man slaughter, just cos they liked the singer so damn much so had to blame sum1, n cos well they were bored that day. u see it was slow day for crime, only other case they had that day was sum1 comin in confesing they killed their flat mate, turned out the only other thing in that flat was the guys hamster, so not that big a deal. nyway, wen u r in court sum angry fans break in n attack u which hurt... a lot. but meh u still got to touch his ass (Y)

i wish i could keep comin up with these

Posts: 678
Jan 08 2009, 05:46 AM

granted  but they start to make sense and actually happen


i wish people could spell via text... i mean come on, predictive text does most of the work

Posts: 332
Jan 08 2009, 09:46 AM

granted but sum guy uses his use of txt, to txt satan himself. which then causes satan to kno how to get out of hell cos his guy that txt him was the only guy who knew the secret. but uno he thought itd b fun just to tell the big guy n see wot hapens, but satan cant read chat speak n stuff. so yehh he breaks out of hell n starts goin round killin off locals n shit. which causes them to get mad at him.. so they attack him with their secret weapon... random acts of violence, aka chavs. they beat him n he runs off bk to hell.. but they realise it was mobiles fault n ban them foreverrrrrr..... silly man spellin everythin right

i wish i lived sumwhere else than bloody normanton

Posts: 678
Jan 08 2009, 12:05 PM

granted.. you live underwater.. and therfore drown


i wish that my life wasnt a fucking wreck

Emo Pictures - scotty-boi
Posts: 106
Jan 08 2009, 01:21 PM

granted   but not ur not living

i wish i could get rid of all the chavs

Posts: 678
Jan 08 2009, 02:26 PM

granted but they are replaced by super annoying OAP's

i wish i didnt live where i did..

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18278
Jan 08 2009, 05:31 PM
Granted but most places get shit after a while.

I wish I could be bothered to make a wish
Emo Pictures - WitherdRose
Posts: 1459
Jan 08 2009, 11:09 PM

GRANTED   but i ruin it majorly and it happens


I wish I had tlaked to Mr. Depp

Emo Pictures - just_another_emo_kid
Posts: 280
Jan 09 2009, 03:58 AM

granted but he talks too much.

i wish mastadon would come to marion.

Posts: 2305
Jan 09 2009, 03:11 PM
granted but they cancel last mintue

i wish i had a friggen job :(
Emo Pictures - scotty-boi
Posts: 106
Jan 10 2009, 08:24 AM

granted  ur now a door to door salesperson

i wish kellys mum would pissoff and die

Posts: 678
Jan 10 2009, 09:27 AM

granted but kelly gets really mad at you when she finds out you made that wish.. and never wants to see you again.. karma dude..


i wish my teeth would either stop hurting.. or dissappear

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