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I'm trying to find my way home. I'm sorry... ... And I miss you. I miss you. I've grown taller now. I want the police to be notified. I'll make it up to you, I swear, I'll make it up to you. Good Morning Captain, by Slint

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
STDs??? Aug 19 2011, 03:27 PM
Sooo 1 in 5 people are said to have an STD... your thoughts on this?


Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Aug 19 2011, 03:35 PM
Well I'm a virgin so no chance of me having one :P also, if you shorten my middle name, then that's my initials :L Seriously though... I hope I'll always be sensible enough to use protection so that I'll never get one... and so should most couple tbh :/
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Aug 19 2011, 06:09 PM
All I can say is don't be afraid to get tested. Tests for popular ones like Chlamydia are no hassle at all. For those in the UK try http://freetest.me.uk. I'm not ashamed to admit I have been tested 2x and both were negative anyway.
Posts: 493
Aug 19 2011, 06:40 PM
Ugh, the STD thing, almost makes me glad to know I probably won't be getting much. xD But yah, NO GLOVE NO LOVE. XD
Posts: 464
Aug 19 2011, 09:05 PM
I'm a virgin too, so yeah. No worries there. But it's like an adult decision. You gotta act like an adult and be responsible and protect yourelf and keep safe. :)
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Aug 20 2011, 12:18 PM
haha I just brought it up because we were going to a barbeque and my mom was talking about how my aunt slept around and stuff, then my step dad told me that, so now I'm holding on to my virginity a lot more than I was before,
Posts: 2153
Aug 22 2011, 04:05 AM
One of my friends had a STD serves her right really she slept with about 6 guys in 4 days never the less we are not friends anymore she turned into a major whore. But im still a virgin and hopefully will stay that way for a while longer everything gets so much more complicated when sex comes into it. And because i cant stand the way i look ahah o well ^_^ But people need to be safe in the words of Jeremy Kyle PUT SOMETHING ON THE END OF IT
Emo Pictures - Princess-OF-Pain
Posts: 432
Aug 22 2011, 09:09 AM
RiRi i agree some people do practically prostitute themselves -_- and theres nothing wrong with the way you look your very pretty :) i have issues about the way i look but if you choose the right guy he wont care and will make you feel like the most beautiful person alive <3 Yes you really should use condoms not only for STD's but for pregnancy risks also. Im not ashamed to admit I got tested and it was negative and pregnancy scares arent fun, trust me -_-
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Aug 22 2011, 05:42 PM
i'd have to agree... I've had quite a few people have atleast a pregnancy scare... my friend Theressa actually miscarried. And I agree with Jordan RiRi you are extremely beautiful you need to have more self confidence(:

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