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Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xxBlakexxBobcatxx
Posts: 142
Why Does Everyone Think I'm Ugly? Mar 13 2011, 01:30 PM
The question is the title. Any answers?


Posts: 2153
Mar 13 2011, 01:35 PM
No one is ever ugly everyone is beautiful in there own way and to call someone ugly is just heartless and stupid. Usually even though people dont believe it people usually call others ugly because they are jealous of features you have that they dont but they dont want you to know that they dont want to show you their weakness so they call you ugly. Dont listen to them your beautiful :]
Posts: 3
Mar 13 2011, 05:12 PM
Dont care what everyone sayes. you gotta be a strong person. and not let what people get to you. they are all just bitches. you are a beautiful person and dont forget that :)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Mar 14 2011, 03:35 PM
Your not ugly. End of!
Mar 15 2011, 02:30 AM
defo not !!!! xx
Emo Pictures - Coco-Ice56
Posts: 34
Mar 28 2011, 12:07 PM
a good quote (cheesy but true) 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' its really true it just depends on what the person who is looking at you thinks is beautiful just think no-one can please everyone and dont worry yourself tryin to dnt listen to what they say and focus on the people who are nice too you :) sorry about the sheer cheesyness of that btw xx
Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Mar 30 2011, 02:26 PM
Because you're not smiling :P Everybody loves a smile ^^
Posts: 896
Apr 07 2011, 05:04 PM
you are not ugly, your indeed very pretty :) and forget about other people's judgments...who are they to judge? and try not to let it effect you at all.... its not about looks anymore it's personality that is the key! Everyone is beauty in their own unique way..and yeah sure you may not be the prettiest but, you are likely the one to have the most sweetest and biggest heart :) keep smiling and beauty will show through ^_^
Emo Pictures - YourPerfectWeapon
Posts: 141
Apr 08 2011, 04:48 AM
First of, you are not ugly :) Second, those people who call you ugly doesn't know what they're saying. Nobody is ugly in this whole wide world. You're ugly, why? 'cause you're chubby? Naah, that's not it. Believe me, you are not ugly. They're just insecure or something like that so yeah.. :)
Emo Pictures - JojoCupcakeKillerrxD
Posts: 1222
Apr 11 2011, 04:35 PM
You know... I don't think i've ever looked at anyone in my life and immediately thought "ughh! they're ugly!" People who do that are so shallow and cold. I hate people who put others down to feel satisfied. You're beautiful. Don't ever listen to anyone that tells you that ever again! And I know that no one can help but look into mirrors and see flaws. If that's what you do, don't. Look at only the beauty. I myself look in the mirror and sit there and try to perfect everything... honestly I look in it and think "my face is so messed up..." But I've come to see that others don't always see those flaws. The people that truly love me don't see it. Whatever flaw you think you have, discard it from your mind. You are beautiful. And remember that we all love you :)each and every one of us loves you

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