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Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

Posts: 29
Is Intolerance Ever Acceptable? Jul 25 2011, 09:35 PM
I've been coming on this site for a while, mainly just to chill out and chat preferably with people of a more mature nature after a long day of doing whatever I've been up to, however I've come to notice something that keeps popping up almost every single time I'm on here. It pops up in a huge variety of ways but intolerance just keeps appearing and so I come here to ask is it ever acceptable? A quick explanation of what intolerance is just in case someone doesn't know, but it's essentially just a lack of common decency and not thinking people should all be the same, Nazism in a way I suppose, whether it be having a different opinion or a different colour of skin intolerance can be almost anything. I suppose in a way this rant is intolerant which is kind of a paradox. So to quickly clear things up I'm not saying people shouldn't have the right to be intolerant, but there's a time and a place to do it and on a chat site for people of all different backgrounds and beliefs is not one of them. So I figured in reply to all the hatred towards our fellow man I'd create this thread allowing people to explain when they've been a victim of intolerance and give them a voice allowing them to share what their opinions and beliefs are, negative and positive opinions don't exist so be as truthful as you want, let the world know the real you. P.S. Yes I know that the guy my profile is named after is insanely intolerant, but that's irony for you.


Posts: 146
Jul 25 2011, 09:37 PM
OMG VARG i have 2 witnesses and i've sent a letter to matt about your complete mental behaviour in the chat
Posts: 29
Jul 25 2011, 09:43 PM
So I'll guess I'll start off with myself as a rough idea of what to post. As you can probably tell I'm not exactly an emo, truth be told I'm not a fan of emo music or the emo culture in general. However that doesn't mean I don't like emo's, it just means I'm not a fan of the culture. I see the world unclouded by hate and prjudice, people carve their own lives and identities, not their music or their fashion sense, it can help guide them but it never completely shapes them. If anything I grew up a metalhead and being as stubborn as I am have remained that way for 19 years, I've pretty much always had long hair, dressed in baggy clothing and looked somewhat scruffy, it's not the music that makes me do it, it inspired me but it never forced me to do it. It of course meant that I got abuse hurled at me and to this day still do but I never let it bug me, if I did then I'd end up hating myself and then I'd probably change and to what end? So that others are happy at my own despaire? I think not! Another thing is my religion, I mean it's not exactly a major religion or really a religion at all and how I take it isn't how it was taken over a thousand years ago but the teachings still stand and I like to follow them. I may not believe in God's but what's to say there is no God, I may not believe in certain teachings but if someone else does then good for them, at least it shows they actually have something there. Needless to say if people want to judge me on being a crazy metal viking then let them, they'll be the ones missing out, not me and if people ever want to try and make me change they can try but they won't get anywhere. I am mine and if I can't be my own I'd feel better dead.
Posts: 29
Jul 25 2011, 09:46 PM
Don't turn this into an argument on here, this is for tolerance, I kept what you and your witnesses said saved and have offered to send it to Matt with the entire chat log so you can either delete your comment or you can continue to try and argue and I can post quotes. Take the chance now because I'm really not in the mood for any more of your disgusting attitude of killing all people who have a religion and especially the parts about wishing me and my entire family dead...
Posts: 146
Jul 25 2011, 09:53 PM
I nevet ever said that, nor do i want that, you twisted all the words that were there and i'm not removing it, you said it is intolerance to question religion but not the other way around, so no, it still stands. You know aswell as i do tht your points are as valid as dust
Posts: 29
Jul 25 2011, 09:58 PM
I offered to do this is a polite and adult manner, but I suppose you want people to see quotes. I also never said it was intolerant to be an atheist, but saying that all religion leads to war and that all people in religion should die is intolerance. 21:33:44 ‹Voltaire› muslims aren't people 21:34:25 ‹Voltaire› Varg, don't defend something as sado-masochistic as the bible 21:39:56 ‹Voltaire› Varg, you don't preach tolerance, you preach bullshit 21:43:14 ‹Voltaire› i'm going to ask matt to ban you
Posts: 146
Jul 25 2011, 10:02 PM
i said, muslims aren't a race, a people as in a race. omg, you twist the words as much as you can, don't you? where does it say that i wanted them to die? huh? where? you didn't ask politly you acted like a psycho in the chat. My two witrnesses against your word, we'll see. Why don't you post everything varg? instead of taking things out of context?
Emo Pictures - JojoCupcakeKillerrxD
Posts: 1222
Jul 26 2011, 09:33 AM
So Varg, are you suggesting that we don't ever express our opinions? communist.
Posts: 834
Jul 26 2011, 09:51 AM
This HAS come up a lot of times in the forums. Intolerance is something that you have to learn to ignore, especially on a site like SoEmo, which is becoming more and more popular as we broadcast it on other sites. People will always judge Emos, Juggalos, Metalheads, Skaters, Punks, Goths, Skinheads, etc. Because when they hear those names, it brings about a negative connotation. And what humans don't understand, they fear. And when humans fear something, their first instinct is to lash out at it and show that being 'different' is wrong. Intolerance is not good. But sometimes you have to respect the opinions/beliefs/morals of others just like you'd want others to respect your own. But honestly, Voltaire's an amazing guy with some reallyyy interesting points. Please don't fight :O
Emo Pictures - JojoCupcakeKillerrxD
Posts: 1222
Jul 26 2011, 10:09 AM
Look, I don't know ANYBODY on this site who is racist. In all honesty Excuse the expression but I think Varg is just getting his panties in a wad Sorry couldn't help but say it :)
Posts: 146
Jul 26 2011, 10:15 AM
Jojo, are you posting just to reach thousand? xDDD CHEATER D:<
Emo Pictures - JojoCupcakeKillerrxD
Posts: 1222
Jul 26 2011, 10:19 AM
Pshhh that's not the only reason I'm posting ^^ D:
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Jul 26 2011, 12:08 PM
Well to be quite honest, Varg you can't use big words like that because people like me can't follow them... Can't you two just get along and not argue, if you don't like each other then don't talk to each other... Muslim isn't a race but they are people, if your going to quote things you need to get the whole story... not that I know that story because I wasnt there...
Oct 29 2011, 04:52 PM
Yes this old and yes I don't know anybody, but Varg is absolutely right in what he's saying.
Posts: 435
Oct 29 2011, 07:36 PM
I didn't really want to get into this even when i first read this when it was first posted but that last comment really makes me want to comment. I agree with nikki. If you don't like each other then don't talk to eachother. Stop causing drama. And I think Varg should have gotten his facts straight before posting the log, and I think Voltaire should have explained himself while in the chat because it did sound like he meant that Muslims aren't people.
Posts: 1726
Oct 30 2011, 05:28 AM
wot aload of fucking bull shite it's like being in the school play ground. up people make me laugh
Posts: 896
Oct 30 2011, 07:58 AM
muslims are people because i am one of them...and please stop posting things like this...lets just all live without drama in our lives. :)

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