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Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - justanotheremokid
Posts: 72
what shall i do (long) Apr 17 2012, 04:31 PM
I've recently been thinking of this girl more and more often, I told one of my friends about it and she said "just give it time and speak to her if she ever comes on, if she doesn't in 2 months then you should move on" but just today at school she walked up to me with some people who hate Emo's (me to be specific) and said "I know who you are What you are and I wont have people like you around me, do the world a favour and just kill yourself" and just walked away, I still cant stop thinking about it and it brings me to tears to think of it, I cut when I got home but it wasn't enough, what can I do about me and my friends relationship?


Emo Pictures - being_emo_rocks_xx
Posts: 13
Apr 25 2012, 10:46 AM
u know what mate people like her are not worth the trouble of thinking bout i know it hurts now and it will for a long time but if u were not an emo then would u want to be with a total bitch like that ? and dont cut, she is not worth ur pain.
Emo Pictures - justanotheremokid
Posts: 72
Apr 25 2012, 02:42 PM
thanks pal, the thing is im weak and she has been my best freind for years and was the only person i trusted and she hates me
Emo Pictures - being_emo_rocks_xx
Posts: 13
Apr 30 2012, 01:22 PM
if she hates u then she wasn't a true friend in the first place me and my bestie fall out all the time and i just end up getting a call or text three days later saying sorry and say the same back. this girl will come back if she liked u even as just a friend ok dont lose faith ever, u hear me EVER and dont cut urself it just makes u unwell
Emo Pictures - BoOCherry80
Posts: 25
May 01 2012, 06:35 PM
That kind of pain is not worth it.I went through the same thing with a "friend" in school. Ever since I started listening to heavy metal, the girls I hung out with started distancing themselves from me and calling me a freak.I did the same thing as you and cut myself.My mom found out and I got help for being bullied. Its not worth your time love.Theres so many other people, better people for you to be with that will accept you for who you are.Im totally one of them:) ;hugs <3
Emo Pictures - Emo_Tional_Girl_2013
Posts: 74
May 02 2012, 05:22 AM
That was way harsh. You dont deserve that and she doesn't need to be a jerk about it either. She isnt worth your affection. Even if she was your "friend" obviously, she's not now. It's okay though, you'll find yourself a girl who loves you for you. Trust me.
Posts: 243
May 07 2012, 01:46 AM
well, not trying to be hash, but screw her -_- if shes just going to be like that she doesnt deserve you or your tears
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
May 07 2012, 12:12 PM
Yea sometimes you have to be harsh in life to get anywhere..

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