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Fate is an ellegant. cold hearted whore. she loves salting my wounds yes she enjoys nothing more. i bleed confidence from deep within my guts now. im the king of this pity with my jewel encrusted crown. Polygraph, Right Now, by The Spill Canvas

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

My life is over... Literally. Jul 14 2012, 12:22 AM
Okay, I tried to write this before, but it deleted itself, so I'm in a worse mood than before. I hate myself. For being bi, for having two months to live, for cutting, for everything. I feel that since I'm going to die anyway, I should just commit suicide and make it look like an accident. It's not like I'm someone else who could just keep living, so this is different. And be honest with yourself... How would you rather die? And what should I do? Since with Catch 22 you get damned, this is Catch 44: Dead if you do, dead if you don't.(sorry, I just had to put that in there.) I'm just so confused... I can't take it anymore.


Posts: 21
Jul 14 2012, 10:30 AM
Noo, if you have two months left to live anyways, live them! I mean, go do all the stuff you were too afraid to do before, have some fun, cuss a few bitches off and just LIVE! Anyway, why do you only have 2 months to live anyways?
Posts: 253
Jul 14 2012, 10:44 AM
I'd rather go doing what I love, instead of sitting around miserable. I'd create a list of things I want to do, then go out there and do them...
Posts: 10
Jul 14 2012, 01:01 PM
Make a bucket list, I think thats what its called. Live life to the fullest, go round doing things you've always wanted to do! If you need someone to talk to just add me, stay positive<3
Emo Pictures - MidoKilmy
Posts: 237
Jul 15 2012, 01:10 AM
I could tell that ppl have bigger problems but it doesn't work this way. We all have our problems and they are equal. Sometimes starved, abused child can feel happier than someone who has basic needs fulfilled but is lost and lonely. All u need is to learn how to be alive. The most important step to love yourself is to be yourself and feel it. It's all hard to describe. Just enjoy the fight your life is. Follow your dreams- I'm sure u have some. And remember that you can be lonely but you're never alone. Just look around. Just go with me. We are making the future with what we have now. If it seems not to be enough, we should just be creative.!
Posts: 19
Jul 15 2012, 02:23 AM
embrace whatever time u have left~~make it worth while or just make it something!! ive been thru these same thoughts and trust me you'll regret ever haveing them cos i know you'll get over these thoughts and move on XD please dun think bad thoughts!!!

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