Creeping, crawling, the noise draws closer
Darkness encloses around me, I'm alone
There is only one door, one door to salvation
But I'm slow and the door get further and further away
In the darkness beyond the door there are eyes
Eyes of hate and despise, stopping me from finding this
I want to be with everyone else, I want to be heard
Being a lone just brings hurt
I need to find a way out, out of this darkness
But the eyes behind the door are as dark as these four falls
around me
The acceptance I seek might just be darkness too
And the people on the other side might just hurt me
I think it's just best I stay alone
These four walls have always been my home
Self loathing, pain, sorrow and loneliness are their names
These are the only names I know I will never let them go
I don't want to go outside with those dark and deadly eyes
I am tired of this hurt and deception
In this dark room, I am trapped but I have protection
Protection from the worldly hurt protection form things
getting worse
Beyond the door there is a light, which to get I must fight
For happiness does not always come easy, sometimes it's a
A fight through the hurt and pain, so that I may smile once
Through the pain and hurt I rise, and crush the walls of
Through the door I run not looking back not even once
And finally I find the eternal happiness all that once
My friends learn form me, you must not suffer pain eternally
To find true happiness is a journey but it's worth it
One day you will be able to hold your head up high
One day you will be able to touch the sky
But through it all you will find,
That where there is pain there is happiness on the
other side
Stephonz May 30 2009