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Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

Posts: 70
incomming pope...... Sep 16 2010, 12:34 PM
today was the day when the pope came 2 the UK. i was a bit intrested what he was going 2 do here and in the end all he came here to do is complain about the non-relgious ppl and ppl who arnt catholic and the gays and the ppl who got devorsed and stuff. no1 really whanted him here. most ppl where prosterters and i dont blame them. just cus a normal guy is comming 2 the contry, dosnt mean we all hav 2 go catholic. all he did was tell us how bad at relgion we r but, guss what? WE DONT GIVE A FUCK. its anoying how much time, money and effort is put into relgion (catholic waste most money). every1 goses mad and it takes over there lives. i mean, its ok for ppl 2 hav a litle bit of faith but u hav 2 remember there is a be4 life as well, dont waste it worrying about the arfter life u dont even no will be true. 2 be honest, i hate the whole idea of relgion but i no i cant change any1s mind so i guss the world will stay that way D= Now the pope is gone, i hope he stays gone.


Posts: 10
Sep 16 2010, 01:45 PM
Fuck, I forgot to protest ¬.¬ Wait I couldn't miss any of the first week of college for that anyway, I'll defile a church to make up for it =P I hate religion too bro, it shows that our brains aren't as amazing as we think; intelligence comes with superstition, a fear of death, a desire to follow instructions/the crowd to avoid making your own important decisions.... Dw the population of atheists is rising, especially among younger people, maybe one day the religious will be the minority =] Btw, advert for a catholic dating site or something at the bottom of your topic, just to piss you off
Posts: 11
Sep 16 2010, 03:11 PM
The religious are already the minority. That's what the pope was going on about. Calling the UK an athiest country....which we are I guess. Don't get me wrong, I think religion is great...each to their own whatever makes you happy sorta thing. But when that moron comes over here running his intolerant mouth after wasting millions of pounds of taxpayers money. Please, fuck off. Now get the hell of of the UK you fucking pious moron. Also, his advisor who called us a third world country, please get and education and come back. And no the bible doesn't count, clearly we'd all be falling off the end of the world if we listened to your bullshit. Rant over :)
Posts: 493
Sep 17 2010, 08:52 AM
I hate christianity and most of the people who are part of it, and i would go on another anti-christian rant, But fuckers like them aren't worty of my words. No, definately don't worry about christians, those guys make fun of themselves. Everything they do is hypocritical, which I would imagine is because they base all their preching and beliefs on a book that contradicts with itself in so many ways, it's just fucking ridiculoes. When a churchy starts giving me cheek, I could pull out any phrase I wanted from that stupid fucking book of theirs( which, judjing from the actions of myself and them, I have studied more), But all I really need to say is: " judje not les ye be judged" hahaha! Ignorant, moronic people ¬.¬
Posts: 19
Sep 17 2010, 09:41 AM
the pope can go die ¬_¬ come on god! smite me!.. omg im still alive!
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Sep 17 2010, 11:10 AM
Well I don't hate religion or the Pope, but I doubt his visit will make any difference...
Posts: 10
Sep 17 2010, 12:23 PM
@gm YouGov poll in 2004 found 35% of the population in the UK is atheist, 21% agnostic, so only just the majority if you include agnostics.. Which I would actually, I'm not even against theism, just organised religion. This 2005 study found only 16% of the world's population is 'nonreligious', so the religious are the majority if we're talking worldwide =/ http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html Eh, we'll grow out of superstition eventually...
Posts: 11
Sep 17 2010, 01:48 PM
I don't trust global statistics tbf, they're far too unreliable. But I don't think you can go against organised religion, especially in third world countries, it gives people hope which they wouldn't have otherwise. Don't get me wrong, I don't approve of the majority of crap they do...especially the jihad. As far as agnostics go I think we're all agnostic in a sense...because if jesus actaully physically appeared and proved himself to be real and all the workings of the bible to be correct what kind of athiest could say...you're not real? My main belief is in democracy, freedom of religion and of speech so people can believe what they want. Even if it does seem like complete bullcrap.
Posts: 10
Sep 17 2010, 02:18 PM
Fair nuff, but they must get a vague approximation at least.. And I guess so, they can abandon religion when their population isn't starving to death =P Nah, atheism is disbelief, and I don't believe so fuck agnosticism. Well if agnostic means 'without knowledge', technically we're all agnostic atheists, if only because the question of god's existence is an unfalsifiable hypothesis.. And the bible can't all be literally correct anyways XP
Posts: 11
Sep 17 2010, 03:46 PM
Agnostic is like...waiting for proof of God. And if god kicked me in the balls i'd be fairly inclined to believe he is real. Even if he was a huge douchebag in the old testiment. Cheers god, you're an asshole.

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