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She lives in a fairytale Somewhere too far for us to find Forgotten the taste and smell Of the world that shes left behind Its all about the exposure the lens I told her The angles were all wrong now Shes ripping wings off of butterflies Brick by Boring Brick, by Paramore

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Posts: 113
Religious Argumentation Time! Aug 06 2011, 03:13 AM
is this allowed? cuz i wanna have a religious argument.


Posts: 101
Aug 11 2011, 03:53 AM
your all forgetting one important piece of the puzzle ... lilith adams first wife before eve
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Aug 14 2011, 02:18 PM
Dominic, is it okay if I copy your book to a document so I can read it when I have time??? a lot of the stuff you said seriously made sense, but I'm pagan soo :3
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Aug 14 2011, 08:37 PM
in reply to the starter of this topic: I do find that "Religious argumentation" can be healthy.. however, it cannot be beneficial to anyone unless it is censored.. There is one good religious discussion on this site that I like ( was a round a long time ago) and I will put it in this post when I find the post). However, the majority of times, persons speak nasty things against religion in general.. that is not healthy discussion.. Healthy discussion is when both sides take into account and respect each other oh and I like studying and researching religion too :D. My favorite religion is Christianity though...( the others never really stood a chance in my view) :). Why? simply because it;s message , the original message, the message that should be shared, is the message of love for fellow man and for God.. If everyone lived that way the world would be a better place.. co-suffering love can change the world :) to the science people: ah and .. science. don't really get it aall that much.. i'm more of an artsy kinda guy( i like languages etc.. and prefer to do a BA- the only science I like is Psychology; which is a mixture of the two).. science never really caught my attention! However, at times, science can work well with religion. The problem though, is that a lot of these scientist have atheistic mindsets and they make theories that conflict with religion ( or so i've read) Another thing though that often horrifies me, is that several persons have such a wrong understanding of Christianity and they read the Bible out of context; a mistake often made by Christians themselves and a problem caused by some Christians.. Christians: at the end of the day God doesn't need a defender because he is God- all-powerful etc, it is only by living the true faith and showing love( empathetic love) to your fellow man that the true message of Christ will be understood and realised!
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Aug 14 2011, 09:45 PM
I think this is my favorite topic yet(:
Posts: 464
Aug 15 2011, 08:09 PM
Christians: at the end of the day God doesn't need a defender because he is God- all-powerful etc, it is only by living the true faith and showing love( empathetic love) to your fellow man that the true message of Christ will be understood and realised! ^THIS. THISSSSSS. Thank you, and I agree. Most people may find that to be a way of copping out, though. And let them think that. I don't have all the answers anyways, and neither does science. I don't think it should matter anyways. I don't believe ignorance is bliss and I certainly don't condone it, but I also don't think preaching about love is bad either. Most people just take it too far and misunderstand the messages.
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Aug 15 2011, 10:24 PM
yes misunderstanding and ignorance can cause confusion.. it has caused confusion and can cause further confusion it's true that science doesn't have all the answers! It does very well at serving humanity and bringing humanity to a better understanding of the world though! :)
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Aug 16 2011, 08:08 AM
but at the same time, tell me one religon that has all the answers... in plain sight :3
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Aug 16 2011, 01:41 PM
answers to what?
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Aug 16 2011, 02:01 PM
Answers to life... stuff like that
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Aug 16 2011, 10:28 PM
that's still a bit general.I don't think that religion itself is meant to be the knowledge of all knowledge; the answer to all questions. If that were so, then everyone should just study religion and we would cure cancer(Although I believe strong faith in God's healing power can aid persons, and the doctors helping them, in overcoming cancer psychologically and physically;build houses and figure out how animals reproduce etc through religious knowledge xD. It takes all kinds of knowledge to figure out the world. However, religion, is more an expression and investigation of how man should interact with a deity and or the universe; spirituality and moral values of the individual and society.
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Aug 18 2011, 05:16 PM
No but I mean like... ahh forget it, I don't even know where I'm going with this :3
Emo Pictures - Lost_and_Unfound
Posts: 92
Nov 09 2011, 09:45 AM
I think we should just accept people for who they are. Not for their beliefs. I'm a Christian, and I would gladly accept any human being as a friend despite, skin color, religion(or lack there of), political agenda, life style, AS LONG AS they don't go throwing it in my face, like they have the right of way. Each and everyone of us has free will and it is our right to believe what we want to believe, and who can tell us otherwise? Anyone agree? I vote for harmony.
Posts: 1726
Nov 09 2011, 10:54 AM
NIKKI SAME! im pagan, wiccan i have a god and godess a table of prayer/chant earth air fie water spirit i call apon thee, wiccan holds the power over all religions!
Emo Pictures - Leah_InvaderZimlover
Posts: 10
Jan 20 2012, 08:23 AM
This is a extremely interesting topic. :) I was raised as a Christian. My entire family is Christian.(well i go to a Evangelical Free Church) When i was younger i was so called a stronger Christian than i am now. I really have no idea if God and Jesus is real even though my entire life i was told he is real. I do believe in God i think but i really am not sure. I only go once a month. lol But what i reallllly HATEEE is when people say being gay, bi or lesbian is a sin!!! It pisses me off. It is said that God Loves us all. So why would it be a sin? It just makes me so mad. sorry i was ranting lol

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