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Mama mia, here I go again, my my how can I resist ya. Mama mia does it show again, my my just how much I missed ya. Mama Mia, by Abba

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Posts: 130
SELF HARM SURVEY Sep 24 2011, 12:31 PM
Hello everyone! I have recently decided that I shall make a blog post to help those who are involved with self harm- be it by cutting, burning or otherwise harming themselves on purpose. I must, however, know a few things; so, if you wish to help me get some info to better be able to help others with my blog, please answer the following questions. NOTE: If you do not wish to post your answers here, you can PM me or Email me the answers, and of course, all of it is anonymous. 1.Why do you cut? 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) 3. How often do you cut? 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? 6. Do you want to stop? Thanks, Raven


Emo Pictures - x-fallen-x
Posts: 16
Sep 24 2011, 01:01 PM
1:help realese my inner pain 2:i have some problems 3:every week 4:yes 5:better 6:not really
Emo Pictures - JodieTehMusicJunkie
Posts: 32
Sep 24 2011, 02:18 PM
I cut so I can feel something there's a lot of reasons why I cut I cut every day, mostly after somethings upset me, sometimes for no reason some of my friends know about it straight after I cut, I feel relieved, when the scar won't fade I regret it I wish I did want to stop, but I dont
Posts: 435
Sep 24 2011, 11:53 PM
i no longer self harm but i will still take part in this survey 1. well i used to cut because i felt depressed..i needed to release inner emotional pain..but a few times (about 5 times) i just did it because i thought it felt good 2. whenever something would make me sad that would be the first thing i would do because i was so dependent on it because i started at such a young age 3. i would cut usually about twice a month..so not very often but when i would do it it was really bad 4. i hid it for about a year..by then i knew i didnt want to do it anymore so i told my friend and she told my school counselor who told my mom who told my whole family..and my friend also told pretty much everybody she knew..so yeah people knew but not until about a year after i started (also a comment i want to make here is that most people wouldnt consider them their friend anymore if they told people..and when it first happened i was very upset but now i just look at it as by that happening it made me stop..she got me the help i needed to get on the path to recovery and then all the kids picking on me because she told them just motivated me to stop) 5. for the 1st few seconds i would feel better..but after that like within the first few minutes i would feel like crap and then as time progressed i felt even worse..especially the next day when it was scabbed over when i woke up 6. at first i didnt..but about the 5th or 6th time i did it i did want to stop but i was already addicted
Emo Pictures - MeganOrange
Posts: 39
Sep 25 2011, 06:59 AM
1. to release emotional pain or sometimes when i can't feel at all to feel something 2. when i feel like i can´t take anymore, and it´s that or suicide or when i'm sad or for no reason at all, sometimes 3. every week 4. my ex girlfriend, and two of my best friends 5. i feel releived 6. i have stoped for about 6 months but i have cut once last week, but i stopped because i felt better, like i didn't need to cut
Emo Pictures - anaNmcr
Posts: 86
Sep 25 2011, 08:49 AM
1.To release sadness and frustration. Sometimes I cut when I feel numb. I just want to feel something. 2. I cut when ever I'm really sad, mad, or frustrated, so family fights, friends spreading rumors about me, and anything else that puts emotional pressure on me causes me to cut. And I cut when I just can't fill anything emotionally, and sometimes I don't seem to beable to feel any pain, so I just cut deeper and deeper til I can feel something. 3. About once every other day. 4. A few friends, even though I tried to hide it from them. 5. Immediately after I cut, I feel like weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like my problems have disappeared. An hour or so after I cut, I don't really think about the cuts. I feel like I normally do (if that makes any sense). I go through what emotion is relevant at that point and time. 6. I don't know if I want to stop. Maybe I'll want to stop in a few years...
Posts: 130
Sep 26 2011, 05:24 PM
I need some more input, so please, post your replies! Thanks to those who have done so
Posts: 896
Sep 26 2011, 06:28 PM
1. I cut twice already because people made me cry lots in high school (bullying, jealousy over and over.) 2. Feeling depressed, needing a way to release the pain that i feel by my tears shedding from the day's worst. I cry more though... 3. Like once or twice a month 4. My friend in high school did but, i always cover it up by wearing long sleeve shirts. 5. Afterwards I feel a little bit better, hoping that it does not happen tomorrow when it does. :( 6. Yes i try to control it now....i cry instead and i don't want to hurt anymore....its working so far which is good ^_^
Posts: 40
Oct 10 2011, 01:53 AM
Im gonna answer this post even though i stopped. 1.Why did you cut? I can't really remember why i started. I think i was just so angry with my mother. but towards the end i did it to release inner pain and help me feel alive. When me and my mum argued i didn't know what to feel, i felt numb and i just wanted to feel something. 2. What caused you to cut? Depression, arguements at home, loneliness. I had just moved school and didn't have much friends so i was avoiding going to school which made the arguements at home worse ._. 3. How often did you cut? Couple of times a week. Whenever i was depressed. 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? I told my sister during an arguement as a spur of the moment, then she told my mum... bitch -.- 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? Minutes: It stings but it makes me feel relieved. It's as if all the anger and sadness leaves me. Hours: I feel relaxed and normally just want to sleep. 6. Do you want to stop? Ive stopped and have been holding strong for seven months. I now ping rubber bands against my wrists. I know its not the same, but it just stops the scaring. I still get asked what all the scars on my arms are from.
Posts: 1726
Oct 10 2011, 04:30 AM
1.n/a 2.n/a 3.n/a 4.n/a 5.n/a 6.n/a
Emo Pictures - VooDooLoopy_Lou
Posts: 25
Oct 10 2011, 10:22 AM
1.Why do you cut? I used to burn & scratch myself to release anger and to make me feel better. 2. What causes you to cut? I lost both my parents to cancer, my mum when i was 11 and my dad only a few months ago, i didnt grief when i was 11 so im griefing for both now. im still very depressed and seein mental health who are helping me loads. 3. How often do you cut? i used to do it every day 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? yes, i needed help, i was makin a mess of myself. 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? when i was burning myself or scratchin myself it felt great, i was removing the anger and hurt. an hour later i felt ok but felt a slight regret. 6. Do you want to stop? i have stopped with help of mental health and anti depressants
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
Oct 10 2011, 11:22 AM
1.Why do you cut? None of u people's business! and when i do its not because that i am suicidal ..x 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) personal reasons x 3. How often do you cut? not often..x 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? oh yeah but they doesnt care anymore lol x 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? thats private ! x 6. Do you want to stop? i can stop when i feel like doing it..
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Oct 11 2011, 01:40 PM
1.Why do you cut? Because, it's the only pain in my life that I'm able to control. 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) Family issues, Friends, Anger, stuff like that 3. How often do you cut? Not very often, I try and hold out as much as possible, but its about once a week now :/ 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? Only people on here, 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? I feel better about an hour after I cut, and immediately I feel like a pressure has been relieved but I still feel a little upset 6. Do you want to stop? Sometimes.
Emo Pictures - DemonPrincessKiller
Posts: 104
Nov 24 2011, 03:44 PM
1.Why do you cut?cuz i hate mai family 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain)i cut because my family and because the people at my school hate me...they completly ignore me like im not there... 3. How often do you cut?once a month or so...when things get bad 4. Does anyone know about your cutting?yes,my family but they thoguht i stopped a LONG time ago...my old school found out and i got kicked out and had to go into homeschooling 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after?*cutmorecutmorecutmorecutmore* 6. Do you want to stop?no..it helps me releave the pain that i have in my life....
Posts: 43
Nov 29 2011, 09:03 AM
1.Why do you cut? Because i feel like it 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) When I'm bored or scared, not much when I'm hurting... 3. How often do you cut? once or twice a week 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? My mum and a few friends 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? Better, I don't know how to explain it, I feel powerful... 6. Do you want to stop? Maybe when my parent's divorce is final...
Posts: 5
Dec 20 2011, 07:27 AM
1.Why do you cut? Get so angry and stressed its the only way i can express myself. I cant punch things because I dont want people to hear me so I hurt myself. 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) I've been in abusive relationships with people who bullied me and mentally screwed me up, so i tend to overthink and i get extremely bad paranoia. Lack of self esteem too >.< 3. How often do you cut? Used to be a lot, but now its like...2/3 times a month on average. I cant really say >_> depends on my state of mind. 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? Tried telling someone but they didnt understand, they laughed. So now i tell NOBODY that i personally know. 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? Relieved that my mind has something different to focus on. Something different to paranoia etc. 6. Do you want to stop? Ideally...yeah but Its hard.
Posts: 36
Jan 05 2012, 09:37 PM
1) I cut because it's how i cope with stress, because its a release! Because it makes things easier to deal with, problems become so miniscule! 2) My life took a serious change in events. 3) atleast once a week, I'm trying to find other coping methods though! :D 4) Yep, my closest friends know.... 5) calmer, i don't even feel pain.. 6) Self harm is a unhealthy coping techique, I am doing everything in my power to stop....
Emo Pictures - JojoCupcakeKillerrxD
Posts: 1222
Jan 07 2012, 03:36 PM
1.Why do you cut? I cut to release my frustration when I know that I'm to blame for things. Maybe as some sort of justification. Also I do it to get my mind on something else. I focus on physical pain so I don't have to think about the pain I feel inside. 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) Different things. Usually problems with relationships. 3. How often do you cut? Off and on. Just whenever I feel the need. I haven't in a while, though. 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? Most of my friends found out. :/ 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? Relieved 6. Do you want to stop? I'd like to. But I'd rather just do away with my problems so I don't even feel the need to cut in the first place.
Emo Pictures - SilverDust144
Posts: 22
Mar 29 2012, 10:32 PM
1.Why do you cut? To see if I can feel anything, or to realease the pain I feel inside, or to stop myself from hurting others. 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) Normally, a fight with someone I care about. When I fight with someone I care about, I get angry, and it hurts me inside to see someone I care about or love be torn apart by me or that I might think of harming them, so I harm myself instead to make myself calm down or to make sure I don't end up hurting them or someone else who doesn't even belong in the equasion. Also pressure build up from previous fights or stress with something that has happened in my life. 3. How often do you cut? It depends. Sometimes I'll go nuts and cut a lot, and then I'll lay off of it for a few months. 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? Almost everyone around me knows I cut. I can't really hide the marks so they're visable to all. 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? Immediately, I feel relieved, and empty. I feel like there's nothing left in me, as if I were a shell. Then an hour after or so I feel relaxed from the loss of blood and from the release of emotion. 6. Do you want to stop? Not really, I know it sounds horrible, but it feels like the only things that helps me, but at the same time I do want to stop because it hurts my friends and family.
Posts: 20
Apr 08 2012, 07:50 PM
1. To release the pain from something bad thats happened 2. Heart-break, stress, depression, pain. 3. When everything goes wrong, heartbreak, pain, sadness, etc. 4. Yes, 4 of my friends Michael, Karla, Alexis, and Taylor. 5. good, better, relaxed... 6. sometimes.
Emo Pictures - MakeAbiRawr
Posts: 16
Apr 08 2012, 08:05 PM
1.Why do you cut? To try and forget about the loneliness. 2. What causes you to cut? (Explain) Well I'm not joking when I say my whole year is against me. My only friend is in the year above me, Charlie. We fall out sometimes which I guess friends do all the time but it's hard when I've got no one to go to and I'm completely on my own. When this happens it kind of feels like the whole world is against me. 3. How often do you cut? It varies. A couple of times a week about just when I'm missing Charlie and I guess I do it pretty badly when we fall out. 4. Does anyone know about your cutting? No. Charlie did know but he thinks I've stopped. 5. How do you feel after you cut? Immediately and an hour or so after? Immediately after I guess I feel kind of better you know and am hour later I still feel better. 6. Do you want to stop? If there were other ways of coping with this I would but there aren't any alternatives I guess.

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