No no no!
I'll keep it short and simple.
my friend that talked behind my back B_____ was getting mocked by my friends. Calling her a B____ and each of them wanting to fight her.... And one of them almost did excpet for the fact she would end up in juevy if she got another ticket H______. And the other friend was looking for her even though she also would have the same consequences. And the other one did! I_____.I was there. Lots of name calling from the whole group and exct. She cracks and is yelling. H____ looks like she is going to punch her but is restrained by a few people...
I'll get to the fighting now.
The idiotic councelor locks them in a locked room and leaves them in there ALONE. I____ puts her hair up.. So B___ does to just in case.... And I____ throws a chair at her! And there punching! Aiming for the eye. After a long time. They come out panting. and walk away outside after the bell rings. B_____ is all alone and I was about ready to cry..... No one should be hated. B____ is only taking the fall for her bff C____ so she doesn't get urt. This is really all C____ fault! And my friends keep saying they don't care but it seems to me they're more like obbsed. they talk about her like they are. And she doesn't deserve so much. hate! So many fights she's already been in! Plus, her bf is flirting with other girls and she just txted me saying that he asked T____ if she wanted to go to the beach with him. And she sai "No, that would be wrong.." and and..... betcha his going to cheat again.... And there's lots of fights in her life.
She is going to get in a fight tomomorw fer sure, as soon as the whole gang finds out about this.....
Gang? Gang! These aren't my real friends are they? They comfort me? never forget me? Help me? Never talk behing my back? But forget my feelings and emotions over things they know I hate/like.They ignore me? They only ask me something about were I want to hang-out only if they know my answer will be and they can benfit from it.
Are these my real friends? Does that make them the perfect friends? No-ones perfect..l.. But am I with the right crowed. No doubt if I try to ditch they'll probably mock me. call me a bitch. Sout stupid stuff at me. Or glare at me. want to fight me....... Hate my guts.....
what should I do?
About my friends?
And the fight?
If one fight breaks out then for the rest of the week every other day starting tomomorw, Wed and Friday. And Tuesday. They'l want to fight!
What should I do! This is ergent! I don't want to have her go through with this! She did nothing to them.... H_____ just told her one day she didn't want to be friends anymore but they day after that until this very day has shouted stupid things at her. Faught her. And all for no reason. And my other friend S____ just doesn't like her because she's competiton and she thinks she is skanky.
Well this is all BS! HELP! I DON'T WANT ANYMORE BAD! BLINK.BLINK. Gah.... they all need to just go away......