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I was raised in a valley there werr shadows and death;Got alive with scars i can't forget this kid back subdude and shy ,An orphan and his brother unseen by most eyes Don't Go, by Bring Me The Horizon

Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

Emo Pictures - anaNmcr
Posts: 86
Running Away. Sep 25 2011, 03:20 PM
I'm thinking about running away in two weeks. I'm planning it out very carefully, but before I do this I wanted to know a few things... Have any of you ran away before? What was your experience? How long were you away from home? Where did you stay? What did you take with you?


Posts: 493
Sep 26 2011, 12:34 PM
9/10 times running away isn't something i'd recommend. I'm going to assume you already have a pretty good reason and feel this is your best option. So i'll try and help you out anyway. :P Research places you might be able to stay in your local area and/or where your going. (A friends attic, B&B, youth hostel) How long can you stay there? How long do you need to stay there? Basically make a plan of action while keeping in mind how much food and money you will have. And on that note, take as much food and money as possible. Ideally you want to have a means of acquiring more independantly, but you'll be glad of what you already have. And with money, don't think you need to save up to run away. If you're going to go through with this then steal your parents or relatives money, as much as possible. You'll need it all. =P Oh and sleep with a knife, loads of people try to take advantage of young girls on their own. I've never ran away myself, that was just incase you hadn't already thought of that stuff. In which case you might wanna do more planning. xD Only thing I can tell you on top of that is to reconsider running away. I just wanted to try and be helpful instead of "lol dont run away emo kid", but seriously, if it's just to do with a row with parents or something I'd advise just trying to get over it. Adolescence is hard, but it doesn't last forever. When you're older you can have more freedom, it's just a matter of waiting sometimes.
Posts: 20
Apr 10 2012, 04:10 PM
2 weeks, the woods... they found me, but they didnt seem to worried that i was gone or to happy that they found me.... took my cell phone, some food and money in a small backpack and a sleeping bag and some pills for headaches and sickness...

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