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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Has Social Media Made Life Better or Worse? Nov 23 2011, 04:11 PM
Yes it's taking over the World xD What are your views on it?


Posts: 834
Nov 30 2011, 01:19 PM
Both. Good- People these days have long-distance relationships, and/or long-distance friendships. It really helps people to learn more about other countries, states, etc. And other cultures :) Bad- People who only make friends in other countries usually get really depressed when they realize that they're really social online, and yet they're not so social in reality. And some people just can't meet each other at all because they don't have the money or they don't want to leave their countries. Not to mention the language barrier. It's hard talking face to face with someone when they speak a totally different language and you don't have Google Translate to help you out xD
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Nov 30 2011, 03:54 PM
It's great for meeting new people in person and keeping in touch for free. However it's bad because let's face it your time would most likely be better spent in person that sat on your ass talking online for ages. I am generalising here because it's still good to chat online when you can't actually meet in person. I could go on and on I mean hell I even have created multiple social networks..
Posts: 834
Dec 07 2011, 12:53 PM
So if Social Media takes a turn for the worse, we will all ban together and hunt down you web developers/designers :p
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
Dec 07 2011, 04:13 PM
it both has it ups and downs >.> sometime well then social medias tends to get really bored so i just leave it for a bit and socializes a bit :] and comes back more and more from time to time ^^ x
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Dec 09 2011, 02:11 PM
It's cool when you end up meeting people via it that live real close that you might never of met otherwise!
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Dec 10 2011, 07:46 AM
Social media is great! As mentioned above, it allows you to keep in touch with friends ( for free) and make new ones! Also, social media is a great a to advertise your goods; be it products, blogs or poems etc. They're also a good way to learn stuff. E.g On twitter I follow people who post foreign language related stuff, so that I can learn a few words here and there. Also, while on twitter I can still current with what's going on soemo. Facebook and twitter are both goof ways to know what's going on in the world as well. Downside: They're addictive, time consuming , can alienate people SOCIALLY ( in the real world; as mentioned above it can stop people from actually socializing in real life! It can also make one's private information vulnerable to stalkers,maybe even identity theft. One can also rely on them too much and as Onyx said " IF Social media makes a turn for the worse we will all ban together and hunt down you web developers/designers :p". Like everything it has its ups and downs....
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
Dec 10 2011, 07:57 AM
^agreed :)! well written xP and yeah its nice because u can sometimes make contact with people abroad and ocassionally go over to their country and get amazing real friends .. i have gotten a few from here as an example on that :] <3 and i will surely get more next year ^-^ x
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Dec 10 2011, 07:23 PM
^ that's the spirit! cheers to next year! lol remember I was talkign abotu being a means through which stalkers could do their thing. It can also worka gainst them. One of my friends posted on twitter "Facebook is really exposing the stalkers & creeps. " ^ Social media is also a good way to get your words carried around the web
Dec 11 2011, 06:26 AM
I think it is mostly bad By first, Sociaal media isn't free you have to pay with information of yourself that will be stored for as long as internet will exist. By seconde the people today are losing real live sociaal skills, I was in class once and the people next to me where twitterin to each other but they weren't even a inch apart. But it isn't all bad as long as you do not use it to much.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Dec 11 2011, 09:13 AM
Another negative is it certainly making some people more paranoid and jealous and have far too much pointless drama.. Even though it's cool when messages make you smile :)

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