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We've got it good Whether you like this town or not I know it's small but with a big head it's bound to get hot In the summer But the summer is a bummer If you can't leave This pathetic excuse for a town BigCityDreams, by Never Shout Never

Emo Forums » Other (Reply)

Posts: 101
does god exist? Sep 27 2012, 06:58 AM
is someone else that thinks that god is a lie? i dont believe in him and i cuss a lot if he existed the world wouldnt be so cruel and unfair.....


Emo Pictures - BlackHeartedBitch
Posts: 5
Sep 27 2012, 11:42 AM
I agree...
Posts: 253
Sep 27 2012, 01:20 PM
Yeah same here as well.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Sep 27 2012, 04:29 PM
I'm catholic and don't really believe in him..
Posts: 219
Sep 27 2012, 06:09 PM
honestly i don't think there is a god b/c if there was y would he wanna see "his ppl" in so much pain dieing for him every day while he sits on his royal ass? y would he let things happen to innocent ppl who have done nothing to deserve it? so no ur not the only one!~♥~
Emo Pictures - lostcause
Posts: 76
Sep 28 2012, 02:50 AM
i believe in god. but i don't blame him for the problems, as a christian it clearly says in the bible the truth behind everything and how its going to change, but things get worse before they get better. design is evident everywhere you look in the universe/natural world. there just had to be a designer.
Posts: 1
Sep 28 2012, 05:14 AM
<i> I don't think god exists, if he did, why would he make some people go through so much pain? If he did exist, then he wouldn't make people commit suicide, self-harm, etc, etc.:)<3
Posts: 219
Sep 28 2012, 12:45 PM
i agree.....there is to much pain and loss in this world for me to personally believe in him anymore!!
Posts: 13
Oct 15 2012, 05:06 AM
I Highly doubt that there is a god. maybe there are something more between heavend earth, but i dont think there is somone who created the whole universe. and the bible is just an exuse for old men to rape and fuck up other people's life.
Posts: 10
Oct 15 2012, 10:03 AM
"Gods" were created by people to explain the unexplainable (Greeks and Native Americans) and religions were founded for people afraid to die. There is no amazing wonderland or dark hell, it's just nothingness. But hey, that's just my opinion
Emo Pictures - Xx-EmoBeemo-xX
Posts: 47
Oct 15 2012, 02:18 PM
Honestly I believe in him and Jesus but I'm not a Christian because, how they say that animals and plants don't have souls, but i think they do. Anyway that really had nothing to do with it.... I think he's real and all but this is something that gives people an opinion. I'm not gonna go around and be like: YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD???. Because It's like, that's an opinion...I understand, and I won't judge you because I have two friends at school and they don't believe and I honestly am not gonna judge you because of that. Also I can understand because if someone came up to you and was like: hey here's a Bible God is real. When they have never seen him before. Btw. I love Science so for me to believe what happened when the Earth was created scientifically, I have to fit those two stories in somehow. But back to what I was saying it wouldn't make any sense and some of the stuff that says happen in the Bible is pretty outrageous! :P And the reason he allows people to 'suffer' is because we all have a choice and he allows us to make a choice. But since i believe in God i have to believe in the Satan too right? Well I do and that's also why some people are 'bad' people. I don't believe anyone is bad in my opinion. But yeah......
Emo Pictures - emo_princess24
Posts: 2
Nov 23 2013, 07:10 AM
he is real a u need to do is pray and he woukld answer u im pretty sure that u dnt wanna go to hell and burn in fire do u????? so u should go to church and take a bath and do sum wit yo life bc jus saying wht u saying is a lot of BULLSHIT and gone make things worst than it is !!!!@!
Posts: 27
Nov 23 2013, 07:23 AM
I believe in God c:
Emo Pictures - -_-x
Posts: 543
Nov 23 2013, 08:33 AM
Of course God exists. But it depends on Who exactly.
Emo Pictures - EmmyDestruction
Posts: 5
Nov 23 2013, 11:06 AM
i think god is a lie but, respect 2 them who belive in him
Posts: 2171
Nov 23 2013, 01:42 PM
I think maybe a "god" could exist, because I guess the idea didn't come from nowhere!
Emo Pictures - screamotaku
Posts: 42
Nov 23 2013, 09:27 PM
I was raised catholic but don't believe in god anymore and don't wouldn't want to anyway really.
Emo Pictures - BloodEmotion
Posts: 11
Nov 24 2013, 08:01 AM
I think god is a sadistic bum. He just plays with humanity like chess and when it gets too much freedome he kills us all... I'd prefer (not that I do or will) to worship Satan... at least HE never completly destroyed humanity (and everthing else) because it got too much freedome. BTW I am Catholic but refuse to listen to them fat preists lectures... no god has ever helped me and the church is just a way to scam money outta people!

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