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mama we all go to hell mama, by My Chemical Romance

Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
For those living in the USA... Jan 31 2012, 04:13 PM
I keep meaning to post this topic... I have lost count how many times people on this site (girls and guys) from the USA have said they want to move to Europe (especially the UK). Are you one of these people and if so why? Is the USA really that bad? xD


Posts: 123
Jan 31 2012, 04:24 PM
I think it is but we probably just make it sound worse than it is. For me it's our president Obama and the people that live here
Emo Pictures - TorriToxxik
Posts: 75
Jan 31 2012, 06:36 PM
Haah xD Yeah. It kinda is, Our economy pretty much is shit over here, theres like 0 jobs and the government is giving our jobs away.Honestly, i want to move over seas simply because i cannot stand the US or people who live here
Posts: 1726
Feb 01 2012, 03:31 AM
^ yer but its the same in the uk hahaha i wonna move to us
Posts: 8
Feb 01 2012, 06:44 AM
our country cares about other more than themself no one is helping us yet we continue to help others its all of congress' fault but they blame the president. plus our enormus debt
Emo Pictures - beccaxface
Posts: 6
Feb 01 2012, 07:59 AM
I had a friend who stayed in England for awhile and still brags about how much better it is there. Personally I don't mind living in the States that bad. I would like more in England is that in a lot towns there you don't need a car and can walk everywhere. I would also love that I could see my favorite bands more since most of them are English. I also think there is less discrimination in England but I could be wrong. The free healthcare would be nice as well :D
Emo Pictures - JojoCupcakeKillerrxD
Posts: 1222
Feb 17 2012, 11:56 AM
I'm not one of those people lol... Europe's beautiful, but I'd rather stay in Texas, USA, simply because I prefer the government here. No, I don't like our current president, but that's about to change for the better. It's not really that bad, but at the same time, it depends on where you live in the USA
Emo Pictures - adair
Posts: 64
Jul 29 2012, 01:20 PM
i live in usa, and personally i wanta move to either canada, or some place in europe. here people r assholes(not all, plus i'm assuming ever country has em..) taxes r to high, poor people r dieing while the rich get richer, if ur so rich why don't u build homeless shelters, soup kichens, etc... instead of just holding on to it...?? theres many more reasons, mostly government reasons, the fact tht they suck. i agree with the constition, however all the laws beside tht have went to far. do u know in the us its illegal to have ice creme in ur back pocket on sundays? wtf kinda law is tht. i think they make stupid laws like tht when the senate is stoned. hey assholes, share tht weed.. lol
Emo Pictures - adair
Posts: 64
Jul 29 2012, 01:22 PM
oh yea i also don't like americas pot laws and the fact that they r the 1s who made pretty much every1 in the world sign a treaty about making pot illegal. i think we should at least have industrial hemp, were 1 of the biggest country, we have alot of land, why not use tht to make a farm of hemp, it would save the trees, it makes paper, shirts, jewlery, plus much more. the government just has a stick up there ass tht they can't remove.

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