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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Posts: 14
Cutting or not cutting... Oct 14 2012, 05:59 PM
This topic is very difficult for me to talk about but it must be disscused. Cutting is a serious problem that many people suffer though in silence. Even though cutting is bad and may result in death, my question is: Why stop doing it if it Helps...? This sounds like a question no one even wants to think about but I wanna know why. Why stop cutting if it helps? It's almost like junk food You're not suppose to eat it, but yet you eat. Of course, such a serious discussion cannot be compared to food choices. I want to ask why. I 100% understand if no one whats to answer this question, but just think about it... ~Thank you for reading.~


Posts: 10
Oct 14 2012, 06:07 PM
Because the feeling of "better" only lasts momentarily, scars last forever. I used to do all that but started keeping my mind busy and hanging around more positive people, that helped more
Emo Pictures - Xolivia-von-sodomyX
Posts: 510
Oct 14 2012, 07:09 PM
it depends on the type of cutting and what is going through the head of some one that is doing it. for expsample it could be the thing that kills or saves a really depressed person they could go over the edge or it could keep them from doing so expeshally for those who are so depressed their numb the pain helps bring them back to reality. or even calm down raceing emotions this really is a good question though. personaly cutting depressed me some times but mostly it helped me to get through painful times. it alowed me to relase my feelings through physical pain for a change insted of constant toxic mental pain and really relax. i know it leaves perminet scares but i dont mind as much because every time i look at my scares it remindes me of how my hard times made me stronger and it gives me pride that i was able to make it through it all with out those scares i wouldnt be the person i am today.
Emo Pictures - lostcause
Posts: 76
Oct 15 2012, 05:10 AM
I think genocide and olivia are both right. We all know cutting isn't the answer. But ye it feels so damn good at the time and its addictive. The better solution is to find something that proactive to substitute the cutting. Misery loves company. Find a way to express yourself whether it be writing music art or anything. Maybe you can vent into that rather then the blades. And if you need any support you have a whole website of friends for you ;)
Posts: 243
Oct 15 2012, 03:19 PM
as in the end it does nothing besides give you scarring. plus there is so many more better things that can help/cheer people up besides cutting
Emo Pictures - kerberos
Posts: 11
Dec 15 2012, 05:07 AM
All you Emos are so beautiful and cute, so why cut? Does it afford you some temporary control over your life and actions. No one can have full control over their lives. No one. I tried to commit suicide once but soon realise it is not the answer to anyway. There are alway reasons not to. Please go and find yours. If you feel you can't then please talk to me and i will try to help. Jim
Posts: 1726
Dec 30 2012, 11:33 AM
erm dad what have i told you about setting accounts up on here....my sapce!! xx
Posts: 13
Jan 01 2013, 04:44 PM
i cut because i have nothing else to help me. drug, smoking, and drinking dont help me. the bad part is i started cutting in a metal hospital. i dont think people should stop cutting as long as they know where they shouldnt cut.

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