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Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Posts: 114
Love today???? Dec 18 2011, 05:41 PM
I have come to notice what love really is now. It is no longer what it used to be. It is now either a fuck buddy or someone just wanting someone to cry on. For example: My grandma is slowly dying and my sister is very close to her. So she is willing to get back with her asshole of an ex NOT because she loves him, because she wants a fuck buddy/shoulder to cry on. Luckily. I have found a boy that shoots butterflies through my stomach every time he say i love you. And i should be used to it because we've said it 100000 times and have been dating for 5 months. also people say they are in love because they are afraid of being alone. Sex is no longer love. Its drunken night and sluts. If you don't have sex before your married. Your a loser. or stupid. or a wimp. Or people think your gay. I mean wtf


Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
Dec 19 2011, 01:25 PM
Most true statement I have heard in a long time. Sex is almost always sluts, and booze these days. Not love, love is what it used to be with knights, chivalry, being a gentleman. Now men are disgusting pigs and, as my friend says "rail then bail" most women, causing them to think that almost every guy just wants sex..Honestly, I couldn't give a fuck about sex..at all, I don't want it, I don't care about it. But sadly I feel that most girls just think that "the nice guy" is extinct and its all some scheme when I'm sweet to them.. These days..are just so pathetic, really, what happened to true love, why is everything sex now? :(
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Dec 19 2011, 02:58 PM
It is still out there, but yea I agree it's hard to find... I have been with girls who show a lot of true love and make me smile :p However I have also been with some that are just interested in sex blah blah..
Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
Dec 20 2011, 01:16 PM
You know what, after today, I think I finally get why the world is the way it is, bunch of sex obsessed sluts and whores. Because true love....I finally think i'm giving in to believe its all bullshit..New girl moves to my school, I really like her, I wanted to talk to her, of course, she has a boyfriend, the ONLY girl that has ever been at my school that I was even slightly interested in in the history of going there, I'v lost the one girl I thought was perfect, that I loved beyond anything, that I would give my life for, I was going to go be with her, but no...she gave up, I lost her, I finally got over it(barely) met a new girl, broken there to. Fuck love, just fuck it! The perfect girl, btw was someone i met on here, and we were so perfect for eachother..new girl, well obviously the girl im referring to today for my shitty day. You are lucky leda, don't ever let him get away from you, cause being alone fucking sucks, and it feels like the end of the fucking world for me...and i desperately need some tissues, of which i dont have any right now..wonderful..
Posts: 114
Dec 21 2011, 06:24 PM
Don't give up. If you need someone to talk to. Just message me :)

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