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And then she closed her eyes. Found relief in a knife. The blood flows as she cries. The Way She Feels, by Between The Trees

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
I could just...Kill myself... Sep 14 2011, 08:04 PM
The girl of my dreams, my true love..Is torn between me and her ex..I live 10 hours from her..he goes to her school... She loves me alot, but she loves him to.. I'v had so much heart break and depression in my life, she makes it worth getting up for in the mornings, shes motivated me to get off my ass and do something for a change. I'm trying incredibly hard for my drivers license,because i want to be with her... But i just cant lose her, shes the last real happiness i have in my life... Without her, i just want to die, s hes just that worth it. I want to spend my life with her.. :( But i dont know what to do, i know she loves me, but he has so much over me..first love, first kiss, first heartbreak...i just dont know if i can compete with him, but shes just everything to me..Im crying my eyes out as i type this over her...I just need someone to say something, idk what, it can be advice or just something...


Posts: 834
Sep 14 2011, 08:19 PM
That sucks. It really does. I hate when girls have a good guy, but they still cling to their ex's :| You have something over him though: You've never been a jerk to her. You've never broken her heart. And you're just an awesome person altogether :D Just, continue to be a great guy to her. If she ends up breaking it off with you, then it's her loss. Don't cry :) If it goes wrong, just learn from this.
Emo Pictures - iifearzz
Posts: 128
Sep 15 2011, 02:52 AM
^, what she said :), I hope you and the girl end up with eachother. Until then just be you, be nice and make her want you. :)
Posts: 931
Sep 15 2011, 04:19 AM
I agree with Onyx
Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
Sep 15 2011, 12:04 PM
Thank you all... I'd like to think shes going to pick me.. I hope to god she does, I love her so much..I'v promised her so many times im coming to see her as soon as possible. She knows I mean it.. My hearts breaking every second.. I want to know already, but I don't want to know...
Emo Pictures - Princess-OF-Pain
Posts: 432
Sep 15 2011, 12:51 PM
*HUGS* I clung to an ex and it was a huge mistake. You just have to be you and you seem great so it would be HER loss for definite. I 10% agree with Onyx, think positive and let her know your not going anywhere x
Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
Sep 15 2011, 12:55 PM
I just want her to be happy, i tell her that all the time. But I have to say, I want to think about my own happiness a little... I always put the girls feelings and happiness before mine, even if it hurts me..But for once I just want a little love..someone to say I'm worth more to them then someone they had, or someone else they could have..
Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
Sep 15 2011, 02:52 PM
I just...Don't want to suffer for a mistake he made. Me and her love each other, he was the fool to lose her. I shouldn't have to be in pain over it..
Posts: 834
Sep 16 2011, 09:30 PM
It's normal for girls/guys to blame a new love for something an old one did. We're all here for you though :) Whether it goes good or bad.
Posts: 2153
Sep 17 2011, 12:30 AM

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