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Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
The bad situation in Egypt :'( </3 Feb 03 2011, 12:56 AM
Well i am sure that a lot of u have heard about the riots and so on in Egypt lately and yeah well i wish i could be there to yeah help the poor and the ones that r badly hurt :''''( but i can't because i have NO money at all at the moment myself :'/ well i am sending my hope and love to them and i know that they can be strong the ones that are against Egypt's leaders! <33333 Be brave people <3333333 :* And yeah because that i have a heart of gold then i have never really been into buying a lot of fancy stuff my own family isnt rich <3 and i am happy to have been getting the education in life that i have been given and the love from my dad that i have been given he has learned me a lot <333 he is helping people in Sweden in need of social and economic care <3 and he is a person with a voice for the poor and small people <3 and he often writes articles here in Sweden that goes into the newspapers <3 and he is political too.. liberal and i am that too :D well it runs in my family on my father's side to help people in need :D . And.. i live around wealthy people but i have to work hard to get nice things and if i get over excited over getting aa new pair of converse(which has been a dream for me too get , because i rarely get nice things :]) then just let me be happy for it.. <3 I just say this there's more important things to care about than just materealistic things , and think about the people around you .. homeless people for example.. if they wanna talk with u talk with them... because that kind of talk daily can make a big impression in how their day will be.. you may not think so but it can do so i know that from my own experince... show kindness and love :] And yeah i spent my new year's eve i Victoria Station in London due to some unfortunate events with bus transfers but waas i sad? yeah a little but in the end did i learn something that it is hard to be homeless and i talked to people that were homeless while i were there and that made me realise and think about things differentely after that day :] I try to learn from my bad experinces and make them good and to help other people to learn things for my own bad experinces :] and yes i am always putting others health and problems before my own , and i am always up late at night helping people with their problems :D and i am happy to do so .. i have helped people since i was one years old .. relatives have told me so :] So yeah i dont care about stuff i care about the people the human beings that we really are and the nicest thing i can ever get from another being is but a smile :] and yeah my future job is to help people in a creative way <3 And i know a lot of u will not have the patience to read all this but you who does that thank you and i hope that i made you realise some things and maybe made you think some things more throughly in your life :D Keep spreading the love people it will not get unnoticed <3 x


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