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im scared to get close, I hate being alone. I long for that feeling to not feel at all. the higher I get, the lower ill sink. I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim Can You Feel My Heart, by Bring Me The Horizon

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Posts: 45
Dream date Mar 20 2011, 01:15 AM
So you've finally managed to meet someone to go on a date with: what are they like and what are you gonna do together? For me? Maybe a walk somewhere in the countryside, taking pictures as we go, maybe go for a meal so we can get to know each other and afterwards a rocking gig where we can drop all the nervousness of being on a date and just go with the flow of the music :)


Emo Pictures - 8r0n70
Posts: 281
Mar 20 2011, 01:27 AM
I feel summer and sun is a must be, a walk along a lake, or just sitting by a quiet lake talking, and rounded of with something geeky, as I would like her to be atleast somewhat geeky, like arcades, playing some games on xbox or something, or just making out with Discory Channel in the background :p
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
Mar 20 2011, 02:33 AM
"just making out with Discory Channel in the background :p"- haha lol on that quote made me laugh xD hm my dream date would be like walking in park,forest, cemetary or on just on the beach in the summer and maybe have a picnic and just chill and get to know each other or in the winter sit inside near a fireplace and just drink some hot chocolate and cuddling and so on :D x
Posts: 464
Mar 20 2011, 09:26 AM
Hmm...Well, the person I'd go for would HAVE to like cemetaries because I like to picnic there and chat with some old friends. An all day thing: How's about a stroll around the mall, a trip to McDonald's or Taco Bell (I'm a cheap date and have simple tastes, haha) and then a raging concert??? Yes. The. BEST. DATE. EVER. :D Walk me to my door, tell me this was the best day ever, and kiss me, kaithankx.;) I think...Maybe... I'm lame. :( Or just low maintanance! :D
Posts: 2153
Mar 20 2011, 10:12 AM
Hmmmm just have a laugh and mess around. Laughter can make a date in my opinion :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Mar 20 2011, 10:33 AM
I'd like the best of both worlds so on a nice sunny day we'd go for a walk and picnic somewhere special then go to some rock bars/clubs on the night.
Emo Pictures - XxXSouuXxX
Posts: 85
Mar 20 2011, 02:05 PM
well if the boy looks like Andy sixx nothing else matters xD I'm kidding... or not ... well, if I really like the boy... I don' really care what we'd do as we can stay together alone...

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