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Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Twisterr
Posts: 8
Just need to talk. Apr 26 2009, 01:22 PM

After being with someone for seven months, how long would it take, generally, to get over him, or him over me?

It's been about 4 weeks scinse the break up, so about a month or so. This was a guy who I was really in love with, and him in love with me he says.

Yet he is already like "I think I like someone, I wish I could make her like me." And I just do not get why in the world would he tell me that? He knows that I am still trying to get over him and cope with it. And if he is able to get over me in four weeks, then how much of it was real? He says he has been crying about it every night yet I know for a fact that he has just been going to parties and doing what he normally does even though that was why the break up happened. There are just some people that I do not understand their logic...


Posts: 2
Apr 26 2009, 06:00 PM
hey i know how you feel. i got out of one of ten months and that was because i was suicidal or sometihng like that....it took me about a month and a half to get over it...and now he says he still loves me. jeez guys can be so idiotic. but it just depends on the person how long it will take. But Im alwasy here to talk or just listen.
Emo Pictures - Twisterr
Posts: 8
Apr 27 2009, 01:58 PM
thank you. =)
There is just some testosterone out there that I guess we are not meant to understand or something.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Apr 28 2009, 04:43 AM
It really depends on the person but it is likely it'll take over a month to get over them.

A lot of the time it can be hard to move on especially for the one that was 'dumped'. Just remember there are loads of people going through the same thing as you and in time they will find someone else and be happy.

If he is saying those things to you it certainly won't be helping so try to ignore it hard as it may well be.

A lot of guys exaggerate and act like they don't care when they really do!
May 20 2009, 12:50 PM

he might of been talking about you when he said that to you? :S


Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
May 21 2009, 05:52 AM
I was in a six month relationship over a year ago now and I am still in love with her and miss her, I think I found someone else who I love more but I still think about this girl and cry over her. Some people it can take years to get over, others seconds but keep in mind if you're still talking and he's talking about liking someone it could be you or him just trying to make you jelious. Love is the most complex feeling of any, but your heart will heal at some point I promise, it may take time though hun x (sorry about my spelling)

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