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How stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away? Or just a gentle reminder that now are better days. a prophecy, by Asking Alexandria

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Posts: 146
Am I Crazy? D: Jul 09 2011, 04:55 PM
I had a discussion about some random topic on a youtube video and got a mail from this guy afterwards so i decided to reply in my own creepy dark way xD hope it's not too dark D: SharnOfTheDEAD :hey dude You seem like a nice guy. And not often you get to have a adult conversation! But i do understand what you are saying. but there are always two sides to the coin. society is pretty messed up atm, with everyone trying to find a identity instead of just being themslves. Some people just need that tlc to set them off in the right direction. the girl in the vid has embarrised herself in public, staged or not, it does make me wonder what its all coming too. I don't like seeing it, heck even that rebecca black song ok it was bad, but the things people were saying were just plain wrong. Me: Maybe you think so, but that's not my mindset, im dark, attracted to darkness, people come to me and give me contracts, more than that i cannot say. My mindset is The righteous deserve to live, the rest deserve to die. I have had my psychological issues when i took pills. Rebecca Black deserved everything that came to her, why? because what she did was a mockery to REAL artists, music shouldn't be about fun, that's comedy. Music is about passion, love emotions, expressing oneself in the most creative ways possible, open up be serious and be a realist. The world is dark, life is hard, and it is supposed to be, could you ever imagine an easy life? Yes there are always two sides of a coin, but there's always a side that's cleaner than the other. I'm anti-capitalistic, because capitalism makes people chose money instead of people. I am a nWo fighter, a freethinker if you will. My way of thinking is not restricted by authority, dogma, or false proposed facts or morals. We are overpopulated, an unknown dies and you read it in the paper what she went through, you wouldn't be affected. The minority for the majority am i right? The world is sick, there's nothing to do about it because most people are unwilling to change. Boys act like they act because most are nervous, we don't show that much emotion and compassion as girls because as children we are thought that a man is strong and the girl is weak, that's how it was in the dark ages. Why are people unwilling to change? because dogma and tradition is limiting how they dare to think, which makes it harder for people to evolve. Of course they try to find an identity, who doesn't. Would you rather be forgotten or do you want to be remembered when you die? I know the answer " remembered" who want's to feel like their life was meaningless, that it was all random? I know i write alot and that this might change how you look at me, but im not dumb, i know what i'm doing i scored 137 on the IQ test we had in Science. Finding an identity is part of being yourself, look at it as a sort of RPG pc game. You make a character, but you also want it to be something. Everybody can't be original, there is a limited way of living and thinking. And when we are 7 billion people on earth, it's quite hard making something of your own. I see you are into emotionalism, if you know what that is. Emotionalism is a philosophic viewpoint where one stand neutral to most arguments because "it is right for some and wrong for others therefore it's neither" if i remember right, it sure seems like it. The people commenting bad stuff about Rebecca Black has a reason to, it may stride against your teachings of moral ethics, but yours stride against theirs. It's an endless battle, it's going to last forever, and there's little to do about it. If people like the girl in the video were smart they wouldn't go out in public with it. that's the dumbest thing you do, it lies in human and every animals instinctive ways to pick on the weak and damaged. Believe it or not, it does. I am nice to people who deserve it and a jerk to people who doesn't deserve my attention. how can i choose who you might ask. I do with my mind, simple as that. It's survival of the fittest, not survival of the fattest. Yes I am a Darwinist, problem? Society has always been messed up, that's why i created the brotherhood of the black wolf, to clean up the mess. Take out any world leaders who are corrupt, kill people who intoxicate and destroy society. You might look at it as cruel and say all people are worth the same. I could agree, but that strides against how i concluded it. You are worth as much as you think yourself. I am sorry for the long message, that may include alot of off topic jibber jabber. If i am, sorry for that, hope you don't go too crazy reading what i just wrote, because some take what i write the wrong way because it's not considered to be "what everybody else does" SharnOfTheDEAD: Possibly one of the most awesome inbox messages i have recieved! Im fucking glad i had a chat with you. Yep i'm not restricted by religion either! Its all BS i used to be dude, one or two things i personnely experianced changed me big time, i still try n be a good person though, but i know i am not a perfect person (no such thing) Heck i can be a dick at times, but dude with that message it has opened me up to think more! Rebecca black proberly did deserve the shit, but she dun need to kill herslef, shes more a victim of her own doing. perhaps im not as harsh as i could be, but seriosuly i say is through gritted teeth, i hate that fucking song and that the fact she did it. Dude, heck gotta say it, you made me think, yep the world its a dark glum piece of shit, but there is always that glisten of light for those that strive for it. And Man doon't be sorry! Heck its not often you meet someone who expresses true sincerity which you have! Its been cool chatting with man, i like to hear other people opions on things etc. And you wasn't a dick at all, you have very strong thoughts and feelings dude and hold on to them! I have learned a few lessons. It has been a pleasure and again thanks for the message!


Posts: 176
Jul 10 2011, 02:02 AM
wow that took a long time to read! But i'm glad i did because its very deep and well written. you aren't crazy, just a deep thinker and i respect that as there are billions of different perspectives on the world and its good to get yours across. :)
Posts: 834
Jul 10 2011, 04:57 AM
Oh. My. God. Hail Lasse!! xDD No, seriously, you're awesome v.v
Posts: 493
Jul 10 2011, 10:29 AM
I think most people would call that crazy, just 'cause it's not normal. XD This worlds greatest minds have always been "crazy"! :D
Emo Pictures - JojoCupcakeKillerrxD
Posts: 1222
Jul 10 2011, 01:20 PM
I don't think you're crazy :D *has already read this before* xDD
Posts: 464
Jul 10 2011, 04:52 PM
No, I don't think any of that is crazy. Like others have said, what 'normal' people deem as such, it is usually because it is just thinking that is ahead of its time. Sadly, society; wilist it can be in theory 'destroyed,' will only reshapen. It is up to the ones in charge to make it better.
Posts: 146
Jul 11 2011, 03:51 AM
Sadly as human is easy to manipulate, so are the world leaders. MuDvAyNe actually got me into this, they were talking about Solve Et Coagula which means something like destroy and rebuild, or something. They've made lyrics that is based on how fucked up humanity is and how delusional free will and freedom of choice is when it comes to politics. To quote them "Let's Go Elect Another God" and i think that, by that they say we put to much trust in those we elect, we trust them to clean up the mess while not thinking that they are just regular people like you and me. If you want, you should check out their lyrics: http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858793770/ we the people http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858502208/ The end of all things to come http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858504290/ Solve et coagula http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/5150/ Prod http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858541087/ Choices http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858487663/ (Per)version of a truth oh, also. thx guys ;)
Posts: 464
Jul 11 2011, 04:15 PM
Yeah, I agree. I just meant that the people who 'destroy' the society must reshape it to their liking or else it would be all for nought. I don't think that it is up to the 'leaders' because like you said, they are just people. I just meant that if you don't like something and you change it, you better change it to the way you want it. :)
Posts: 146
Jul 12 2011, 06:59 AM
The Black Wolf Now Contains 5 People **EDIT** I've also heard from people that, i am totally crazy and should go to a psychiatrist or therapist ***EDIT*** I also think about writing a book about my thoughts xD
Emo Pictures - Opheliac_x
Posts: 178
Jul 12 2011, 11:37 AM
Anyone who can write like that is classed as 'crazy.' But crazy means mentally deranged, demented or insane and you, sorry to disappoint sir, are not. These days people tend to assume someone is 'crazy' because they talk about or like unusual (not the social norm) things. I believe people should pick up a dictionary and think about what they are saying.

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