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Honestly I thought that we could make it all the way, Barefoot on beaches dancing against the gray. But stone by stone the castle crumbled to the ground, I stood and stared as you started to fall into the waves Oceans away, by The fray

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Home Schooling Dec 11 2012, 02:34 PM
Who has done or does home schooling? If so how come you do it rather than actually going to school?


Posts: 66
Dec 11 2012, 02:45 PM
I was homeschooled from k-12th grade (I graduated in May)... My parents had several reasons for homeschooling but the main reason was because the schools around my area suck. I did alot of classic education- the kind of books you find only in private schools now. I won't deny it had a few draw backs but over all I think it was worth it. I had lots of friends growing up, was totally well adjusted and socialized, and was never a sheltered geek like we're all made out to be haha.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Dec 11 2012, 02:51 PM
Thanks for your reply. I just thought it was an interesting topic to post about.
Posts: 66
Dec 11 2012, 03:35 PM
No problem, it is a good conversation starter :)
Emo Pictures - Cookie_Monsta
Posts: 4
Dec 12 2012, 12:09 AM
I've been home schooled for essentially my whole life, and have enjoyed it for the most part. Just like going to public or privet school being home schooled has both positives and negatives. The only thing I missed out on was playing sports in high school, but in hindsight that was probably a good thing because I'm super injury prone, But I digress. Anywho I think the best part is being able to focus on things that I enjoy, and not have to follow some preset schedule of clases the won't help me in life at all. But hey, the just my 2 cents.
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Dec 12 2012, 11:32 AM
I've was home schooled for awhile when i was younger but now go to a private school and have a private tutor/teacher now for some subjects outside of school ... It's in some cases more benifical as you get more work done and in my case understand things better as you can ask questions with out disrupting others around you .Also you have the extra of things being taught in diffrent ways till you understand /get to grips with a topic and that gives you confidence and helps grades . Downside: Cost ..not excatly cheap and sometimes socail skills suffer
Emo Pictures - Astro
Posts: 15
Mar 01 2013, 03:37 AM
I never went to secondary school (high school) I was home dictated instead. The reason? I was bullied very badly and my parents at one point feared for my life I guess, so they took me out :) I've got to say it was the right decision for me, I didn't lose any friends because I didn't have any in the first place. But people still seemed to throw abuse at me whether I was in school or not. And now I've started college, well, I can see why I didn't go to high school :/
Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Mar 01 2013, 12:34 PM
My mum wanted to home school me, but my dad insisted I go to state school so I could learn social skills. Which is probably a good thing, cuz my social skills are bad enough as it is, had I been home schooled I'd have been a complete social outcast o.O I am friends with a couple of people who've been home schooled though, and they're both lovely and seem to be doing well, but I still met both of them through school (one started state school in year 9, the other just did an AS Level and that was it).
Emo Pictures - Xolivia-von-sodomyX
Posts: 510
Mar 01 2013, 10:13 PM
i do homeschooling its all online i started doing homeschooling my sophmore year because i developed a really bad anxiety disorder that made me sick and pass out or throw up idk y it happened but it was really hard for me to go to school, i got a lot of shit for it from the nurse (even though i couldnt help it), and i hated my school any way so i started doing homeschooing and i love it! its way better i work at my own pace when ever i want and i can even graduate early.
Posts: 286
Mar 02 2013, 03:38 PM
I was homeschooled for a bit when I was younger. There were a lot of downsides though cos I had (and still have) a lot of problems with my people skills and developed a social anxiety disorder that I still have. I also couldn't read or write too well until I went to school properly when I was 7. So I was set back a lot. The main reason is that I was bullied a lot even at that age by the kids and some of the teachers at school so eventually my mum pulled me out for a while.

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