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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Socially Accepted? Dec 22 2008, 12:53 PM
Now the term 'emo' is pretty popular and your parents probably have some idea of what is means do you feel you are more socially accepted than say a few years ago? Bear in mind even though more people know what 'emo' means these days a lot of the time all they know is false media junk. In my opinion now the term is more widespread, as a subculture/stereotype or whatver you want to call emo we have become less socially accepted.


Emo Pictures - eleventynine
Posts: 534
Jul 29 2009, 05:12 AM
o damn O.o mats done the triple .
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Jul 29 2009, 04:19 PM
I do that a lot it seems.
Posts: 20
Aug 05 2009, 02:32 PM
No one accepts you. Stupid poseurs.
Emo Pictures - xEvilEmox
Posts: 264
Aug 06 2009, 03:30 AM
Neither you, LOWLIFE!!!
Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Aug 06 2009, 04:28 AM
We accept one another even if no one else accepts us so at least we can find acceptance.
Posts: 184
Aug 06 2009, 05:13 PM
Fucking Poseuors I will kill you I swear I will find you and rip out your Gall. Find yourself a new emo site my giant floating head will gobble you all up and shit you out.
Posts: 20
Aug 11 2009, 08:00 PM
im never been accepted even before i was considered and can someone explain to me why doctorhappy is on this site
Emo Pictures - InkxCore
Posts: 17
Aug 12 2009, 06:44 AM
Hm no I don't feel more socially accepted than I've ever been, people have just grown older and more mature so they choose to ignore me instead. Although the medias, as far as I have encountered, is trying, it's not a lot though, to make a different picture on the alternative youth, but I don't know if it's more than they ever have done...
Emo Pictures - Razorblade-Cupcake
Posts: 12
Aug 25 2009, 12:41 PM
For me it depends on where i am...being in England i only get looks of disgust and mabey a few insults from chavs but people usually just ignore me...at school the "popular" people just think its for attention so choose to ignore me but my friends even though they are not stereotypically "emo" accept and love me :P However when i say with my family in Scotland its completely different...i can be just walking down the street dressed in what i would call normal clothes (skinny jeans, band-tee, converse, backcombed hair and eyeliner) i will most definately get at least 3 death threats and many objects thrown at me...though this may just be cause my family lives in an extremly rough part of Scotland...(at least one stabbing a week - just glad its not me)... But i think that the media gives us a lot of stick...mainly about how we dress and cutting...but in my school chavs are afraid of the goths so just leave them along...it does also help that a very large majority of the school year below me is what i would class as emo...:P
Posts: 272
Sep 18 2009, 07:45 AM
well were i live most ppl dont even knw wat emo is.. so im not exactly excepted by a lot of ppl at skool or out.. since i, really the only person who is emo here... but ppl at skool knw how i am so they do cuss me (slag me off) sometimes but other wise they jst let me be.. i jst take it day by day cus this is who i am and im not changing for no one and my bf loves how i am hehe... my close mates except me for it which is cool cus they got total different life styles..but i do feel alone most of the time
Emo Pictures - disaster
Posts: 104
Oct 05 2009, 05:09 AM
here in my place emo is very accepted. In fact there are thousands of them. I was the only one who's n0t accepted. Cuz the em0 cr0wd here keeps on saying ''look em0ser hahaha!'' But im n0t. I just l0ok like my dad back in his days just a little lighter. Goths here is accepted too specially in c0splays.!
Emo Pictures - xXEmo_CupcakeXx
Posts: 51
Jun 04 2010, 01:53 PM
Where I live Emo is not accepted sometimes my friends dont even accept me...
Posts: 336
Jun 04 2010, 02:03 PM
well my parents don't know i'm emo, i hide just about everything from them cause their very prejudice,they even think emos are bad and are cutters. hmmm socially accepted? well i'm kinda 50 50, half of the people i meet are scared/shun/not accepting of me and the other half is fully accepting/curious/ok.
Emo Pictures - JustMe
Posts: 177
Jun 04 2010, 02:34 PM
My parents just accepted it and moved on I guess xD My brother is sort of iffy about it all, he uses it in arguments but generally doesn't care... At school it was highly unaccepted...to the point of scary chavs threatening us...and claiming to have knives.. [funny times xD me and my mate were told not to go in to school...] and meeting chavs in parks to have it out on one another...xD But, it was mainly the chavs that disliked it... Away from school most people in my village, mainly the younger generation disike me..but not the elder generation for some reason. Theres me and two goths in our village..we rock. But all the other teens go drinking and trashing the place where as I am content with my music and walking and such xD At college, which is a heck of a long way away from my house, about 99% of the people are emo/goth/scene/punk.. and those that aren't accept everyone else. I even have chav friends ^^ Where I live its...not really old fashioned but people stand by their strict up bringing, religious beliefs. Mainly in our village it is families who have lived here for many generations and I guess my family is pretty well known and I am not the first in my family to be different xD
Posts: 42
Jun 29 2010, 02:34 PM
In my highschool, when I said I was emo, they said "and do you commite suicide?" or "emo? what's that?"... and people usually call me gothic .__.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Jun 30 2010, 12:46 PM
Some people don't have a clue! Oh and I guess you could say emo has elements of the punk and gothic culture.
Posts: 42
Jun 30 2010, 04:33 PM
They wouldn't understand it anyways xD
Emo Pictures - XxEmoRangerxX
Posts: 50
Aug 04 2010, 11:42 AM
I feel emos are definitely more socially accepted. I look around and I see more people dressing the way I do and I feel I can be more comfortable and stuff.
Emo Pictures - Bakayaro
Posts: 44
Aug 27 2010, 11:58 PM
Why fit in when you can make your own society?
Emo Pictures - krooked_sky
Posts: 3
Sep 01 2010, 08:15 AM
I think it actually depends on where you live. In Puerto Rico, emos are not really accepted at all, tho there's a lot of us. Personally, i think it's because of the whole "cutting" thing, tho not all emos do it. People run away from me, mothers hide their lil kids when i walk their way...i dont think that qualifies as being "socially accepted" As far as emos being more accepted than goths,i think its true. People see goths as more of a threat, while emos are just something to poke fun at to them...

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