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My legs are dangling off the edge The bottom of a bottle is my only friend I think I'll slit my wrist again and I'm Gone, gone, gone, gone Bullet, by Hollywood Undead

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Breakup Heartbreak Apr 28 2009, 11:25 AM
This may seem a lil weird or pathetic to you guy but anyway: like two years ago I was going out with this girl for eight months, she stole my heart and I still haven't got it back. We went out and I kept sending her gifts like jewelry and we have these keychains that link, I kept mine in the faint hope that we could remake a relationship back out of my unrequited love. She sent back her jewelry on my birthday this year and I just lost it and broke down into tears and was in my room for hours crying, I mean I don't even know why we broke up, we went through me being like seriously ill and her being really ill too and yet we split for nothing, After we split I seriously self harmed and and tried suicide, she really meant that much, but the overdose didn't work and I was rushed to hospital from school. ANyway I never seen her or spoke to her after that (not avoiding each other or anything just long distance). As you can tell she was my universe. Today she started talking to me again and I stopped self harming and I really want to again but I don't want to shun her or hurt her, I just want to tell her I love her again but I don't want to lose her. I need help...... Any one???


Emo Pictures - Pagan
Posts: 606
Apr 29 2009, 03:03 AM

you should talk to her but explain how you feel and then see where that takes you both, wait for her reply!

she may feel the same way or mabye not dont get your hopes up!

Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Apr 29 2009, 07:35 AM
she asked me to get back together a few months ago but i couldnt, i was scared to get hurt so i think she'll say no.... I dunno
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Apr 30 2009, 02:45 AM
Keep us informed either way. I think you should try and make a go of it, but like most past relationships it's not an easy situation..
Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Apr 30 2009, 12:06 PM
I talked to her today and she said she never got over me.... She keeps saying about how I said no before to her after we split from fear of getting hurt or hurting her, I'm not sure what to say about our relationship to her but on msn she ends with a kiss (the lips one) which she didnt do since we broke up till now. I dont want to imply things to her but i dont want to ask straight up. Were in different countries now but she wants to send a photo, I said yes. I don't know what to do now ............
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Apr 30 2009, 04:44 PM
Mmm I'd usually say the best action is to just get it out in the open and tell her how you feel.
However from reading about your situation I'd take things slowly chatting more in a friendly way for now.
Your going to have to tell her at some point though or it'll bug you more and more!
Emo Pictures - Pagan
Posts: 606
May 01 2009, 12:50 AM
i have to agree take things slow then if it feels right and you both want to the do it!
Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
May 01 2009, 06:44 AM
Thanks, I'll try but I dunno if I'll be able when the time comes
Emo Pictures - x_MsAngelOfDeath_x
Posts: 16
May 22 2009, 04:21 PM
If something does go wrong and things go on a downwards slope remember, sweetheart, please don't do anything rash. You helped me with my problems and now I want to help you with yours. If you need to talk to take somethings off your chest or need help because your thinking of hurting yourself,  private message me. You've helped a lot of us and now we can help you. We really care for you, sweetheart.
Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
May 23 2009, 03:21 AM
Thank you hun but I think I'll be ok. Thank you though x
Jul 14 2009, 04:03 AM
That is sad.. you spelt jewellery wrong. Boo fucking hoo. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself why don't you get up off your ass and find someone else.

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