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And you will never be okay, as some will say. If purpose buried everyday, as some will say. Lies that lead you to the grave, as some will say. your revolution is a joke, as I will say.. Your Revolution Is A Joke, by Funeral For A Friend

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Posts: 113
Religious Argumentation Time! Aug 06 2011, 03:13 AM
is this allowed? cuz i wanna have a religious argument.


Posts: 146
Aug 06 2011, 09:19 AM
It is allowed but i wouldn't recommend it. I've been in alot of religious debates online and elsewhere and do not recommend trying, it get's you nowhere and splits the page. I myself as a New-Atheist has no respect for religion what so ever but i understand that some may want to believe it. My only problem is that too many take their faith personal and think that the religion is their personality. And probably alot of people on here call themselves Christian or whatever but are theists. A Theist is a person who has a belief in God and Intelligent Design but is not bound to any organized religion. As said, i advice not to. **EDIT** Also you have the Mormons and Scientology..... WHICH BOTH are founded upon real fictional books, No not holy books, but regular fiction/sci-fi books.
Posts: 493
Aug 06 2011, 09:35 AM
*reads title and rubs hands together, smirking* Creationalists are ghey!!!! etc etc xD retarded ass dogma, f00lz!! SCIENCE!! And so on so forth. :P
Emo Pictures - anaNmcr
Posts: 86
Aug 06 2011, 10:46 AM
I think I'm a theist then. I believe God is real, but I do not worship him. I don't consider myself a cristian at all. Plus, I have my own theories about evolution and God...
Posts: 113
Aug 06 2011, 01:45 PM
Christianity and all similar religions such as Catholicism were invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity. The powers of the mind and soul are very real. People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies. And yes:) I chose to argue against the most common religion in America:) The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as "evil" to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge. Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually.
Posts: 146
Aug 06 2011, 03:53 PM
Catholics are Christian, the three main types of Christianity is Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. There is no soul, what people call soul is your brain, the brain controls everything from emotions, feelings, muscles, nerves, senses to consciousness. Also people who worship Satan i get because, Satan "the fallen angel" stood up against the tyranny and sadism of God. Just look at the old testament in the bible, why would people worship that? Powers of the mind works, just look at what Hitler did, he was very good with words and managed to lead so many under his will. Do I believe in energetic powers? Yes i do, because electricity, fire, plasma and alot of other things are proof of that. I find it ridiculous that people today believe that the world was created in 7 literal days, and that mankind started with a man made of soil and a woman made of rib with a magical tree and a talking snake. Isn't it odd that it was the apple that was forbidden? Apple as in fruit of knowledge? Also I do not believe in any kind of spiritual power either. The notion of ghosts derives from ancient tendencies towards animism, the practice of anthropomorphizing non-human objects. It was also likely formulated as an effort to come to terms with death, and to commune with one's ancestors. Once ghost legends were initially imagined up, confirmation bias - the inclination to see what we want to see - took over, and perpetuated the phenomenon in human culture. When considered without wishful thinking, the idea of ghosts is filled with logical holes. For instance, why are reports of ghosts less numerous in cities that have been inhabited for many thousands of years, such as many in the Near East, than in those established relatively recently, such as less than 150 years ago? We would expect the opposite to be the case. Why, despite the existence of millions of video cameras for at least a couple decades, has no one ever captured a convincing video of poltergeist activity? Why is all the evidence for ghosts purely anecdotal? Given an observed tendency to believe in ghosts even in the absence of any personal experiences whatsoever, and the lack of any videographic evidence that can be authenticated, it seems extremely plausible that ghosts are not real. Scientists have proposed various explanations for why people believe in ghosts. Among them are sleep paralysis, the feeling you get when you wake up in the middle of the night, can't move your body, and feel a nearby presence; infrasound, which is too low to be audible but can still be felt subtly with the body and can cause a feeling of dread; and the existence of "orbs," ghost-like videographic relics common to all forms of artificial image capture. Because believing in ghosts is a fun thing to do, many will continue to believe for quite some time, despite the shakiness of the evidence. A 2005 Gallup poll found that 32% of American adults believe in ghosts. However, the exponentiation of cheap video cameras seen in recent years, coupled with image analysis software, will keep piling the burden of proof on believers in ghosts, until eventually, all credibility in the notion of ghosts will evaporate like a specter in the fog. I like how pretty much everyone who's posted that they believe in ghosts starts like this "Ghosts are real. I'm 10 years old and i see them." Not to sound like a jerk, but children have extremely vivid imaginations, so how can we use anything they have to say as credible information? I've never seen anything, never heard anything, never felt anything. The only people I know in real life who believe in ghosts, are extremely strange people who have obvious emotional issues and usually have suicidal tendencies. Also another note is that every person who has tried to tell about their "meeting" with ghosts or spirits. Have lack of reliable proof and research. They heard something downstairs "Ghosts". A Book fell off the shelf "Ghost" automatically without even bother checking it up. Also a girl thought that there were a ghost in the cinema, because she saw it sitting in one of the chairs. Checked it out and explained to her that the thing she saw was a reflection of the camera lights tossing a figure down at the chairs and out of chance and angle it hit that exact chair. It disappeared once the camera lights were off. She replied with saying i was irrational and needed to open my eyes. I just find it funny that people who believe in these stuff always say that you need to open your eyes, when they are the ones who shut them for reality and logical thinking
Posts: 834
Aug 06 2011, 03:58 PM
Wow Lasse.
Posts: 113
Aug 06 2011, 04:04 PM
"Isn't it odd that it was the apple that was forbidden? Apple as in fruit of knowledge?" The one known as Satan created us and designed us. He intended to bring us knowledge and make us as the Gods, but he was prevented from doing so and cursed by some of the other Gods. We did not evolve naturally, as opposed to animals who have overall better health and immunity. Satan wished to bring us to perfection, but some of the other Gods wanted for us to be destroyed after the mission was over and since we were becoming an issue, they attempted to let us all drown in the flood. During early development an embryo enters a stage. This stage under a microscope looks just like an APPLE. This is known as the "Torus Stage." The shape is called a "Morula." Every single form of life goes through this stage. This is the "apple" that was written about in the Garden of Eden. This is where Satan went against the other Gods and gave us more advanced genetics. The "breath of God" is the soul. The chakras are the psychic energy centers that are activated by BREATHING in certain ways to enable the Kundalini to ascend. When the Kundalini Serpent ascends, enlightenment/Godhead is achieved. The Tree of Life is Ancient Egyptian in origin. It is actually a pattern, either upright or upside-down for the genetics of life. It plugs into the Flower of Life that has been inscribed upon so many walls in Egyptian temples and also in the pyramids. The Flower of Life is the blueprint for every living thing. Most people either study physical science or the occult knowledge. Not very many study both. This is where people would benefit, by studying both, for in the end, it all comes together.
Posts: 113
Aug 06 2011, 04:06 PM
Also, the christian god is evil, and not Satan or Lucifer before his fall. Proof comes from the bible: Deuteronomy 12:27: "And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."
Emo Pictures - anaNmcr
Posts: 86
Aug 06 2011, 04:20 PM
"with a magical tree and a talking snake." okay that made me laugh. XD I guess Adam and Eve were on weed or something.
Posts: 146
Aug 06 2011, 04:22 PM
Well yeah, but that's your belief not mine. And I Don't really care to discuss it either :P I chose to stick to The Laws of Nature and Physics and to Real Science.
Posts: 464
Aug 06 2011, 04:23 PM
It's not a good idea because most of the people who defend Christianity are retarded and don't actually know crap about it. All they preach is hate and blah blah blah 'oh, it's God's will.'Which is totally not what its all about. I guess I affiliate with the Roman Catholic Church, but many of its beliefs are too conservative. I'm liberal. I believe in the true message of peace and love for everybody and a God who stands for that. I also heavily believe in science. I'm not sure if that makes me a simple theist or not, but I kinda like the idea of a sparkly zombie-Jesus...
Posts: 146
Aug 06 2011, 04:27 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA sparkly xD ^ she's really smart btw xD
Posts: 113
Aug 06 2011, 04:28 PM
ah a catholic, that brings up sexuality:) Sexuality, which is the primary aspect of the life force, automatically came under intense scrutiny by the church. Orgasm directly stimulates the kundalini serpent the base of the spine. The creative energy needed to produce another human life can be used to revamp one's life force which advances and empowers one's soul. Obviously sexual activity could not be prohibited, so fear was used to place it under strict regulation. In the xian religions, especially the Catholic Church of old, all sexual pleasure was sinful and prohibited by the church. Intercourse was only to produce children and nothing more. Nakedness became a sin because it led to lust. Masturbation was another "mortal sin." Anything that had to do with the raising of the kundalini was severely attacked by the church. The sole purpose of the Christian Church was for the removal of knowledge and nothing more.
Emo Pictures - anaNmcr
Posts: 86
Aug 06 2011, 04:31 PM
How do you know all of this, xXDominickXx?
Posts: 113
Aug 06 2011, 04:34 PM
I love to study religion, that is how. I even wrote my own book on religion, which i could probably post here, but no one would read it.
Emo Pictures - anaNmcr
Posts: 86
Aug 06 2011, 04:37 PM
I Would read the book. I love reading about religion and history.
Posts: 464
Aug 06 2011, 04:41 PM
...I'm not sure how Catholisism brought up sexuality, but I agree with your belief that religion breeds ignorance. Many of the religious leaders are power-hungry idiots who have taken 'God's law' into their own hands. Even to go as far as edit the bible to their liking. In fact, many words are translated wrong; For instance, the whole notion of homosexuality as a sin. As far as I checked, LOVE is not a sin. But people edit and made the bible say it, so people believe it, when in fact 'lay' with another meant rape. Whole sections of it where in fact eradicated. Who knows what the original messages were now? ...Which is why I take it upon myself to be educated. I'm not blind follower. I wish more people where like me, to be honest. Not that I think I'm better or anything... Just more...Smart. Bad choice or words, I know. But you get my point.
Posts: 146
Aug 06 2011, 04:41 PM
I love reading things from people like Stephen Hawking, Nietzsche, Christopher Hitchens, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris...etc Also Agree with FlamingBlackSkull
Emo Pictures - anaNmcr
Posts: 86
Aug 06 2011, 04:46 PM
I also agree with FlamingBlackSkull
Posts: 113
Aug 06 2011, 04:51 PM
You said ud read it, so imma post it xD SATANISM Here is the TRUTH about satanism, and not the lies you have been convinced. Read this through and you will see this. Satanism is not a "Christian invention." Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions. Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities. Satanism is not about "evil." Satanism is not a "reaction to Christianity." Satanism is not about death. True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity, which was our True Creator intention. We know Satan/Lucifer as a real being. We know Satan to be the True Father and Creator God of humanity. We know "Yaweh/Jehova" of the bible to be a fictitious entity, and the people behind coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of humanity and the masters of lies. This is evident in the many contradictions within the Judeo/Christian Bible, revealing this text to be the work of human beings who had occult knowledge and infused it with power to make it credible, and to incite fear in order to control. We are law abiding. We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27: "And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh." We have found Satanism is the original religion of humanity. We have done our research. Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years. Christianity was a reaction to the original Pagan religions, labeled as "Satanism" meaning "enemy/adversary" in Hebrew. Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity. The powers of the mind and soul are very real. People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies. The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as "evil" to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge. Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually. Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry, and free thought. Spiritual Satanism supports the separation of church and state. Satanists do not push Satanism or prosyletize. Spiritual Satanists acknowledge science and believe everything of the occult/supernatural to have a rational scientific explanation. We believe humanity has been held back dangerously in this area due to the hoax of Judeo/Christianity and its relentless attacks upon science for centuries. We practice power meditation to advance spiritually and to elevate ourselves. Power meditation is as essential for the human soul as food is essential for the human body. The serpent, a symbol of Satan represents the firey kundalini force coiled at the base of the spine, which upon ascending, transforms the human mind and soul to a much higher level of understanding and ability. This is the true meaning of "Raising the Devil." The Serpent symbol of Satan also represents the DNA helix of life. We work directly with Satan. We believe each and every person who is willing and respectful can have a personal relationship with Satan. There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism; the Ministry is here only for guidance and support. We take our tenets and practices directly from Satan himself. For far too long, enemies of Satan such as the Christian churches have been at liberty to dictate lies concerning Satan and Satanism. These lies have been the foundation of occult crimes and other heinous acts that they indirectly promote. True Satanism has been actively and zealously suppressed for centuries and many out of ignorance believe lies about Satan and react accordingly. Spiritual Satanism is a life loving religion. Satan accepts us as we are, but guides us to advance ourselves to where we evolve to a higher level. Spiritual Satanists are free to live their lives as they choose- responsibility to the responsible. We live by natural law and encourage everyone to develop themselves to their fullest extent. We know we “save” our own souls as opposed to claims of the Nazarene saving anyone. Satanism is based upon the true transformation of the soul through power meditation. The Nazarene is a fictitious entity, whose identity was stolen form some 18+ crucified Pagan Gods, such as Odin, who hung from a tree and is nothing more than a tool to keep humanity under the control of a chosen few. The Nazarene has been used in Christian masses and services as a substitute for a human living blood sacrifice, revealing their true purpose. The Judeo/Christian religion is a vicious hoax on humanity of catastrophic proportions. For a hoax to succeed there has to be a lack of knowledge on the part of the victim. The Christian religion and its cohorts actively suppress knowledge and free thought, encourage people to be slaves, and never advocate or teach anything for the betterment or advancement of humanity. As opposed to the stories of how the Nazarene healed people; Satan shows us how we can heal ourselves and perform so-called miracles, using our minds and the powers of our own souls. Through empowering ourselves, we have confidence, self-respect and achieve spiritual advancement and independence. Spiritual Satanism places no limits on developing the powers of the mind- known as "witchcraft" or "magick." We believe in justice and just as martial artists are versed in the uses of Dim Mak and other aspects of physical combat, Spiritual Satanists are versed in the Black Arts of "magick" should they ever need them. People who are unaware of these powers are defenseless against them, and the powers that be know this all too well. Satan does not tolerate injustice. Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them. Spiritual Satanism advocates individuality, liberty, and independence. It is obvious that Satan is not the "deceiver of humanity." His followers have been few in number and he doesn't need copious amounts of wealth, power and control to keep his followers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SATANISM: FOR THOSE WHO ARE NEW Unfortunately, the Christian Church has prevented much in the way of freedom of the press and free speech, especially for those of the left hand path over the years. Satanism is a major threat to many who wish to retain control and power as Satanism places this control and power in the hands of the common man/woman. Satanism has been deliberately suppressed and followers have been severely persecuted. Enemy religions have been free to promote their own lies and horror stories about Satanism to keep people away, using a lack of knowledge and fear. This has lead to much ignorance and confusion concerning Satanism and has had a most unfortunate effect on many who have had misunderstandings or no one to answer their questions when seeking the left hand path. Satanism is a VERY spiritually intense religion. For those of you who were raised in Christian homes, or were atheists, this intensity of spirituality can be surprising or even come as a shock. Other religions are spiritually dead; in other words, nothing happens, and on the rare occasion something does, it is of a weak nature. Most right hand path religions are based upon stolen and false practices. As opposed to Christians who pray and keep praying with no answers, Satanists get blatant answers and I don't mean twenty years later! Many of us have had similar experiences as Spiritual Satanists, but as we are all individuals, experiences will vary, and what one person may experience, another may not. For those who are new, here are some of the things you can expect: Strange and frequent coincidences, usually of a positive nature. Voices that may give you good advice or inform you of something you didn't know or something that will happen. Vivid dreams, especially if you have been studying a lot about Demons. Usually these dreams aren't negative, just vivid and intense. Many things happening early on can be stimulating and exciting. Remember this is something new and can take some getting used to, as you are establishing strong, permanent spiritual relationships that will help you immeasurably. Now, at some point, usually when you are feeling somewhat confident, Satan will more than likely show you what is wrong with your life. Satan knows everything about us and where we are headed by our actions, lack of initiative or whatever the case may be. If we are doing something that will have a detrimental effect on our lives down the road, he will let us know, BLATANTLY. This can be bewildering and even downright frightening to some, especially with all the lies and false horror stories spread by the enemy for centuries. There is no cause for alarm. He is only getting onto you because he cares. Sometimes he will send a Demon to direct us, as he did with me and I am to this day, deeply grateful. The Demon might get strict or do whatever will get you to listen up and change. NEVER WILL SATAN OR HIS DEMONS TELL YOU TO DO ANYTHING HARMFUL OR DETRIMENTAL TO YOURSELF OR OTHERS! These kinds of experiences come from Christian angels and other entities that have nothing to do with Satan or any of the Demons. Always remain open. If you are having problems understanding something or are confused, you can ask Satan to help you and he will. Remember, ALWAYS show respect and reverence for Satan and our Demon friends and they will reward you with much wisdom and knowledge that outsiders will never have. The so-called "supernatural," is a part of our daily lives as Satanists. This is something positive. Satan will reward you with a sense of spiritual and inner strength that will pull you through anything. Psychic gifts begin to open to us more and more, along with confidence and deep understanding. In finishing, it is important to keep a strong positive attitude and don't listen to bullshit stories told by those who know nothing about Satan, or Satanism. Dark blessings and may your journey on the left-hand path be rich and rewarding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HIGH RANKING GODS AND CROWNED PRINCES OF HELL There are four great God powers who rule Hell; Satan, Beelzebub, Astaroth and Azazel. Satan is the most powerful and Ruler over all. Gods of great rank and power assist only their confidantes and intimate friends. Ea/Enki (Satan), Enlil (Beelzebub; the original 'Baal'), Inanna (Ishtar, Isis, Astaroth) and Shamash/Utu, Ashur (Azazel) were the four most popular, powerful and notable Gods throughout the world. They were the Original Gods of Mesopotamia. All are related. Beelzebub/Enlil is Satan/Ea's half-brother and Astaroth and Azazel are twin brother and sister, the grandchildren of Beelzebub. SATAN For too long, so many lies and so much misinformation have been spread about Satan. Many of us have seen him, have conversed with him, and have even been astrally touched by him. Nearly all of us who know him agree concerning his appearance. RHP religions have for far too long, written the book on how they believe him to appear, how they believe Demons to look and these are nothing but blasphemous lies. He is not red with horns and a tail, nor does he look like a Halloween monster. He does not have flaming red eyes or rubbery wings. These depictions are intended to insult, denigrate, and blaspheme him. Contrary to Satanism being labeled as "darkness," Satan appears wearing a long white robe identical to what he is shown wearing in the images below. Many of us see him often and have a very close relationship with him. He is beautiful. His Day is Monday. His Colors are Blue, Red and Black He is the Sumerian God EA, also known as ENKI which means "Lord of the Earth." He is also known as Melek Ta'us. Animals that are sacred to him are the Peacock, the Serpent, the Goat, the Dragon and the Raven. His numbers are 2 and 11 and 4. (666 is symbolic of the Age of Aquarius when he will rule again). His Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer and Capricorn, the Goat. His Planets are Uranus and Venus (the Morning Star). His Directions are both South and East His most Important Day of the year is December 23, when the Sun is one degree into Capricorn. Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac and the first degree of this sign makes eleven. The day following the beginning of the Winter Solstice is his Personal Day, which should be observed by every dedicated Satanist. (This was dictated directly from him, personally). SATAN CREATED HUMANITY The one known as Satan created us and designed us. He intended to bring us knowledge and make us as the Gods, but he was prevented from doing so and cursed by some of the other Gods. We did not evolve naturally, as opposed to animals who have overall better health and immunity. Satan wished to bring us to perfection, but some of the other Gods wanted for us to be destroyed after the mission was over and since we were becoming an issue, they attempted to let us all drown in the flood. During early development an embryo enters a stage. This stage under a microscope looks just like an APPLE. This is known as the "Torus Stage." The shape is called a "Morula." Every single form of life goes through this stage. This is the "apple" that was written about in the Garden of Eden. This is where Satan went against the other Gods and gave us more advanced genetics. The "breath of God" is the soul. The chakras are the psychic energy centers that are activated by BREATHING in certain ways to enable the Kundalini to ascend. When the Kundalini Serpent ascends, enlightenment/Godhead is achieved. The Tree of Life is Ancient Egyptian in origin. It is actually a pattern, either upright or upside-down for the genetics of life. It plugs into the Flower of Life that has been inscribed upon so many walls in Egyptian temples and also in the pyramids. The Flower of Life is the blueprint for every living thing. Most people either study physical science or the occult knowledge. Not very many study both. This is where people would benefit, by studying both, for in the end, it all comes together. ASTAROTH She was known to the Canaanites as ASTARTE, to the Sumerians, she was known as INANNA, to the Babylonians, she was known as ISHTAR to the Assyrians and the Akkadians, ASHTART, ASHTORETH, ASHERAH, and ASTORETH, to the Egyptians, ISIS, ASHET AND ASET, to the Phoenecians, she was known as TANIT-ASHTART and ASHTAROTH. Her Ugaritic name was ANAT. Zodiac Position: 10-20 degrees of Capricorn December 31st-January 9th Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles (Azazel told me the Ace of Cups) Planet: Venus Candle Color: Brown or Green Animal: Cobra or Viper Metal: Copper Element of Earth Rank: Grand Duke of the Western Regions of Hell; Crowned Princess Astaroth is a Guidance Councilor for both Demons and humans. She deals in mostly human affairs Astaroth rules 40 legions of spirits and is a Day Demoness Astaroth is also The Treasurer of Hell Astaroth is a very ancient Goddess. She has been with humanity, as have Satan and Beelzebub, since the beginning. Astaroth is Beelzebub's granddaughter. Her parents are Ningal and Nanna. She has always been very popular, much loved and revered in locales where she was worshipped. Because she has been with us since the beginning, she has been known by several different names as she has been the Chief Goddess in many different areas and cultures. She has been known as a Goddess of fertility, love and war. "Astaroth appears to with a very an immense Aura, it is a very soft blue color, not soft in terms of strength, but soft in a sense of beauty. Astaroth’s energy is invigorating and comforting; it is truly beautiful in every way. She has long Golden Hair; she is quite tall and was surrounded by a vibrant white-gold. I feel her most when I make the connection During the Invocation of the Four Ruling God powers of Duat. And she is always there to guide me when I feel lost or I am struggling. Her voice is very powerful, Astaroth-sama is very caring, but she is very clear and concise when she is directing me. She helps me so much and I am so thankful to Her for everything. Hail Astaroth-sama! - High Priest Vovim Baghie AZAZEL AZAZEL aka ZAZEL, SAMYAZA, SAMYAZAZEL, SHAMGAZ, SHEMYAZA, SHAMYAZA, SHEMIHAZAH, SHAMASH (Babylonian), UTU (Sumerian; The Shining One),* SAMAS (Akkadian), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Assyrian), SHAMIYAH (Hathra), SEMJAZA Zodiac Sign: Capricorn/Aquarius (both 1-10 degrees) Tarot Card: Ace of Swords Planet: Saturn, the Lunar South Node (Dragon's Tail) Candle Color: Blue, Black Metal: Lead Element of Air Symbols: The Eagle and the Scorpion; the Faravahar (see below) Number: 20 Rank: Chief Standard Bearer of the Infernal Army Azazel works directly with Satan He is in charge of top security in Hell. From High Priestess Maxine: I know Azazel well and am very close to him. He is a very high ranking and important God. He is 7 1/2 feet tall, very strongly built with light blonde hair that is past his shoulders and flowing. He has piercing bluish grey eyes. He is very powerful and dedicated to Lucifer. He expects 100% and can be serious and strict. He closely interacted with and educated humans in ancient times. **AZAZEL IS NOT PAIMON as some of the grimoires of abuse claim. They are both different Gods. Azazel is a Prince. Paimon is a King. Azazel is very high ranking; VERY close to Lucifer. He says he is around 60,000 Earth years old. Although there are a few accounts of Azazel's being married to various Goddesses, this is inaccurate. Azazel took a human wife some 10,000 years ago. "Azazel appears to me with an incredibly vibrant green Aura, identical to the Color of the Heart Charka. He is strict if you are not doing what is required of you, but he is very friendly and understanding - especially if you are going through bad times like psychic attack or bad planets. Azazel-sama has helped me and guided me so much, I remember when I was going through some really bad planets and the when things got to the point where I felt like I was going to crack, Azazel-sama reassured me and made me feel that I was making Father Satan, Him and the Gods Proud and that the Bad times will pass. I am so thankful to Azazel!" Hail Azazel-sama! -High Priest Vovim Baghie Azazel is a grandson of Beelzebub (Enlil). He is the twin brother of Astaroth. Both he and his twin sister Astaroth are the children of Beelzebub's son "Sin/Nannar" and Sin's wife "Ningal." Both Azazel and Astaroth have always been very close. BEELZEBUB BEELZEBUB is also known as BAALZEBUB, ENLIL, BEL, "PIR BUB"* BAAL ZEBUL and BEELZEBUTH He is also known as the Goetic Demon "BAEL" Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Aries March 21st-25th *(March 21-30) Tarot Card: 2 of Rods (From Azazel) Candle color: Black Plant: Fern Planet: Sun (From Azazel) Metal: Iron *(Gold) Element of Fire Rank: King Bael is a Day Demon and rules over 66 legions of spirits. Those who are close to Beelzebub know he is Enlil. This is from him personally. Enlil was the original "Bel" which later evolved into "Baal." "Baal" means "Lord," "Master" "Baal the Prince." Beelzebub/Enlil was a very popular and well known God who had cities named after him with the prefix "Baal" all over the Middle East. Most people who have studied the occult know he is very close to Satan and they both go back to the "beginning of time" here on earth; Enlil and Enki. He is Father Satan's half-brother. Along with his brother Ea/Satan and Astaroth, he wound up in the grimiores as one of the Crowned princes of Hell and labeled as "evil." "Baal Zebub, the healing god of Ekron, later became one word--Beelzebub--which came to represent evil and idolatry in the New Testament of the Bible." -Excerpt taken from- "Syria" by Coleman South, 1995 Beelzebub is best known as the God of the Philistines, He ruled over the city of Ekron. He is second in command to Satan. The Ancient Philistines worshiped Him under the name "Baalzebub." Beelzebub is "Lord over all that Flies". Wherever he was worshipped, he was known as God of the weather and meteorology. He also controlled the airways when the Nephilim came to Earth. His name was perverted by the Hebrews to mean "Lord of the Flies." Beelzebub takes care of infighting between dedicated Satanists. Satan wants unity and Beelzebub enforces this. He can be very strict as Satan does not approve of dedicated Satanists cursing each other. Beelzebub is the Patron of all of the Orient (Far East), Martial Arts and Asian Culture. He was Prince of the Seraphim and He has a raspy voice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE SIX CHIEF GODS OF HELL: AGALIAREPT Rank: GENERAL Agaliarept reveals secrets and unveils mysteries. His subordinate Demons are: Buer, Gusion and Botis. High Priestess Maxine; my experience: Agaliarept wears his jet black hair Egyptian style, shoulder length. He is olive complected, very tall and strongly built. He is rather quiet. ASMODEUS /ASMODAY aka SYDONAY Rank: KING, OVERSEER OF GAMBLING HOUSES IN HELL. Asmodeus was of the order of Seraphim and he carries the title "King of the Demons." He governs the many realms of pleasure. He prefers to be summoned bareheaded (without a hat or head covering) and he teaches the arts of astronomy, arithmetic, geomancy and craftmanship. He answers all questions, discovers and guards treasures and gives the ability to read others thoughts. He confers invisibility, and can break up marriages/relationships. High Priestess Maxine (my experience): Asmodeus has a human Mother and his Father is a God. He has jet black hair with a braid down his back, and is olive complected. Asmodeus is extremely courteous and very much a gentleman. He is soft spoken with a smooth voice. Asmodeus is a very pleasant Demon. FLERUTY Rank: LIEUTENANT GENERAL Fleruty has the power to perform any labor during the night. He can also cause hail stones to fall in any place. His subordnate Demons are: Bathin, and Eligos Fleurety has a golden aura with gold guilded wings with white feathers. He is muscular with a fair complexion. He has long curly blonde hair that is below his shoulders. LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE Lucifuge is also known as "Tarchimache" and "Focalor" Rank: King (from him personally to a disciple) Candle Color: Black Plant: Wild Rose He has control over all of the wealth and treasures of the world. His subordinate Demons are: Agares, and Margas. High Priestess Maxine- my experience: Lucifuge Rofocal assists those who are newly dedicated to Satanism. He is patient, polite and soft spoken. He has a bald head. He wore a robe of bright shining silver with gold highlights. He is rather quiet. He has a deep voice and a slight accent. SARGATANAS Rank: BRIGADIER MAJOR Sargatanas is directly under Astaroth's command. He can open all locks and transport anyone anywhere through astral projection. HE Confers invisibility and bestows skill at lovemaking. His subordinate Demons are: Loray, Valefar and Foraii. **Sargatanas has beautiful golden wings and wore a red robe dusted with gold. He has long blonde hair and light blue eyes and fair skin. He was very quiet.- HP Maxine SATANACHIA Rank: COMMANDER IN CHIEF Satanachia has profound knowledge of all the planets He has power over all women and girls and he provides animal familiars. His subordinate Demons are: Prulas, Amon and Barbatos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So much has been distorted, warped and perverted by enemy religions. Here is the original meaning of Daemon/Demon- Daemon: "In Greek myth, an intermediate spirit between men and Gods. Daemons such as the one who guided Socrates act as councilors and guardians to human beings." Another definition from Encyclopædia Britannica, 1973 edition: "A general Greek term for a supernatural power. As early as the Hesiod, the dead of the Golden Age became daemons, and later philosophical speculation envisaged these as lower than the Gods, but as superior to humanity. The Christians therefore attributed the actions of the Pagan Gods to daemons, identified as fallen angels." With the coming of Christianity, the Original Pagan Gods were blasphemed as monsters. The above quote from the Encyclopædia Britannica claims that Daemons are lower than Gods. This is partially true in that some are human hybrids [Demi-Gods] who have become both spiritually and physically immortal and have what is called "supernatural powers." The Demons of the Goetia are all Original Pagan Gods. Some such as Asmodeus are Demi-Gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OTHER DEMONS (ORDERED BY RANK) 1. King Bael 2. Duke Agares 3. Prince Vassago 4. Marquis Samigina 5. President Marbas 6. Duke Valefor 7. Marquis Amon 8. Duke Barbatos 9. King Paimon 10. President Buer 11. Duke Gusion 12. Prince Sitri 13. King Beleth 14. Marquis Leraje 15. Duke Eligos 16. Duke Zepar 17. Count/President Botis 18. Duke Bathin 19. Duke Sallos 20. King Purson 21. Count/President Marax 22. Count/Prince Ipos 23. Duke Aim 24. Marquis Naberius 25. Count/President Glasya-Labolas 26. Duke Buné 27. Marquis/Count Ronové 28. Duke Berith 29. Duke Astaroth 30. Marquis Forneus 31. President Foras 32. King Asmoday 33. Prince/President Gäap 34. Count Furfur 35. Marquis Marchosias 36. Prince Stolas 37. Marquis Phenex 38. Count Halphas 39. President Malphas 40. Count Räum 41. Duke Focalor 42. Duke Vepar 43. Marquis Sabnock 44. Marquis Shax 45. King/Count Viné 46. Count Bifrons 47. Duke Vual 48. President Häagenti 49. Duke Crocell 50. Knight Furcas 51. King Balam 52. Duke Alloces 53. President Caim 54. Duke/Count Murmur 55. Prince Orobas 56. Duke Gremory 57. President Ose 58. President Amy 59. Marquis Orias 60. Duke Vapula 61. King/President Zagan 62. President Valac 63. Marquis Andras 64. Duke Haures 65. Marquis Andrealphus 66. Marquis Cimeies 67. Duke Amdusias 68. King Belial 69. Marquis Decarabia 70. Prince Seere 71. Duke Dantalion 72. Count Andromalius ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SEXUALITY Sexuality, which is the primary aspect of the life force, automatically came under intense scrutiny by the church. Orgasm directly stimulates the kundalini serpent the base of the spine. The creative energy needed to produce another human life can be used to revamp one's life force which advances and empowers one's soul. Obviously sexual activity could not be prohibited, so fear was used to place it under strict regulation. In the xian religions, especially the Catholic Church of old, all sexual pleasure was sinful and prohibited by the church. Intercourse was only to produce children and nothing more. Nakedness became a sin because it led to lust. Masturbation was another "mortal sin." Anything that had to do with the raising of the kundalini was severely attacked by the church. The sole purpose of the Christian Church was for the removal of knowledge and nothing more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUMMONING A DEMON The most important thing you can do is forget everything you have been taught about Demons from sources that are hostile to Satanism. There is nothing but misinformation from most of the readily available and most popular writings. Following the instructions written in most grimoires is not only wrong, but can be very dangerous. My own experience with various Demons is that they are very proud and being respectful is very important. Recently, several High Priests and High Priestesses performed energy work with many different Demons including all of the Demons of the Goetia. All 72 of the Goetic Demons have been freed and many more. We found the true identities of most of these Demons. Many have used different aliases in order to avoid being viciously abused. These Demons, unlike the descriptions given in many of the old grimoires are not monsters. They are beautiful, popular, and important Gods. ASMODEUS TOLD SOLOMON: "SO ASK ME NOT MANY THINGS; FOR THY KINGDOM ALSO AFTER A LITTLE TIME IS TO BE DISRUPTED AND THY GLORY IS BUT FOR A SEASON, AND SHORT WILL BE THY TYRANNY OVER US." Demons are immortal; a “season” is but a few thousand years to them. The Christian "God" is losing power. Father Satan has informed me that our side has won. We warn everyone: using the spiritually abusive methods of the old grimoires is not only foolish, but will inevitably result in personal disaster. The Demons must always be approached with extreme honesty and respect. The days of using enemy "God" names, nine-foot circles, threats and other destructive and abusive methods are over. Don't say you weren't warned.... When we are new, most of the Demons are willing to help us. The goal of Satanism is to become as a god. This means self-empowerment. As we progress through our own efforts, we become more and more adept. We should be able to rely upon our own powers instead of the powers of others outside of us. The Demons are best when it comes to imparting knowledge and wisdom, so that we may learn and advance our own powers. As we progress, we should be able to be competent in all aspects of magick and be able to influence others and our environments on our own, without any outside help. Although, even with an adept, there may be circumstances where issues can be overwhelming and the help of a Demon is needed. For spiritual guidance, the Demons are here for us at all levels, from those who are new, to those who are advanced. From my own experiences, I would highly recommend to those of you who are serious in progressing spiritually, to establish a close and strong relationship with a Demon who is willing to work with you and guide you along the left hand path. This can be a very rewarding experience to say the least. How to summon: Always treat the Demons with honesty and respect. Never command, demand or try to exploit them in any way. THE CORRECT METHODS FOR SUMMONING A DEMON: Know the Demon you intend to summon. This website lists the attributes and available knowledge about different Demons. All of the Goetic Demons are human friendly, as we know from experience. It is important to have a specific purpose; know exactly *why* you are summoning a particular Demon. When we ask assistance from a Demon, it is only proper to offer something in return. Be prepared to give something in return. This is something both you and the Demon should agree upon. Remember, the Elder Gods value one’s word, honesty, integrity and one’s honor as the utmost importance. NEVER agree to anything you know you cannot follow through on. Know the method you plan to use to communicate with the Demon. One of the most important steps in the summoning of a Demon you are not yet familiar with, is to go through Satan. The reasons for this are serious. Not all Demons are friendly to humans, nor are all Demons of Satan. Satan has authority over all of the Goetic Demons. Most Demons are friendly when treated with respect and summonings result in a positive experience. I have found many Demons that have caused outsiders problems are often friendly to a confirmed Satanist. I have learned much through my own interactions with Demons and through the many experiences of others, both the laity and the Ministry. Experience is, as always, the best teacher. There are different levels of experience when one establishes contact with a Demon: The Demon speaks to us through our thoughts (telepathy). With telepathy, the words of the Demon come to us through our thoughts. In the beginning, it can be difficult for those who are not as sensitive or lack psychic ability to differentiate between the communication from another entity and their own thoughts. With power meditation and experience, this becomes much easier over time. We see and hear the Demon. This is with people who are more psychic and open. We invoke the energy of the Demon. This is powerful and electrifying. We are engulfed in a strong aura. During this time, we will often hear the Demon speak to us and we may in addition, see the Demon. During an actual summoning, the Demon appears and speaks to us through scrying into a mirror, in the smoke of the incense, or in some other manner. This is best for those who are new. With scrying, if we are sensitive enough, we can often feel the Demon touch us if he/she chooses to do so. Tangible contact; objects in our rooms are moved, there is actual physical evidence of the Demon having been present. There are accounts in popular books concerning extremely powerful energies encountered when evoking a Demon. To my knowledge, no one using the methods outlined on this website has ever experienced anything negative or overwhelming. I have invoked Demons many times and the energy was never beyond anything I couldn’t handle or in any way uncomfortable. Methods: Copy, print out or draw the sigil of the Demon you wish to summon on clean paper. It is important that you be left alone and not disturbed in any way. Close your eyes and visualize the sigil in your mind as best you can. It is ok to open them and look at the sigil again ( as many times as needed) to get a clearer image. While visualizing, recite, or chant the name of the Demon repeatedly either in your mind or aloud. Recite the following prayer: Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, the one True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire__________(name of Demon) to manifest before me that he/she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his/her office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father. The Demon can manifest in different ways. Through a mirror as in"scrying." You will see the Demon in the mirror. Through the smoke of the incense The Demon appears directly, when one is sensitive enough and in a deep meditative state. Prepare your area. Your first summoning rituals should be performed at night. The reasons for this are the energies are different at night from those during the day and it is easier to be alone and free from distractions. When one has established relationships with certain Demons, it is no longer necessary to perform a formal summoning ritual. The Demon can appear to us night or day and all we need do is concentrate to contact them through telepathy. You will need: A quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Quality incense with a pleasing fragrance. I strongly recommend when working with any new incense to try it out before the actual ritual or summoning as cheap stinking incense is insulting to the spirits and can be embarrassing in any ritual. See INCENSE One or more black or blue candles. Black is choice, but blue is ok for a substitute if you cannot obtain black. Also, if available, the candle color of the specific Demon you wish to summon. (These are listed on this website). Your paper containing the Demon’s sigil. When finished with the sigil, find a safe place to store it, preferably in your own black book or journal. ALWAYS treat this paper/sigil with extreme respect and NEVER burn it! The sigil can be reused. There is no need for a nine-foot circle. Demons *hate* circles and there is no need for a “license to depart” as both are offensive and insulting. Treat the Demons with respect and in turn, you will receive the same. After the petition to Satan, you should feel his positive energy. This is a good sign and a go-ahead. If for some reason the Demon doesn’t answer, try another time. Many times the Demon does appear, but those who are new to summoning are not psychically open enough or experienced to sense him/her. Most people have had to perform the summoning ritual more than once for the Demon to manifest. Often, the Demon does answer, but many are not aware. Look for coincidences and things out of the ordinary. Awareness here is everything. Always offer a token of appreciation and gratitude in return for his/her services. Some ideas are publicity for the Demon, working against Christianity, working to advance Satanism or any service that you both can agree upon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ouija Boards Ouija Boards are excellent for contacting and having conversations with Demons and spirits. I prefer to work the board alone, as another person is a distraction and prevents any real intimacy with the spirit contact. For those of you who are new to this, make sure the board is on a completely level surface. It is important to enter into a trance when using a ouija board. Place your fingertips lightly on each side of the planchette. Soon it will gently begin to pull. Just relax and let it work. It can take a few minutes to get going. It is important to be free from distractions and not to be disturbed. My experience is I sort of go into a trance. Like when scrying or invoking spirits of the deceased, everything else in the room is blocked out. My total focus is on the board. It is sort of like an aura around all of the edges of the board and my attention is completely locked in and nothing else outside of me, exists. This is just my own experience, we are all individuals, so some of yours may be different. I am finding more and more, the higher ranking the Demon, the more energy you will feel. I have a Demon who is close to me and last night I conversed with him, using the board. I don't remember how long I was using the board. This was for quite a while. He asked me to say something specific out loud. When I did, I really felt powerful energy light up lke a flame inside of me. When we have very close contact or invoke Demons, we can feel their energy. My skin still feels sensitized, like when I have a fever or sunburn, only no pain, even this morning. Their energy is electrifying. Father's energy is different, as I'm sure many of you have experiencd during and after rituals. Calming and beautiful. Demons come to us through telepathy and astral projection. It is my experience that Demons project differently than humans. With humans, you can see the connecting strands and when they leave, they snap back out quickly. Books say they are silver colored. The ones I saw were copper. I have never seen strands with Demons, but I know the higher ranking ones physically exist in another world. There are some Demons who can stay with us at all times, to protect us. These Demons are lesser as they are in spirit form. The more you use a Ouija Board, the better you will become in working it. When we establish a close relationship with a Demon, all we have to do is tune into them and they will usually come to us. Each of us is individual and will have slightly different experiences in using a ouija board and receiving messages: 1. The automatic method - In this case, the planchette moves automatically, without the operator knowing what the spirit concerned is going to say. Messages in foreign languages will also be received, even in languages the operator does not know and has never heard before. 2. The inspirational method - this is the most common: here the messages will be given in a sort of thinking aloud inside or outside one's mind. In this case, one practically knows beforehand what the spirit is about to write. By frequent repetition this inspiration will become a loud thinking and listening in the passive communication. One will perceive messages from the one's mind or from outside of the self. This is sort of like dictation- the words come into your head and then your hands move the planchette. 3. The intuitive method - where you have the feeling as if you moved the planchette yourself. Any questions will be answered instantly. This is a kind of clair-knowledge. The planchette spells out words and sentences in full consciousness, without the operator hearing anything or being inspired in any way. The methods also can appear in a mixed kind, for example half automatic and half inspirational or intuitive and inspirational or all together. Which of the methods will be the dominant one will only be known after a long period of exercising. Each of the methods is good and reliable, provided you are using it honestly and candidly. Practice makes perfect! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END OF DAYS It was during a dream when I experienced the strangest event ever foretold and it was the scariest thing I had ever witnessed. This is long, and confusing, but rather interesting. The Gates of Hell opened and as I entered I heard a voice saying, “Come and see what the future holds.” I looked and behold, Satan sat in his throne and surrounding him were twenty four elders clothed in black robes and upon their heads were masks representing a black goat. There was thunder and lightning and out of the darkness appeared four beasts. The first beast was like a lion and the second beast was like a calf and the third beast was like a man and the fourth beast was like an eagle. And each of these beasts had six wings and they, along with the elders fell upon their faces and worshiped the Prince of Darkness. ”Hail Satan, the infernal King of Hell, we worship and honor you in all things.” Satan stood from his throne, his arms extending above his head as he exclaimed, “Let the madness begin!” I stood before Ahriman and he handed me the black book of Satan which concealed the seven seals. I then opened one of the seven seals and the sound of thunder and lightning filled the air. One of the four beasts looked at me and said, “Come and see what the future holds.” There, standing before me, was a white horse and a man wearing a black robe with a mask of a goat upon his head was holding a cross bow and he went out to conquer the people of Christian hate groups. When the second seal was opened, the second beast looked at me and said, “Come and see what the future holds.” Another horse appeared but this one was red in color and the power that was given to the man wearing a black robe and the mask of a goat upon his head, who sat upon the creature’s back, was ordered to take peace from the earth, that the people inhibiting the earth was to kill one another and a great sword was given to him. The third seal was opened and the third beast looked at me and said, “Come and see what the future holds.” There in the midst was a black horse with red blazing eyes and the man in a black robe with the mask of a goat upon his head sat on its back and he held a pair of balances in his hand. Then a voice from nowhere said, “A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barely for a penny but do not harm the wine.” When I opened the fourth seal, the fourth beast looked at me and said, “Come and see what the future holds.” Before me was a pale horse and a man wearing a black robe with the mask of a goat upon his head sat on its back and his name was Death and Hell followed with him. Power was given to those over the fourth part of the world to kill with swords, with hunger, with death, and with all the beasts of the earth. I opened the sixth seal and there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as night and the moon became the color of blood. The stars fell from the sky and the sky departed as well as every mountain and every island. Everyone hid themselves because they knew Satan’s day of wrath was upon them. The elders and the four beasts fell and worshiped the Prince of Darkness saying, “Hail Satan, the Lord of Hell and God of Thunder and Lightning, we honor and bless you in all things.” So I continued, and opened the seventh seal and silence fell upon the earth for what seemed a long time. Then seven demons stood before Satan and they were given seven gongs. Another demon stood at the altar holding a silver censer and he was given incense that was to be offered with the prayers of sinners. The demon took the censer and filled it with fire. There was more thunder and lightning. Then the seven demons which had the seven gongs prepared to sound. The first demon sounded and there followed fire and blood and they were thrown upon the earth. Part of the trees and the grass were burnt up. The second demon sounded and a great mountain burning with fire fell to the sea and the third part of the sea became blood. Part of all the creatures which were in the sea died and part of the ships were destroyed. Then a part of the waters became Wormwood and many people died because the water was too bitter to drink. The fourth demon sounded and a part of the sun and a part of the moon and a part of the stars were darkened and there was neither night or day. The fifth demon sounded and a star fell to the earth and I was given the key to the Bottomless Pit. As I opened the Bottomless Pit, smoke filled the air and the sky grew dark because of it. Out of the smoke came wasps two inches in length and on their heads was the mark of the beast and the sound of their wings were like chariots. Their tails were like scorpions and were ready to sting at any given moment. The wasps were commanded not to harm those who wore the mark but were commanded to torment the servants of God for five months and their torment was to be like the sting of a scorpion. During this time, men would seek death but they will not find it. They will have the desire to die and, still, death will not come. The king over them was the keeper of the Bottomless Pit whose name was Abaddon. The sixth demon sounded and there was a voice saying to let loose the four angels of death and so it was done, and they slayed a good number of the population. The number of Satan’s army was great and the horses and the skeletons of the dead who sat upon them had breast plates of fire, jacinth, and brimstone and the heads of the horses had eighteen horns each representing the number of the beast for the numerology of the beast is 6+6+6=18 . Out of the mouths was fire, smoke, and brimstone. The seventh demon sounded and there was a great voice saying, “Hail Satan, the infernal King of Hell. The kingdom of our Lord Satan shall reign forever and ever.” The twenty four elders fell upon their faces and they worshiped Satan saying, “O’ Lord Satan, we give thanks to thee.” Satan’s temple opened and another great storm fell upon the earth. A woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet wore the mark of the beast and she was carrying an unborn and was expecting to deliver at any given time. Then a great dragon appeared having seven heads and ten horns and wore seven crowns upon his heads. His tail drew a portion of the stars for the child was to rule all the nations of the world and become Satan in the flesh. So when the child was finally born, I saw the great dragon devour the woman and Satan’s spirit entered the child. Then I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns were ten crowns and upon his heads was the name Blasphemy. The beast was like a leopard and his feet were the feet of a bear and his mouth was like the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, his seat, and great authority. The world worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying, “Who is like the beast? And who is able to make war with him?” A mouth was given to him and he spoke great things and blasphemies and the power was given to him to continue for many months. He blasphemed against God, blasphemed against his name, his tabernacle, and against those that lived in heaven with him. And it was given unto him to make war with God’s people, to overcome them, and to have power over all the people, the nations, and all those who weren’t marked with the number of the beast were to be slain. Another beast came out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon. He had all the power of the first beast and it caused the earth to worship him. The beast did great things and made fire fall from the sky in sight of everyone. He performed miracles which he had to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that lived on the earth to make an image of the beast and everyone who did not worship this image was to be killed. He caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and imprisoned to receive a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead; and no one was to buy or sell without the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Anyone who has understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred and sixty six. The Antichrist grew up to be a powerful man who ruled the nations of the world and when he spoke, he made great promises and kept them. God was destroyed and the Christ of Nazareth was chained and thrown into the Bottomless Pit where he was to remain for a thousand years. Upon his release he will roam the world alone in shame. Those who refused to worship Satan was put to death but it came to pass that all the Satanists of the world were finally able to rule with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANGELS Each Angelic Order has its special purpose for existing, and now lets see some details about them. Orders of the First Choir are: Supernals - Celestials - Illuminations Orders of the Second Choir are: Seraphim - Cherubim - Thrones Orders of the Third Choir are: Dominations - Virtues - Powers Orders of the Fourth Choir are: Principalities - Archangels - Angels The First Choir ANGELS OF PURE ENERGY: The Will of the Source: The First Choir is the non-tangible "invisible" one and the expression of the loving intention of the Source of the Whole of Existence. Within the 1st Choir are three Orders of Beings of Pure Light which are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and thus an "extension" of God Himself - The Source of the Whole of Existence. This first Choir forms a kind of Trinity and the means for The Source of the Whole of Existence to extent his Divine Will, Wisdom and Light downward to the next Orders of Angels and so on to the physical realms. These Angelic Orders are listed each as they came into being and into there Choirs. The first order of angels were the first companions for the Source of the Whole of Existence also known as the Holy Twelve or the Angels of Presence. Then the second order came into being and so on in the same capacity. In actuality they came into being simultaneously before there was time. Each order took on different roles and a variety of duties as they interacted with the universes. The first angels existed as brilliant shinning light, and radiated tremendous loving everywhere. The Angelic Orders of the First Choir are: The Supernals, the Celestials and the Illuminations. SUPERNALS: The First Order of Angels are of brilliant gold light and are companions to The Source of the Whole of Existence. They form what are known as the Holly Twelve or the Angels of the Presence. They are known as the Supernals. There are always 12 Supernals at any given time that serve in this capacity, as 12 is the number of completion within physical orders. Their presence forms within it, the abode of the Source of the Whole of Existence. The Holy Twelve - Supernals - are those beings, who are extensions and the first intentions of the Source of the Whole of Existence. Each of these twelve possesses an ascending and descending principle of creation in balance, harmony and synchronization with each of the twelve. The Holy Twelve assisted the angels in becoming aware of the wisdom of all things. Members of this Angelic Order : Michael Metatron Suriel Sandalphon Astanphaeus Saraqael Phanuel Jehoel Zagzagael Uriel Yefeiah Akatriel. CELESTIALS: The Second Order of Angels maintain the connections between Divine Thought and Wisdom and its manifestation into the physical realms. They appear as shinning silver light. They are known as the Celestials. Few ever appear to humans or 3rd density realms. They are present throughout all of existence. Member of this Angelic Order : Celestiel (Astarael) ILLUMINATIONS: Those of the Third Order of Angels are of the highest physical form and maintain and accomplish the emulations of divine light and wisdom throughout the physical realms. They appear as iridescent light and are known as Illuminations. They are present within all physical realms. Member of this Angelic Order : Sandalphon (Ilaniel) The Second Choir ANGELS OF PURE CONTEMPLATION: Govern All Creation: The second Choir of angels is collectively concerned with the universe and the manifestations of divinity within it, operating at the highest level of the astral. Some see these as the angels of pure contemplation. This means that they manifest energy through pure thought. These angels possess the deepest knowledge of Divinity, and its inner workings and manifestations. The angels of the first Choir are: The Seraphim, the Cherubim and the Thrones. SERAPHIM: The Fourth Order of Angels manifests so rapidly within the physical realms that they appear as 6 wings of light with eyes. They are known as Seraphim, their very name means ardor and are in charge of maintaining the presence of the Source of the Whole of Existence within the physical worlds. They are the guardians of the various universes. Quote from Dionysius the Areopagite text: "The name Seraphim clearly indicates their ceaseless and eternal revolution about Divine Principles, their heat and keenness, the exuberance of their intense, perpetual, tireless activity, and their elevative and energetic assimilation of those below, kindling them and firing them to their own heat, and wholly purifying them by a burning and all- consuming flame; and by the unhidden, unquenchable, changeless, radiant and enlightening power, dispelling and destroying the shadows of darkness." The Seraphim are primarily concerned with vibrational manifestations which keep Divinity in perfect order. They have been described as being the angels of love, light and fire. They help to carry positive energy through the orders of the angels to us in the physical realms. Supposedly they are so bright and powerful that to look at them would instill one with pure fright. Because of this, the only beings known to interact with the Seraphim are The Lord and Lady, and the Archangel Michael. These angels work with consuming divine love and compassion. The Seraphim without question they are the closest in all of heaven to the very throne of God, and their primary function is to circle the incomprehensibly beautiful throne in perpetual adoration of the Lord. This is a task that is not nearly as monotonous as it may seem to mortals, given the nature of the angels (who have perfect powers of concentration) and the delight that such an honor actually brings to the spirits. The Seraphim are almost always identified with fire-not the burning, painful flames and heat of hell, but the healing flame of Love. They are literally living flames. The intensity of their adoration and pure Love of God pure out of them as a flawless reflection of the Divine Love that emanates from the Lord. Like the rising sun, each angel radiates such light that even the other Holy Beings, the Cherubim and the Thrones, cannot look upon them. According to Enoch, each Seraphim has six wings. In the Old Testament Book of Isaiah (6:1-3) he writes "...I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple. Above him stood the Seraphim; each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew." In the Book of Revelation (4:8) is another possible reference: "And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to sing 'Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come!" In Isaiah 6, we read that the Seraphim have 6 wings Magically, work with the Seraphim when you wish to raise energy for humanitarian or planetary causes. They listen to group ritual. To reach the Seraphim, burn a white candle for Divinity, and a purple candle for the Seraphim. Members of this Angelic Order : Michael Seraphiel Gabriel Metatron Uriel Nathanael Jehoel Chamuel (Kemuel, Shemuel) Metatron Satan (before his fall) CHERUBIM: Members of the Fifth Order of Angels are youthful and appear as faces of light or very childlike forms. They are the reminders of joy, happiness and the essence of creation. They are known as Cherubim. They appear when humanity remembers its own joy and allows happiness to be present. Their name signifies "fullness of knowledge". Characterized by a deep insight into God's secrets, the cherubim hold the knowledge of God and they truly possess the fullness of the divine science of heaven. "It is also they who are often sent to earth with the greatest of tasks; the expulsion of Man from the Garden of Eden and the Annunciation of Christ were both performed by cherubim". They enlighten the lesser orders of angels and are to them the Voice of Divine Wisdom. Quote from Dionysius the Areopagite text: "The name Cherubim denotes their power of knowing and beholding God, their receptivity to the highest Gift of Light, their contemplation of the Beauty of the Godhead in Its First Manifestation, and that they are filled by participation in Divine Wisdom, and bounteously outpour to those below them from their own fount of wisdom." The Cherubim have been described as the guardians of the fixed stars, keepers of celestial records, best owners of knowledge. They are also said to be the guardians of light. They create and channel positive energy from Divinity and appear in exquisite form. They supposedly outshine all the other angels. The Cherubim watch over all the galaxies, and guard any religious temples. An older description places the Cherubim with four faces and four wings, which could be a mythical representation associating them with the four winds. In the Renaissance period they somehow got shrunk into little baby-face angels now known as Cherubs. Function and Philosophy The Cherubim Order is the fifth of the 12 accepted Orders of angels, placed fifth as well in the second Choir of the angelic hierarchy (with the Seraphim and Thrones). They are some of the most powerful and awe-inspiring of all angels, standing below the Seraphim in direct closeness to God. Their illuminative knowledge and wisdom are thus so great as to be utterly incomprehensible to the mortal mind, blinding the blessed human who has the honor of actually beholding them in this world. Only a step below the Seraphim in Divinity, the Cherubim have always been much more active on Earth, protecting all God's creations. No other Order works harder (only the Powers are their equals in relentless devotion to duty). If humans knew just how much the Cherubim have done for them, they would occupy the most privileged station in Angelic Lore. In Islamic lore, the Cherubim was allegedly created out of the tears shed by the Archangel Michael for all the sins of humanity. They are the first angels to be encountered in the Old Testament, being posted in the Book of Genesis in the east of Eden to ensure that no one entered after the expulsion of Adam and Eve. Their chief task in the celestial hierarchy is to sing the praises of God, but they are also declared in occult lore to have the responsibility of driving the Chariot of the Lord (Merkabah), a key symbol of heaven. They are described as the Charioteers of God, steering the Ophanim/Wheels (another name use for the order of Thrones). The Cherubim are also given the task of maintaining the records of heaven and seeing to the details necessary to keep order in the Heavenly Host. Characteristics: Cherubim had the bodies of a winged bull, an eagle, or a sphinx and the faces of men or lions. As is clear from Ezekiel's encounter, the Cherubim possess four wings and four faces, symbolizing their eternal vigilance and knowledge, which reaches every direction of Creation. They are also often presented with peacock feathers bearing a host of eyes, again in reference to their all-seeing omniscience. Contrary to paintings on greeting cards and new age book covers, the cherubim are not depicted as fat, winged babies. Instead they are described as sphinx like creatures in Assyrian lore, or the angels gracing the Ark of the Covenant and Solomon's temple in biblical terms. Magically, seek the Cherubim when you need divine protection, wisdom, and knowledge. To reach the Cherubim burn a white candle for Divinity and a blue candle for the Cherubim. Members of this Angelic Order Cherubiel Gabriel Ophaniel Raphael Uriel Zophiel Satan (before his fall) THRONES: Angels of the Sixth Order are beings of tremendous power and movement. They are the keepers of higher more expanded energies. They ensure that these energies maintain connections and flows through the realms. They are known as Thrones. They act as the conduits of the physical worlds and tend to be more stationary in their existence. Quote from Dionysius the Areopagite text: "The name of the most glorious and exalted Thrones denotes that which is exempt from and untainted by any base and earthly thing, and the super mundane ascent up the steep. For these have no part in that which is lowest, but dwell in fullest power, immovably and perfectly established in the Most High, and receive the Divine Immanence above all passion and matter, and manifest God, being attentively open to divine participations." Known in scripture as the bringers of justice, but their status in hierarchy is often confused, sometimes placing them above the Seraphim, and sometimes placing them as the Cherubim. They do however, come in the second Choir, and are assigned to planets. This position makes them some of the most powerful angels in service to the Lord. According to St. Thomas

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