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Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - JodieTehMusicJunkie
Posts: 32
that damn man whore >:( Apr 22 2012, 11:58 AM
so, yeah, ive gone and fallen for a man whore and i need help:/ and im not even exagerating, this guy is king of the man whores!! all my friends tell me to stay away from him, because he has a different girl every week and you cant trust him. i know they're right, because the first time i met him he was hugging me and touching me, and telling me he liked me and thought i was hot, and the very next day i found out he had a gf. i've literally sat at home crying over him, because one day he'll convince me that he really wants to go out with me, and the next day there will be a picture of him on facebook kissing some randomer, and everytime it happens i feel worse and worse. it makes me feel stupid and worthless, it makes me feel like there's something wrong with me because obviously im not good enough for him. i know you probably think im stupid for even wanting to go out with him, but when im around him he makes me feel special and i really like him and hes so funny and nice when he wants to be. i dont know what to do, so i was wondering if anyone here was ever in a similar situation and could give me advice? please, im so confused :/


Posts: 1726
Apr 22 2012, 12:58 PM
sounds like me omg am i a whore :0 haha u need to make him see you for who u r, people like that dont love they r just in for the ride, im sure u can find a better guy, if all he does is take more notice of other girls! xxx
Emo Pictures - xXMessedUpXx
Posts: 149
Apr 22 2012, 02:37 PM
speaking from my own expereinces with a man whore (litterally..found out he's slept with what seems like half the sodding city >.< ), move on and find someone else, you deserve better. I know its easy to try and see the good in a person and they make you feel good at the time but chances are you can't change that person and you'll only end up getting hurt if you contiune it
Posts: 29
Apr 23 2012, 10:14 AM
He may be able to make you feel special, but that is how he is so successful. He makes all the girls feel special. You need to find someone who makes you feel special because of how he really feels about you, that you make him feel special.
Emo Pictures - JodieTehMusicJunkie
Posts: 32
Apr 23 2012, 10:55 AM
yeah, i guess your all right :( thanks for the advice :) it really helped and made me realize that i really should just forget about him and move on
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
Apr 23 2012, 03:23 PM
Best thing I have heard of the site all day :)
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
Apr 24 2012, 01:43 PM
moving on can surely be a good thing sometimes! x
Emo Pictures - BabyAngel
Posts: 3
May 18 2012, 09:07 AM
My boyfriend is a whore and I'm a virgin,nothing's wrong wit it and when you have sex or if I do he will know what to do and not all whores are bad
Emo Pictures - BabyAngel
Posts: 3
May 18 2012, 09:10 AM
If he is like that only half the time then he just plays with girls like tos. Ikno how much you may like him and how hard it is to resist but you should find a guy that will want to be with just you or go up I him and say of u like me like you you do then just date me or I don't wanna be ur little toy

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