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Shadows growing in my mind Ones I just can't leave behind I'm not strong enough to pay this ransom One more monster crawled inside But I swear I saw it die Faceless, by Red

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - XxArtsy_Emo_KidxX
Posts: 33
Losing my best friend over love Jun 28 2010, 01:40 AM
hey guys, i need some help. I fell in love with my best friend, and as it turns out, he loves me too, my parents though, wont let me go out with him, due to an incident that i dont really wanna put up here, but anyway they wont let me go out with him. I told my best friend i couldnt go out with him, so we agreed to have one last day together as a kind of couple, the day of the green day concert. It was a great day, less than a week ago now. My problem is that since green day, hes barely spoken to me at all, and when he does talk to me, he gets really upset with me, which i can understand, but he keeps leaving me to be the strong one through all of this, im hurting too but i dont think he realises. I think im losing my best friend, id rather have him as my friend than nothing at all, what should i do? should i leave him alone or something?? i just dont know ><


Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Jun 28 2010, 03:38 AM
Sinéad he loves you still and it's tearing him apart, you may need to tell him you're hurting too before he accepts it because he may already know. The truth is this could be permanent or temporary, he loves you and in his head he may be fighting to be your friend but loves you, this makes him or at least would me, want to put a little distance between you, just until the feelings die down. If I was you and was still in love I would try a secret relationship, or be friends who have a thing and never go out with anyone else. He's hurting, you are too. With a guy, or at least me, you can't just be friends when you think/are in love.. It could be time to say good bye but hold on and ask hime to go out just you two, drag him out if you have to; stay as close as you can and he may come around, just think and keep in mind he may be pushing you away because he wants you closer. Love is the most complex feeling anyone can feel, you can't just say lets be friends, you may have to try again and break off the relationship slower like medication. Love releases so many hormones and chemicals he could be experiencing a hormonal imbalance or even psychological difficulties. Love is a hell of a lot more than just feelings especially when it's deep, it's a psychology, it's hormones, it's the way you plan your future. You may not know what's going on at the moment and if it is to do with chemicals and hormones he may have no idea. Be patient and stick close.
Emo Pictures - XxArtsy_Emo_KidxX
Posts: 33
Jun 28 2010, 03:42 AM
Thanks a lot chris, that really helped me to see things from his perspective a little more, thanks so much
Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Jun 28 2010, 03:47 AM
You're welcome, if you need to talk PM me an I'll try to help.
Emo Pictures - XxArtsy_Emo_KidxX
Posts: 33
Jun 28 2010, 03:54 AM
im goin away for a couple of weeks on friday, should i try and talk to him more before i go or should i wait until i come home and give him those couple of weeks to himself??
Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Jun 28 2010, 03:57 AM
I'd talk and tell him how you feel a bit or it may get worse, he could misconstrue it as you abandoning him... Talk and explain whats happening with you and going away, try and gradually build your relationship back up to what it was before.
Emo Pictures - XxArtsy_Emo_KidxX
Posts: 33
Jun 28 2010, 03:58 AM
ok, i'll talk to him this evening, thanks for all the help, can i PM you after i talk to him? if im being annoying just tell me lol
Emo Pictures - xXxChrisJWxXx
Posts: 1546
Jun 28 2010, 04:35 AM
ofc you can hun, dun worry abaout it really
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Jun 28 2010, 12:40 PM
Well Chris has given great advice. I say talk to him and don't leave it too long. Also I agree on "I would try a secret relationship". However if I knew about the incident I may change my mind.

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