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It's the end, it's the end of prom night. It's the end, it's the end, it's the end. You're not gonna be the homecoming queen tonight The End Of Prom Night, by Snow White's Poison Bite

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXemomarkXx
Posts: 8
I cheated Mar 12 2009, 07:04 PM

I fell so bad i wish i was dead,,, i has sex with my ex behind my g.fs back and i relly dont kno why, My ex cheated on me so many times, why did i give up her,,, I promised my g.f i would never look at her agane,,, but she wont take me back,,,, im a lost lover,

I want to make it right,,, but how.

dont give up on the ones who are good to you. I did and its so much pain,

Some one pls help how can i win her back

Im to busy working to think. 


Mar 12 2009, 10:36 PM

What I would recommend is just talking to her. Tell her what was going through your head and why you did what you did. Make sure she knows how you sorry you are and how you feel about her. If she doesn't want to listen, just give her some time to cool down.

I hope everything works out ok for you.

Mar 13 2009, 05:54 AM
all i'm gonna say is "what is meant to be, will eventualy be" did you ever think it was a sign that you slept with your ex? ovbiously you still have left-over feelings for her and you shouldn't be with another girl when you still have feelings for another. it's just not fair for the other girl. what i recomend is that you just take some time to yourself and really think about what you want and you feelings. if you decide that you want the girl you cheated on back and your totally over the other girl just tell her something like "i'll never talk to her again and i'm so sorry for what i did, i took some time and thought and i want you and nobody else." and if that dosen't work than it wasn't meant to be and it is time to move on. hope this helped<3
Emo Pictures - xXemomarkXx
Posts: 8
Mar 13 2009, 06:37 AM

Ok thanl you i phoned her this morning, I told her i was SO SO SORRY and that it was the worst decision i ever made, We talked for 2 hours and wear going to meet sat night, Wear going to start from the  beginning, I have promised i will never speak to her agane as i fell thear was fellings for my ex but i did forget what she had done to me in the past.

So im hopeing it all go's well.

My advice to aney one who had been in this situation is, If the person you are with is loyale and dose aneythink for you, Thean stay with them because thay will never leet you down, so for all the lovers out ther wean you next se your partner give them a hug and say how much you love them, Because thay are the one who is going to love you forever. Never leet go what is good love is a  powerfull thing, And i realize that it dosant matter what thay do or who thay are thay will still love you, True love is a hard but a beautiful thing, And if you find it hard just remember how you felt wean you first meet.


Thank you guys for the help i would of never found out how much i loved her and how stupied i was to hurt her.

This time i wont leet her go from my hart.

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Mar 13 2009, 11:10 AM
I hope all goes well for you but some things aren't meant to be and everything happens for a reason as mentioned above. I broke up with an ex for various reasons I don't want to go into here and she took me back after some time apart. It just wasn't the same though and we didn't last too much longer. I had been with her over a year prior to breaking up the first time.

This was a while back and we have both moved on..

However it is also true these sort of situations can make your love grow stronger.
Mar 13 2009, 05:57 PM
i'm glad everything turned out well and i hope you guys stay together for a long time<3 goodluck:)
Emo Pictures - ipodman
Posts: 3
Mar 23 2009, 02:33 AM
I am happy to see that your girlfriend i so understanding and that you are allowed another chance, you so seem like your very sorry for what happened an dyou have done something that many guys would not do, admit it.

I hope all goes well in future :-)
Emo Pictures - gothikca
Posts: 2
Feb 09 2017, 05:18 AM
Just think if you really die love her why would you cheat? You wouldn't so she's not your true love .
Emo Pictures - wildchild_14
Posts: 145
Feb 09 2017, 02:14 PM
Gothikca is right. if she was your true love would have never cheated on her.

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