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The devil is real. And she's not a little red woman with horns and a tale. She can be beautiful, because she's a fallen angel. And she used to be God's favorite doesn't matter, by AHS

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Posts: 44
That Idiot. . May 14 2011, 02:00 PM
Hey everyone, so my best friend has been acting like a jerk as of late. He told me and Keri he had to patch things up with his girlfriend before he could hang with us again. But the thing is, he completely stopped talking to us. He never text me anymore and he refuses to talk to Keri. Even his brother thinks hes being an a**. We use to talk and hang out all the time, he use to care about me and keri. Now he cheats on his girlfriend and doesnt even talk to us. I feel as though I lost my best friend :( I've tried to talk to him but he blows me off. I've given him the space he wanted without question. But now. . . I just miss my old friend, the one who thought of us as twins. . . I dont know what to do. Like I said, we use to be so close, but now he's so distant. Keri and I miss our old friend. . .


Emo Pictures - EmoDancerLol
Posts: 169
May 14 2011, 10:25 PM
I'd just start by getting him alone sometime in a low pressure hang out sometime and telling him what your thoughts are. If he doesn't respond accordingly, maybe it's time to move to a new friend despite how hard it can be.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
May 15 2011, 01:20 PM
Sadly friends come and go. Hopefully with a bit of time things might get back to how they were though.
Emo Pictures - darknaturedchick
Posts: 1
May 15 2011, 03:18 PM
trust me i know your pain, (though my 'used to be bestie' is a girl and happens to be VERY tempermental) i've just learned that they talk when they talk, they act like a butt when they want too, and they'll open up when they need too but until then, just go with the flow of things and dont let it get to you that much because when your 40 years old and looking back on your school days, things like this seem almost meaningless. STAY STRONG CHICKA! hope it helped!

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