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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - pink-emo
Posts: 13
Is emo died?? Nov 22 2012, 12:10 PM
Hi guys How are you? Is emo died I've heard that in school , street and on the Internet I can not believe that They say the EMO will be extinct in 2012 If that is true:(( what should I do? How could I live without emo Help me please:((((


Posts: 20
Aug 17 2016, 06:00 PM
I wouldn't say it's dead, it's just changed, a lot.
Emo Pictures - fallentoashes
Posts: 120
Aug 24 2016, 02:30 PM
Just because MCR isn't back doesn't mean emo is dead. Emo definitely isn't as popular as it was back in the 2000s. Emo has changed a lot over time but emo is still going. American Football recently released a few new songs and popular emo bands from the 2000s (like Taking Back Sunday, The Used, Hawthorne Heights, Silverstein, and Saosin) are still releasing amazing music. I see some people that still have the emo look, myself included. :) I wouldn't say emo is dead.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Aug 24 2016, 07:08 PM
^totally agree!
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Sep 01 2016, 09:30 PM
*Looks at myself* *looks at my emo friends* *scrolls through this website* I don't know, last time I checked we were mostly still alive... Maybe we're just ghosts...
Emo Pictures - geRAWRxD
Posts: 3
Sep 08 2016, 03:33 AM
Emo is alive and well!!!!! people are still passionate about music and THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS!! sure mcr is gone, but we have new bands!! Modern Baseball, Joyce Manner, CRYING!!! All good. All emo. All the time. :p
Emo Pictures - miseryisland
Posts: 63
Jan 10 2020, 09:11 AM
Emo is slowly declining as the years go by. If you search the term "emo" on Google trends, the highest peak of interest was in 2008. Yes, there are still emos that exist, most have taken the form into e-boy or e-girl now. I think since My Chemical Romance has reunited it might spark people's interest in emo again.
Emo Pictures - MaximusStephonovich
Posts: 212
Jan 10 2020, 01:38 PM
You mean Dead.
Posts: 61
Feb 10 2020, 01:17 PM
Personally I think about this on a philosophical level. It all depends what is meant by "dead', "died", "extinct", "out-of-fashion" etc... When I look at how things are today, society has changed a lot since emo first came out. Perhaps, we are left with less problems than we did back then. In terms of emo as a fashion, certainly it hasn't gone. In terms of a lifestyle, because the social zeitgeist has shifted in a different direction, so too has people - we are all, after all, social beings and want to feel accepted, thus there is enormous pressure to live in accordance with the social wave. Back in the early to mid 2000s, emo was a way for people to find commonality with each other - we all have problems, no problem is unique, but it is definitely something different when we meet others who share our pains. I think that is takes so much more courage nowadays to be emo, but when you do, it's very comforting knowing that you're doing something you believe in. However, I still don't agree with self-mutilation, mutilating others or encouraging anyone to do so. I find that being emo has helped to me come to terms with feelings and emotions and how to express them. The other day I caught a customer and his girlfriend at work stealing, they wouldn't admit it and instead tried to make me feel bad for catching them. I recognised the boyfriend, as last time when I asked him for donations to raise money for our bushfire victims, he refused and smart-assed commented by saying, "where's my donation?". Remembering this, I was infuriated and let out my emotions onto him; I recounted what he had said to me and gave him nothing but my disappointment and disgust. I think he felt bad because: 1. he remembered saying it. 2. he didn't think people would remember what he said. In the end I made them pay for their groceries, even if it meant I had to scan everything for them. But I was proud that it didn't end in violence, rather, I used his own emotions against them (something people don't really try to recognise these days). Hopefully, they'll come to terms and be better people one day. But on another note, personally, I like to compose music on the piano. But for a while (since probably 2017), I couldn't understand why I wasn't feeling or connecting with any music I made anymore - in contrast, whenever I listened to old recordings of myself playing music, pre-2012, I could feel it 100%. For a long time, I stopped making music properly because I just wasn't "feeling it anymore." I was devastated about this. Until recently, when I got back into emo, life has changed. I started feeling the notes, connecting with my old-self on a whole new level and really appreciating what it means to live. I realised that what was missing in my life was what I had learned from my emo days - believing in what you do despite what others think, going against the social grain and, of course, putting emotions and feelings into your art. I'm still a rational person, but I recognise and embrace my emotions as a part of who I am. When we say "emo is dead" we are really saying that it's not as popular as it was in the years passed. Although that might be the case, is being emo just about fitting in to what others approve? Scientifically, emotions are built into us biologically, and in saying that, if emo is short for emotions, then emo can't be dead until everyone who has emotions is dead. The fashion of emo, to me, is an expression of certain kinds of emotions, but I'll tell you what, it's a damn awesome fashion. Emo is still within all of us, and you can still be emo if you choose it, just be sensible about it.
Posts: 22
Feb 15 2020, 09:36 PM
No. There will be always be a counter-culture of teenagers and young adults (and even older adults) who rebel against the mainstream, who cringe away from emotion and stifle their true selves in the name of "fitting in". There will always be depressed people or people who were depressed who listen to emo music as an alternative therapy or as emotional validation/connection. There will always be existential people. There will always be people who endured or are still enduring abuse. There will always be people who lost friends to suicide. There will always be people who nearly lost themselves to suicide. There will always be kids who live in extremely religious small towns who want more than anything to get out. These are the people that bands like My Chemical Romance, The Hotelier, The Used, Sorority Noise, and Brand New were made for.
Emo Pictures - xMeskimo
Posts: 3
Mar 04 2020, 09:22 AM
Not yet. Hope this emo lifestyle doesn't go extinct ^u^
Emo Pictures - Ghost_of_Silence
Posts: 318
Mar 06 2020, 09:42 PM
its not dead until every emo on the planet gives up the lifestyle all at once. I don't see that happening. we may be faded but not gone.

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