1000's of emo guys & girls!
This is the part where your dad goes off on a cold Christmas eve to get some more milk but he never comes back. tik tok, by The Midnight Beast
simply put... which is your favorite? what's your favorite band from this genre? ill start
i rly dont know but id have to go with screamo. its a hard decision......The Devil Wears Prada
it depends on which day i listen to it
on aa 'okay' day, i prefer emo
on a bad day, i prefer screamo or even hard rock or metal
just depends on my mood
i rahter like emo i not keen on scremo cos i like to listen to lyrics and well some times i cant understand them
but i do like some screamo i dont know the names tho is just waht my mates play!!!
i cant say they are the best band out there but they are pretty good.lol thnx... beatings hurt. xD