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I may not have been what you wanted me to have been for your firstborn. Do they mourn my life, or celebrate my death? In a Place of Solace, by Silverstein

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - SkyeSKULLFACE
Posts: 27
Where Art Thou, Mr. Right (Or Right Now?) Mar 16 2011, 12:21 PM
I've just gotten out of a relationship with someone that I thought was absolutely perfect, the "one", you know? Things didn't work out due to distance and he ended up straying into someone else's bed. Now I'm alone, again, and even though I want to be with someone (eventually, not right now), the only people interested in me are those that I would NEVER consider... There's also the factor of my son to consider. I have to know that they will treat my son as well if not better than they treat me. Guys come and go but my child is my world, you know? What should I be doing to attract the right type of people towards me? I want to find someone who likes the same things as I do, someone I can feel sexually, intellectually, and emotionally attracted to... Is that asking too much?


Posts: 2153
Mar 16 2011, 12:52 PM
Well im sorry about that but everything happens for a reason right ? Jsut get out there and mingle with people when you find someone you think you could be attracted to mentally and physically lay down the law say what need and want some men will leave and walk off their the type you dont needin your life, others will find it attractive and respect you for it and those are the guys who will treat you and your son with respect. Just date the guys and if things are looking good after about 3 months maybe then introduce them to your son dont let them in straight away, letting them in later will reduce hurt for your son if something goes wrong. Love is found in the most unexpected places and love finds you, dont look to hard or you'll miss what your looking for :] Hope this helped ^^
Emo Pictures - SkyeSKULLFACE
Posts: 27
Mar 16 2011, 01:11 PM
Yeah, thanks for the insight. ^_^
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Mar 19 2011, 10:17 AM
As I'm sure you know some people will be cautious to enter a relationship because you have a child. However there are still loads of guys out there that would love to be with your and your son :]

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