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Emo Pictures - Ash_Blanket_xox
Posts: 6
Thougths on Parents hitting their Children <3 ?? Jul 22 2011, 05:59 PM
Hi, well after the summer I've to do this Solo Talk in English class on an allicated topic - which for me is Should parents be hitting Their Children? - and I was wondering I could get some advice/points from you guys that I could use in my talk, I would really appreciate it <3 xx


Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Jul 22 2011, 10:36 PM
Well my mom was physically abused my my grandfather, he actually had her pinned down on the floor with a gun to her head... and my mom's slammed me up against a wall and tried to choke me several times... I don't like the Idea of abuse, but every little kid needs to be spanked a few times (not abused) , if not then they'd grow up with no disipline... you can't sit a 2 year old in time out and expect them to know what it means... it doesnt actually hurt them unless you hit them really hard, it just hurts their feelings
Posts: 464
Jul 23 2011, 12:28 AM
I agree, I don't believe in abuse, but I believe in disipline. A spank here and there if neccessary is okay. Maybe a smack of the hands or mouth will do a kid good, as long as excessive force isn't used. I was raised 'old-school' (none of that 'get down to their level and COMPROMISE bullsh*t) I was raised this way, and I have respect for my 'rents. I don't fear them, but I don't dare cross them. Your parents can't be responsible AND be your friend- But they can be nice and friendly. Some people don't know the difference, and they think they can let their kid get away with stuff. Yeah, there are alot of psychological studies on physical disipline, but I don't think it does harm if used CORRECTLY. :) Don't get me wrong though, time outs and stuff are effective, but I'm not totally against some light physical disipline.
Emo Pictures - Ash_Blanket_xox
Posts: 6
Jul 23 2011, 05:03 AM
I agree aswell, I was spanked a couple times and Shouted at...and parents shouldn't be Slapping, punching, kicking, shoving them etc (like some do) just to get respect & dicipline - it can result in the child being scared or hating their parents, there are other methods such as; telling them what might happen if they do it again, taking away belongings for a set amount of time etcetc...I just have no Idea what to put down into a talk...:/ And, @nikkiwest - tried to choke you O.o, would you not report something like that?!?
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Jul 24 2011, 05:07 PM
She's bi-polar and I'm sure I did something to piss her off... my family isnt the friendliest and I don't agree with "spanking" teenagers, anytime my mom would spank me after I reached the age of about 12 (not that she does anymore) itd just make me more pissed off and more rebelious, take away my phone or iPod and your going to get my attention a lot faster... but you can't do that with little kids, around the age of 2

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