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Who will keep me from lashing out? Anxiety chokes me like razor wire Sharks and Danger, by Alexisonfire

Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

You people are BRAINWASHED!!! Nov 08 2011, 07:15 AM
Go outside, lay on the lawn, look up at the sky, watch the clouds float by, stop worshipping band members like they really give a fuck about you, stop pouring your hearts out on your pathetic profiles like it makes you look cool or whatever the fuck, listen to country music like Tracy Lawrance for a change, stop being a selfish little bastard by cutting yourself and attempting to commit suicide.....little things like this will help you STOP being a depressed/i hate my life emo. You're Welcome.


Emo Pictures - AlexisOnFire
Posts: 60
Nov 08 2011, 08:16 AM
Stop being so ignorant. Not all of us want to commit suicide.
Nov 08 2011, 10:26 AM
I hope to GOD some of you 12579 registered users aren't in the IwantTokillMyself mind frame o_O Obviously some people on here aren't! This is directed at those who are! Stupid blonde...
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Nov 08 2011, 12:37 PM
I'm not gonna lie 'some' are in that mindset, but people are here to help if they can.
Posts: 146
Nov 08 2011, 11:23 PM
Seriously, if people of the 21st century are gonna be redneck morons still thinking that emo is a cult that walks around all in black depressed self-harms with suicidal thoughts and a worship of satan, they need a reformation. Emo is NOT how the daily mail described it OR how hannah bond's parents described it, they only described her sick version of a life. We'll listen to whatever the fuck we want and if people are gonna judge us by that i'm fine with it. It just proves how shallow and judgmental society of today is to people who want to live different than to just be a blank copy of everyone else
Nov 09 2011, 12:34 AM
Silly child...has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.
Posts: 1726
Nov 09 2011, 10:36 AM
grow the fuck up stop bitching about people u dont no!!!
Posts: 92
Nov 09 2011, 10:55 AM
agrees with everyone except Yu55 as I said yesterday....GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS SITE AND LEAVE THE PEOPLE ALONE!!!! -.- you don't know anything to judge anyone!!
Posts: 1726
Nov 09 2011, 10:59 AM
^ totally girl ya that big ya dont even use your own picture i will fucking make ya life hell if u dont fuck off!!!!
Nov 10 2011, 01:11 AM
The time of great crusades alrdy past man, so maybe you need to grow up and let people life like they want. And if that bothers you just don't think about it...or somehting.....just grow up....that would help....
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Nov 10 2011, 03:54 AM
I lol'd so hard!!! Seriously get your facts straight here... Raise your hand here if you are suicidal??? Oh what's that? 1 out ten people?? (not a real stat.) The suicide/self harm rate is higher than you'd think... and it's not among emos... I've met more "average" people that self harm/ are suicidal than I have emos so don't even go there.
Posts: 1726
Nov 10 2011, 11:01 AM
^ true omg the is twat pisses me off i wonna piss on his fucking head
Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
Nov 10 2011, 12:03 PM
Yu55 the only person who needs to die here, is you. People like you make the human race the pathetic piece of shit we see every day. So please, do the world a favor and go die.
Emo Pictures - TorriToxxik
Posts: 75
Nov 10 2011, 02:02 PM
^ I agree with everyone expect the Yu dude. People like him piss me off
Posts: 25
Nov 11 2011, 03:33 AM
You people are ungrateful. The fact of the matter is he wouldn't be in here saying anything if in some way shape or form he didn't care. He's talling you to escape the mindset not embrace it like this "plague" you call him. If you truly want to see a real plague look up the elements it takes to make a human body, then you will find your plague. His words may be extreme for his point but I'm sure all of you have experience rightous anger, and expressed it, seems like many have a problem spotting it though. If he was really the scumbag your implying him to be, he would be enforcing you all killing yourselves, not saying don't do it. And now here comes the flame storm, just because I was the one brave soul that stuck up for the guy, I will also be lifted further onto the pety list of hatred. Just because once people make their mind up, theres little room for change. The human race is as headstrong as ever, full of pride.
Posts: 896
Nov 11 2011, 04:28 AM
Okay before I start let me just say for some reason I had a feeling this was going to happen. Having said that I will now discuss my point of view on this discussion. Yu55 as he said above is directly talking to those individuals in the "mindset" of a generalized stereotype. Now this does not mean that he knows everyone on here is like that....some may come out to be but, over half of the majority might not. In the nicest way possible he is just implying his reference to do something/make a difference, not saying that we all tend to do that. And true some people find it offence while other's may find it opinionated. I agree he did come off as a bit judgmental at first but, before we start bashing on him, we might consider taking this approach to the situation and thinking about it in a further prospective. I agree with points Viritfy and nikkiwest made. All in all, its okay to voice your opinion but, please don't bring it on the forums. It just creates more drama for many of us.
Posts: 25
Nov 12 2011, 01:02 AM
I believe a mod should take action what what genocide said. Telling someone they should die in uncalled for. Hypocracy at its finest =/
Posts: 114
Nov 19 2011, 02:13 PM
Yu55, Thank you for your opinion. I do admit that people can get selfish at times. I don't know why everyone is getting upset. Everyone has opinions. and should be welcome to share them. Next time. If you will. Tone it down a bit. Our "type of people" Should know about those opinions because we have them against "preps and Jocks" all the time. And now one person wants to fight back, Let them. But all your doing is feeding his/her want to start a fight. If you were all mature you'd ignore it. Or take it in a calm matter. Cussing someone out isnt going to help you problems. It's only going to make them think more bad things. You all say you don't care what people think. Your not proving it very well. I'm not agreeing with him/her. But im just being honest.
Posts: 834
Nov 20 2011, 10:10 AM
Yu55...listed all stereotypes xD Go outside, lay on the lawn, look up at the sky, watch the clouds float by, stop worshipping band members like they really give a fuck about you <-- Most people don't worship the band members; they worship the music. Idiot. stop pouring your hearts out on your pathetic profiles like it makes you look cool or whatever the fuck <-- You're pouring your opinion out on this site. Do you think we give a fuck about what you think? You're going to go away, and we're all going to continue doing what we've been doing. Hypocrite. Listen to country music like Tracy Lawrance for a change <-- I listen to country music. It's not as good as rock music, in my opinion. Problem? Loser. stop being a selfish little bastard by cutting yourself and attempting to commit suicide <-- You have to be the most idiotic person I've ever come across. Not all Emos cut themselves. Not all of them attempt suicide. And if they do, it's up to us to help them feel better. We help each other, not judge each other. Jerk. little things like this will help you STOP being a depressed/i hate my life emo <-- You're just jealous that you're not as cool as the Emos on this site. Go write a blog about it and leave us the fuck alone, because no one here cares about what you think. LOL. Twat. You're Welcome <-- No thank you, my dear sir. You can state your opinion, but obviously it's not wanted. Good day, and goodbye :)
Emo Pictures - soul_eater_Chrona
Posts: 91
Nov 20 2011, 06:12 PM
let's all calm and quiet down. he was just stating an opinion. dont tell him to go die,just ignore it if u dont like it. i'll admit it was a little too blunt of him, but we agknowlege it and move on. okay? :) love you all. and good day.
Emo Pictures - DemonPrincessKiller
Posts: 104
Nov 27 2011, 12:51 PM
i think that it's his opinion,but i mean still,im emo and i DO self harm and attempted suicide.SO WHAT.i dont give a shit if this dude cares or not!this is MY life and i can choose how i FUCKING live it!it's not fucking up to him if i decide these things.THIS IS HOW I AM.DEAL WITH IT.

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