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Beautiful you know you leave me breathless when You fall into my eyes My heart belongs to you my angel There is just no reason for you to let Life bring you down Please come with me and let me show you All Night Dance Parties In The Underground Palace, by Alesana

Emo Forums » Newbies (Reply)

SCHOOL STUDY AGAIN- EMOS Feb 18 2010, 04:40 PM


Emo Pictures - BrokenXxXDreams
Posts: 15
Feb 19 2010, 12:43 PM
1. What is your definition of an Emo? I thinks it means being yourself and not being afraid to express your own style and definately your personality :) 2. What type of music do you believe Emo’s listen to? Bands/Titles/Concerts? Um there's not a set music genre that "emos" listen to...I personally know people who vary from classical to rock to screamo and alternative...whatever music teh individual likes is what they listen to 3. Are you dressed as an authentic Emo? Um i guess. i wear pretty much anything i have and try to make it work...i love skinny jeans and just funky and comfy shirts or band tees 4. People label ‘Emos’ as severely depressed human beings. Do you fit this Emo stereotype? Well like any teenager i may have my days but i definately disagree with this stereotype that all emos are severly depressed. Actually most of us are pretty upbeat and fun people. :) 5. Where is your favourite place to hang out? Surroundings? With peers? Other Emo’s? I could be anywhere...i love being in nature when its not too cold out and if i'm with my friends, (who would be considered emo) we could hang anywhere...we have certain spots in our school that are ours and no one else goes there :P 6. How do you style your hair? Is it typically an ‘Emo style’? Do you use colour? I like to straighten it but i have naturally curly hair so sometimes when i have a shower in the morning and i don't feel like drying it i just leave it curly. I think it is pretty unique actually but it would be considered an emo style. i love funky random colours, right now i have some black, brown and blonde with a coontail. 7. Do you think Emo’s come from upper class, middle class or lower class lives? Why/Why not? whatever class you are considered to be in doesn't factor in to whether you are "emo" or not. It is a personality thing and you don't need a lot of money to buy the clothes or do your hair...i go to secondhand stores and get my friends to do my hair :P but if you show your personality and consider yourself emo you are just yourself and it doesn't matter how much money you have. 8. Did people react to you choosing to belong to the Emo youth subculture? –Family/peers/work or school mates? I explained to my mom what i think emo is and what i stand for and she totally respects that. I tell her about the stereotypes and i assured her that most aren't true. I haven't actually told my dad 'i am emo' but he still likes who i am, upon entering high school my friends changed, and now i have a lot of great friends who love me for who i am, other people at school do label my friends and i as emos but not in a bad way. they'll just say "oh I'm gonna go hang out with the emo kids" but most of the time they just leave us with our circle of friends, which is quite large. 9. Do you believe technology plays a big role in Emo’s lives? –Internet sites/cameras/ipods? Well i know that i love my music and i want to be able to hear it all of the time! and the computer has lots of fun stuff too but i honestly don't think we use technology more than other teenagers. 10. What do you believe are the characteristics, features, aspects of the Emo culture for an individual to be called an Emo? Well being yourself and expressing who you are no matter what people think or say. just ignore the stereotypes and stand above the crowd. Music and poetry may interest them because of the beauty adn ability to share stories and express youself. Art is also pretty common. I've found that a lot of us are very creative and social as well. Obviously the look is kind of big when it comes to toher people viewing you as an "emo" but you can look toatally "normal" and still consider yourself emo or stand for the things you believe emo is.

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