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Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

Posts: 70
Cutting to be cool? Jan 13 2012, 07:06 AM
I understand the compulsin to cut being a recovering cutter myself. but latley on my school some kids have been cutting and showing the scars off. I just cant understand why somone would think that its cool. i dunno it just bothers me.


Emo Pictures - EmoRazorBlade
Posts: 68
Jan 13 2012, 09:39 AM
I know right?? People are so caught up in attention they would do anything to get it :/ We have loads of those people (Specially Guys) Who think because they cut themselves (apparently)they think they can fit in the emo scene! I feel so so very dorry for them!! They need a reality check...
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Jan 13 2012, 03:13 PM
It's stupid and anyone seen to promote self harm and claim it's cool is warned by admin on this site.
Emo Pictures - EmoRazorBlade
Posts: 68
Jan 14 2012, 12:11 AM
It is better and safer that way... Most of them who do it to be cool dont know how serious it can become :/
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
Jan 14 2012, 07:22 AM
I remember in middle school, I didn't care if people seen my cuts because I knew that at my school no one would say anything anyways, they all knew I was "emo" and assumed I did it so what was the point of hiding them... Then I got to eighth grade and was like wow I was really stupid, and started wearing a jacket all the time... Now with all the scars if someone points out my scars, I walk away in avoidance... Most of my smaller ones have faded... now I only have the really bad ones left
Jan 14 2012, 06:44 PM
I show my scars to my friends if they ask if I cut people have seen scars and ask is that from cutting? I say no my dog bit my arm. They don't believe it but it gets them off my back. I was in hot topic and these two "emo" girls were showing off their scars to EVERYONE and I mean everyone. I hated them. And still hate people who cut to be cool.
Emo Pictures - Emo_Tional_Girl_2013
Posts: 74
May 14 2012, 05:44 AM
I have a friend who will take anything half-way sharp at lunch, and when he's pissed off, he'll try and cut himself in front of us. Of course, I get the thing away from him because since I've tried to quite cutting, its makes me angry and sad whenever I see someone else act like that. Plus, theres a couple more who dont bother trying to hide them. There attention seekers. One wasnt even considered "emo" until the second semester. I thought he was a new kid.
Emo Pictures - MidoKilmy
Posts: 237
May 14 2012, 10:29 PM
Yeah.. They want more attention but not only... They think it makes them more alternative. They want to be so "misunderstood" and "different" cause it is simply fashionable. But they don't think much about it probably. Some people just feel like being better than the others if they show off they are so experienced... Maybe they think it makes them more adult? I don't know. I never really understood it but I'm trying. Because even if the reasons are stupid, cutting is still dangerous and they need help even more than we are... Why? Because they think it's something cool. I do not (however cutting sometimes -.-) and when it comes to me. I was hiding my scars under some band or making them in some less visible places. Then after a year some of my friends noticed that something's wrong. And since they discovered I was fighting with it. Now I hardly don't do it c: but I'm still considered as a masochistic potential suicider D:
Emo Pictures - adair
Posts: 64
Jul 29 2012, 12:57 PM
When i first cut i had no clue that any1 else did the same thing. i didn't do it cuz i thought i was cool. i did it cuz i was in pain. i just got kicked out of my house i was living with some1 who didn't like me, no1 could come over, and the guys kids were jerks 2 me. plus much more... don't think theres enough space 2 tell everything of why i did it.
Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Jul 31 2012, 02:23 PM
I can't stand it when people show off their scars in public. I'll admit, I did once show my scars to a friend, but that was simply because I felt desperate and wanted a way out of the pain I was feeling but didn't know how to go about it, so a physical action was easier than talking. But those who just do it for attention or so they can be "emo" annoy me. I've spent so long trying to find ways to cover scars out of fear of people seeing them, I just can't understand why you'd WANT to show them off.
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Aug 02 2012, 04:03 AM
WTF!!! who could be so sick to endorse it?! self harm is not somthing to take lightly,let alone promote it that way.In some sense i feel a tad sorry for the people who do, as they don't realize how bad it can get and they deffinatly need a realty check .. Yhea i've shown some of my scars to a few select freinds who asked/pestered me and i trust enough to tell them but my scars besides that are always covered,night and day .I'm NOT proud of self harming and DON'T like attenshion because of it
Posts: 243
Aug 15 2012, 11:57 AM
i don't think they find it cool. i do feel some kids do it just to get attention and those people have made people think that everyone who does it is attention seeking

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