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I open my lungs dear, I sing this song at funerals... No rush. These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush. A baby boy you've held so tightly, this pain it visits almost nightly. Missing hotel beds I feel your touch. The Mortician's Daughter, by Black Veil Brides

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Posts: 21
Emotion Mix up: part 1 Jul 24 2012, 08:42 PM
I entitled this part one because I'm sure something else will come along involving this.... Anyway, That guy I was talking about in my last topic, I told him I want to break up and he still has his relationship status as "in a relationship" and tries to talk to me :/ I'm going to try and make myself more clear and plus in the mean time, since I first originally broke up with him, at least... idk, i think like a week ago, anyway, I told my BEST guy friend ever that I like him (and btw, its a hundred percent true, I've like him for like almost a year...) and the best part is he is totally cool with it. He is still acting completely normal and everything. I just wish I could get him to like me more than a best friend... He wants me to come up this weekend to watch a show we are both excited for but I can't cause I'll be busy, but he is having a party in like two weeks which is like... awesome. I really hope I'll be aloud to go. I'm super freaked about seeing him again in person, I haven't got to see him in person since I told him but we have talked over facebook and he called me once and stuff, but idk how it is going to be in person. Idk. maybe it will be less awkward with other people there. TO ANYONE WHO TOOK TIME OUT OF THEIR DAY TO READ THIS, THANK YOU. ITS APPRECIATED. :)


Posts: 243
Jul 29 2012, 01:56 PM
well yes tell im its over clearly dont let him hang or whatever and besides why did you even go out with the guy if you've liked your best mate for over a year?

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