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Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xxemolovexx
Posts: 2
Love ...... Jan 22 2010, 12:26 PM
Love seems not to want me....I dont know why! My sisters and brother think its cuz im ugly and they always say no 1 gives a shit about an ugly emo piece of shit like u! Dose any1 like me?! some of my friends say its just cuz im too hyper and loud and i never stop being a crazy wild person. but i just think there just saying that to be nice. wat do u guys think i should do?! i mean should i ignore them and move on or shout i just face the faces that im ugly?!


Emo Pictures - Eve_Eve
Posts: 75
Jan 22 2010, 02:00 PM
WTF?! Anyone who says you are ugly is a brainless piece of crap!! you are pretty hun, you really are. All girls are pretty! Love doesn't choose a person because of her/his looks or even fortune. Love is a gift, a bless from heaven. If it was destined for you to find love, you'll find it and no one will ever be able to stop it from happening. A piece of advice: don't desperately seek for love, just ignore it and move on with your life and believe me sooner or later it will come crawling to you!! :)
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Jan 23 2010, 01:12 PM
^ good advice Eve You are still young my dear, do not get all flustered about love .This is the time for you to enjoy yourself and have fun in life. :). You are a beautiful young girl and I'm sure when the time comes you will meet some nice young man who has interest in you. Like eve said "don't seek love". Love will come to you eventually. For now just relax :) I know this is the time of life that you would be looking for a boyfriend and things may not work out as you want. But at the end of it all You must Love yourself and appreciate yourself in order to know if someone loves you. Self love is the first importance one must have. :). Smile me dear and keep your head high. And remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. BELIEVE IT!
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Jan 23 2010, 03:06 PM
Your far from ugly and i'm sure you'll be in love one day.
Emo Pictures - Nick-Aotmzgin
Posts: 1005
Jan 24 2010, 02:26 AM
makeover try it quite relax and meditation i saw your pic you are not ugly..the crazyness and hyper issues , well its commen i dont mind but if its bothering you or your family reverse it and read my first tips..
Emo Pictures - TragicxDesolation
Posts: 70
Jan 24 2010, 05:00 PM
Ugly? No. And hun, if you think you are it does not matter. Love is something that isn't based on looks, but someone's feelings for another. Don't listen to what anyone else thinks because they are just trying to bring you down. WE are our worse critics.
Emo Pictures - sullen_gnome
Posts: 182
Jan 24 2010, 11:19 PM
well, hon i think you must listen to them.. they give you the best-est advice (so far, as i read ^^).. just love yourself and have some confidence.. no one in the world has been made ugly.. :]
Posts: 19
Jan 26 2010, 09:35 AM
Aaaawwww! i like you! you aren't ugleh either! don't know why ppls sayin that?! :D i think crazy,wild and hyper is very attractive! bide your time you will find someone who adores you!

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