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Emo Pictures - Thomis
Posts: 454
My musing on Religion Jan 21 2010, 04:26 AM
Who here has faith. any catholics or alicans? or any other christianity branches, and muslims or islam or any other religions (dont take offence if i missed one :p) I'm interested to hear what people's beliefs are. personally i am not religious, i dont believe in fate, miracles or any higher existence. but i still respect the beliefs of others. i think its kinda shit how wars are fought over hey that guy doesn't believe what i believe. its fuckin stupid imo. I had a tought that the reason religion was invented (yes they are invented) was back in the day some guy or girl was pissed of how everybody treated every body else like shit and he/she though, if everyone lived by a set of rules life would be sooo much better. but they had to invent a religion to get ppl to follow those rules. and once they go enough ppl following life was better. but nowdays with life as it is, i think religion has lost its relevence, like we dont need to fear going to hell to know that we shouldn't go around stabbing ppl. i think sosiety and human morality have outgrown the need for religion. your thoughts on this please, cause i'm sick of typing :p peace out ps noo disrespect for anyone or their beliefs in my topic please


Emo Pictures - eleventynine
Posts: 536
Jan 21 2010, 05:10 AM
slighty off topic....why do Adam and Eve have belly buttons? XD
Emo Pictures - Eve_Eve
Posts: 75
Jan 21 2010, 07:31 AM
Thomis : Such a thoughtful point of view!! (at least you're thinking unlike other people) ^^ What I think that religion 1st appeared when Adam and Eve descended to earth after eating the forbidden fruit which the Satan's tempted them to eat and now because we are the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve we must avoid the Satan's Temptations in our lives in order to live happily and be rewarded by heaven after death ;and those who follow Satan will have a miserable life and be punished by hell after death. eleventynine : What a funny, confusing and intelligent question!! XD You guys are so cool!! xoxox
Posts: 14
Jan 21 2010, 08:09 AM
I used to be a Muslim, being born in Muslim country, in Muslim family, I thought Islam was correct. Whenever an Atheist would say something like if there was a god, there'd be no war, crime, evil, poverty etc. My answer to that was that god is testing us and that he will reward those who don't surrender to the evil vices, greed, cruelty, etc. As I grew up, look around and began to realise something is fucked up. I saw things and researched religions and experienced stuff that cleared my doubts. There is no true religion and there is no god. All lies and humans have evolved enough to not need religion anymore. It may have worked before but it doesn't anymore. I'm more cool with personal religions/relationship with god that some people have. Its public religion where shit starts breaking. I'm a Leveyan Satanist now. Which, lemme tell you, is NOT devil worshipping. Its outlook on life that works for some people and there are no rules, just guidelines and suggestion. Its an athiest religion. You don't worship god or Satan and don't acknowledge them and as exiting entity. Satan to me is nature within humans. It works for me. @11ty9 When you make shit up you can give your characters whatever you want. Personally I would have given 'em vampire fangs.
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1470
Jan 21 2010, 01:15 PM
sigh, i might get carried away here and type a lot. I will try to give an unbiased simple view. ^ there are similar topics on the forums. Religion is a sticky topic and persons may be unintentionally be offended by things said. As the above post said, he adopted his religion because of his community. If you are born in a country where everyone is Muslim the you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu , Buddhist, Taoist same thing etc. I'm Christian ( I refer to myself as Hardcore for Christ ). Being a Christian is a wonderful thing. * I believe that no one is perfect except God. That is why we need Him in our lives. War and violence over religion is unnecessary and I hope that would stop . Persons need to learn to live in harmony despite their differences. Although I must give credit to my upbringing and my general society for me being a Christian, at first my view on religion was immature and i grew out of many of my religious practices and just did my own thing. However, after some soul searching and some life experiences I went back to being a committed Christian and my life is great ( not perfect, but I have nothing to complain about). Some experiences can either bring you closer or farther away from God. How you choose to interpret the Bible( or any other religious book) and religion is up to you.
Posts: 14
Jan 22 2010, 04:56 AM
I gotta admit I got carried away with that Adam and Eve part. I'm sorry for that. Its when religion(s) brought up, I kinda get angry cuz I feel so betrayed by religion and god. Anyway theres another thing that annoys me. Its when religious people give all their credit to god when the hard work that THEY did pays off. This ain't good. Thats what my dad does. When he started working he was 16 and the pay was less than a dollar (pakistani currency doesn't worth much) and he worked his ass off to get where he is now. He's friggin' rich but he doesn't admit it wasn't god they just gave him all that. fuck! you see these Christian athletes on TV. They praise Jesus whenever they win. Never mention his name when they lose. You would never hear someone say "Jesus made me drop the ball" or "The good Lord tripped me over" Why? So you're saying we can't be successful without god's help and when we fuck up it has nothin' to do with god? So basically we'll just fuck up every time on our own whether or not we put effort, its god's effort that counts right? And lemme ask you this. Do you do good/moral things just because god told you to, just becuase you fear god/going to hell? I mean is it not in your heart to do good? Would you not you do moral things if you were an atheist? PS alot of those "sins" are not evil and don't harm anyone in anyway, not even you.
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1470
Jan 22 2010, 03:28 PM
^ Interesting point and Religon is a very passioante topic, something that people get very emotional about, and it is hard to discuss relgion without offending someone. That is why i usually stay away from these kind of discussions on a forum with so many mixed views on life, as some persons become unintentionally offended when certain things are said. However,I will try to give my view on what is said to share the "religious persons" or sometimes Christian, side of the story. Most persons should do things because they know it is right and not just because they do not want to go to hell. Doing things just for the sake of not going to hell is a superficial view of life and in the end persons with that mentality are fooling themselves. The theory implied by the free thinks is to do things for the good of society and not just for God.However under God's laws a person following those laws not just for the sake of not going to hell, but for the sake of doing what is right are doing things the view as morally correct. ^ In regard to giving credit to God for things, it does not do any harm at all. It is obvious that man can achieve many thing on their own. However, many persons who are religous pray to God for certain acheivements and they get it, sometimes they do not. It is all in God's will. Now personally, even as a Christian I too question the notion of "God's will". As there are times i do not want to beleive that this is "the plan" set by some maker. As things are not usually going my way at this point in time. However, i have realised that in the end things work on and i have nothing to complain about. Finally, when bad things happen to religious persons , they usually say it is God's plan, or a result of a previous action ( Buddhist believe in karma). Religious persons pray that God will help us to over come bad times, or incidences and or improve those situations or themselves personally. One can give God credit for the good things, and ask Him to help one improve the bad. However, God plays a part in the lives of those who believe in Him, whether they experience good or bad things. Hence, he is accredited for everything.
Posts: 618
Jan 23 2010, 04:26 AM
I'm not religious at all and I don't believe there is any God or higher being. There is just not enough proof to show that God does actually exist and a lot of the stuff in the Bible, well from what I have read, really doesn't make any sense at all, no logic. I respect how others feel though etc. and a really good friend of mine is a serious Christian but she still accepts me for who I am regardless of me not being brought up in a religious family.
Emo Pictures - Eve_Eve
Posts: 75
Jan 23 2010, 06:05 AM
I agree with vybz (so true)! Thanks to God I found all the answers and evidences that I need to believe in my religion...
Emo Pictures - disaster
Posts: 104
Jan 23 2010, 08:43 PM
im a roman catholic and it seems like im not
Emo Pictures - Nick-Aotmzgin
Posts: 1006
Jan 24 2010, 02:16 AM
i am not religious i dont belive in nothing except evolution..
Posts: 618
Jan 24 2010, 05:27 AM
Yeah I think I probably lean more towards evolution as well. If you think about it, it kinda makes more sense in some ways with none of these weird, make believe type things.
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1470
Jan 24 2010, 09:21 AM
evolution theory is faulty, moreover even the same scientist who believe in evolution say that some "being" " some " "force" some "intellectual thing" had to start it all. It does not matter what you call it. One can call it God, or an alien force. Something started it all.
Posts: 618
Jan 24 2010, 09:56 AM
Yeah I guess your right about some thing, being or whatever it may be, must have created everything and it doesn't necessarily have to have a name, could be nameless. There are still so many never ending questions to it all though, you can answer a question and then it will bring up a new question right away from the answer you just got! And sometimes I wonder and think to myself "But how do you know that that is how it is, or that it actually happened that way" etc. and people always seem to come up with some kinda answer and then they're like "Because it is, it just is" lol hmmm, makes me wonder a lot.
Emo Pictures - Thomis
Posts: 454
Jan 25 2010, 03:49 AM
omfg, haven't visited this post since i started it. got a fuck load of reading to do
Emo Pictures - Thomis
Posts: 454
Jan 25 2010, 04:06 AM
i find it hard to discout evolution, its proven in my eyes. adam and eve.. well i think its a story, back when people were developing there religion to govern their lives, people ask questions like "how did we begin?" and the great thinkers of the time, made up a plausable explanation, and back then it was plausable because there is so much humans didn't understand. and although i pretty much count it off as fiction, like all (as far as i've known) religious writings, its designed to give ppl an idea of how they should live their life. ps guys good to see everyone being mature and no hating. respect
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Jan 25 2010, 12:55 PM
Well I'll start with a cliche. I guess we'll never know till we die... But anyway I'm a Roman Catholic, but actually sway more towards the scientific theories. I'm pretty sure many people who went to Catholic schools follow these beliefs.
Posts: 618
Jan 25 2010, 01:53 PM
That first thing you said though Matt is true! You never know Christianity may end up being one whole great big lie and when we die, there won't be any heaven or hell. But as you said (Matt), we won't know until we're dead lol Both the Primary and high school that I went to were religious ones but there were still lots of people that went there who weren't even religious anyway or their family may have been but they didn't go along with it or whatever.
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1470
Jan 25 2010, 01:57 PM
^ sooo true guys, we never know until we die. that why I always say " Its better to live as though there is a God than to live as though there is none". If you live as though there is no God and there is none then you got nothing to lose when you die. But if you live as though there isn't a God and there is one, then that leaves you between a rock and a hard place.

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