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i know the feeling of finding yourself stuck out on a ledge and there aint no healing from cutting yourself with the jagged edge lullaby, by nickelback

Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

I DONT UNDERSTAND! Jan 28 2012, 07:04 PM
WHY OKAY JUST WTF?!?!? okay so I was at school and I overheard these sixth graders talking about this (exact quote) "OH MY GAWD I HAD SUCH A FUN TIME WITH MY BOYFRIEND LAST NIGHT IN MY ROOM!" I wanna know WTAF! WHY DO LITTLE KIDS DO THAT! ITS NOT COOL OR FUNNY! I HAVENT EVEN BEEN KISSED YET! WTF! Seriously? Ya nasty lil bit***s! When your In eighth grade here's what normal people will call you a wh*** s*** B****! So act your age and hang with friends! Ive had three boyfriends AND THATS IT! You don't need to have sex at 12! Sorry just had to rant a little bit haahaa!


Posts: 36
Jan 28 2012, 07:12 PM
I don't get it either...
Emo Pictures - JCGenocideofNormal
Posts: 266
Jan 28 2012, 09:05 PM
The youth(though were still considered "the youth" I suppose) are so stupid these days, honestly I wanna just punch some of these little kids these days. I see freaking middle school girls that look so slutty, and my lord, when I see them little white boys acting black gangster wannabes, its ass kicking time.. -.-
Posts: 1726
Jan 29 2012, 05:58 AM
^ yeh my brother is a black wonna b makes me sick reallly u havnt been kissed :0
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Jan 29 2012, 04:59 PM
Sex at 12...crazy!
Posts: 123
Jan 29 2012, 05:28 PM
that i not write
Jan 29 2012, 08:26 PM
Yeah I have NEVER been kissed I want to but no boys in my school like me really... but seriously! These kids are stupid and when I'm 24 and don't have three kids.ill be the one laughing!
Posts: 896
Jan 30 2012, 10:18 AM
when i was in sixth grade, i was rather worried about what shoes to get for school lol but, this is just terrible. I hate to see what the future will look like :/
Feb 06 2012, 04:23 PM
I saw a kid the other day playing pokemon on a gameboy, it gave Mr.hope for this generation.
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
Feb 06 2012, 04:34 PM
^ haha xd pokemon <3 anyway a lot of young girls dresses like whores and thinks that they r sooo cool which just annoys the shit out of me >.> ! if ur 12 be a kid ffs! I am so glad that i grew up during the 90's and not during the 21 st century >.> x
Feb 06 2012, 07:44 PM
^RIGHT! ugh them little girls will be working on the corner if they don't stop! And yes pokemon! Haahaa
Emo Pictures - tikleme
Posts: 63
Feb 07 2012, 03:08 AM
Ugh, i have a friend on a different website and she is only 13. She doesn't even know where countries are! People messed with her and made her think that China was the capitol of Canada and Germany is in USA >.> I told her the truth, but I just find it so hard to believe that she and others are actually that stupid! I mean.. it's common sense at times... Anyways, I'm happy I have to deal with that stuff here. People actually don't have sex until the normal age (college+) unless it is in those basically full American/British schools. I even know this little kid who's in.. maybe 6th or 7th grade now. And she's wearing high school clothes. Like, I don't even wear it... usually juniors or seniors would wear that stuff and it's not that many girls... *sigh* Well at least i'm born in the 20th century and not the 21st. It's sad to see how fucked up these little kids are going to be in their future. Bad enough that there is teen pregnancy, but now it is basically kid pregnancy at 13 years old. I frown upon younger youth now >.> and that's saying something because I'm only 14!!
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
Feb 07 2012, 03:48 AM
^RIGHT! ugh them little girls will be working on the corner if they don't stop! And yes pokemon! Haahaa- epic quote xD <3 x
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Feb 07 2012, 09:46 AM
What we need to do instead of ranting about the issue and saying how silly they are, is try to see how we can help them. Maybe take them aside and talk to them or anonymously ask the guidance counselor or teacher to talk to them. My little sis is 13 and I've drilled into her what she should do in terms of boys and sex, and so do others around her. In Barbados we say " it takes a village to raise a child". Meaning that society itself should try to help raise the child :@hen society is CORRUPT those who care should still make an effort to direct those on the right path. The 6th graders are yet young and can still be directed along the correct path.
Feb 07 2012, 03:10 PM
^^ thanks haaha XD ^ And is there really a way to help them?
Feb 07 2012, 03:12 PM
What I mean is if the entire society is like that and that's what they were raised with does it really mean they're being bad? How can we help them if that's all they know?
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Feb 07 2012, 03:24 PM
The increasing (crazy) popularity of social networks has got to be partly to blame for 'the youth of today'...
Emo Pictures - Vybz
Posts: 1467
Feb 07 2012, 04:46 PM
Yea man Matt, society really does help contribute to the wayward youth. The saying " it takes a village to raise a child" can work both ways I believe, It may show that if a child is brought up in the wrong village he/ she will be brought up with messed up values. Fortunately, everyone who posted above knows better so at least we can rest assured that we in this corrupt society there are some who know the right way! Kudos to us :D. I believe that one person can make a difference in someone's life. I mean people in the emo scene don't conform to what society wants them to do: behave, FEEL, DRESS. So we should just try to be like big brothers and sisters to those "lost little teens/ pre-teens" ( and our fellow teens). Tell them straight! What you're doing isn't right or tell someone who can get through to them.. for their own good. Trust me at age 12 a child is still developing psychologically etc, so you have a better chance to get through to him/her.
Emo Pictures - Emo_Tional_Girl_2013
Posts: 74
May 14 2012, 05:48 AM
They think its cool and it makes them seem older because they want to be like the older folks that they look up to. Apparently, they need better role models.
Emo Pictures - ChickenNoodles
Posts: 67
May 14 2012, 12:22 PM
As a person of roughly that age, I can honestly say that I've been through the same thing that most of the these young girls have. No, I haven't had sex if that's what your wondering. But I was tempted. And the whole reason was because of the guy. There's a few decent guys out but you'll be lucky to find one if you do. I'm just glad that I realized what I did before it was too late. So to all those guys who think it's funny to fuck around with 12-year olds, go screw yourselves. Because it isn't funny at all & you're just making them more fake than they really are. All of my friends back in the UK, who are only the same age as me, are walking around in short dresses & 5 inch high-heels. I feel ashamed that this is what my generation represents & that I'm apart of it.
Emo Pictures - adair
Posts: 64
Jul 28 2012, 03:37 AM
i still think people should wait till they're married, or if the law don't allow tht, then do it for love, not just so u can f***

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