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I'm the deepest cut I'm the deepest wound I'm the deepest lie you ever told I'm the hardest part I'm the blackest heart I'm the darkest night that's way too cold Deepest Cut, by Get Scared

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Xx-EmoBeemo-xX
Posts: 47
Personality Disorders. Mar 10 2013, 07:14 AM
I wanted to know if anyone on here had them, or anyone you knew and if you do which one? I wanted to know because I don't know much people with them and my friends kept making fun of me saying I might have depression ^-^ Well I don't know what you want to call depression but I haven't been sent to my school counselor in five days :D But anyways. Yeah, and how you/they coup with it I guess.


Emo Pictures - screamotaku
Posts: 42
Nov 26 2013, 02:42 PM
I have avoidant personality disorder. I've also had depression a long time now. I may be becoming bipolar depressed and borderline personality apparently...so things havn't really been improving...
Emo Pictures - Sh4dow_SaMmY
Posts: 21
May 23 2014, 04:50 AM
Hi... Erm starting off got anger problems. Iv went to see the psychologist and other people coz of my other problems like been self=harming 3 years.Iv been bullied since little... And iv got social anxiety and iv hardly got any friends coz im just too scared of meeting new people plus iv recently just moved so i know no one and im starting new school on the 2nd June so im scared to death... Been in the hospital twice coz tried killing my self coz all the problems people accusing me, making fun of me, talking behind my back, blaming me, plus my dad doesnt care about me (i dont live with him) my mum would call me an attention seeker and that she could give me a knife and i could go into my room and cut feel like she doesnt give a fuck,and much more... And about the hospital 1st time i drank bleach then 2nd time i over-dosed.... so yeah thats my little story and problems and stuff pls dont judge!
Posts: 84
May 26 2014, 11:46 AM
Anger problems, bipolar disorder, depression disorder, yeah...I have them.
Posts: 41
Aug 07 2014, 11:42 AM
I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder, but I think that might not be exactly accurate. I haven't been diagnosed because I haven't asked, but I suspect I have Avoidant Personality Disorder instead and Dependent Personality Disorder too. I was told by a psychiatrist once that I have traits of Emotionally Unstable (Borderline) Personality Disorder, but having done some self-analysis and some research I wouldn't be surprised if I have the full thing- that is, if I've got the right idea of what it is! If I'm right then I feel pretty inadequate as a person. Plus, I've come across loads of discrimination against BPDs, which I don't think is fair but it makes me feel like I should just stay away from people because I'm probably not welcome!
Emo Pictures - kawaii_thesoldier
Posts: 18
Sep 06 2014, 06:24 PM
I'm bipolar and I have adha
Emo Pictures - xAshley_PLLx
Posts: 1
Sep 16 2014, 07:38 AM
My first post, idk XD I have borderline personality disorder and recovered from depression. Kinda sucks, but I'm fine with it anyway...it just like another way of thinking..
Emo Pictures - Everything_is_Red
Posts: 173
Nov 22 2014, 03:09 PM
If anyone wants to talk about personality disorders, give me a message. I have plenty of experience. My fiancée has Anger problems, Tourette's, MPD, Depression, Paranoia, and certain schizophrenic tendencies. I have Major Depressive disorder, PTSD, BPD, OCD and Anxiety.
Emo Pictures - xxxoutcast_lifexx
Posts: 84
Dec 22 2014, 09:00 AM
As a child i had pretty much most symptoms of ADD which led to teachers complaining a shit ton about me. Then I grew out of that and went quiet and self conscious and had my best friend turn away from me and become a bully. I still remember those times to this day especially when I self harm ( I' m 1 week clean) . Now I guess those symptoms have come back but instead they only occurr in phases of "hypomania" which last longer then my depressive ones. I haven't been diagnosed with any form of bipolar. However I do think I have social anxiety which has developed over the years especially because of people at my school commenting on my weight and saying pretty mean things. That's what led to starving myself. I didn't hold that for long though because I love food too much. Has anyone got any thoughts on this? I'm pretty confused
Posts: 32
Sep 06 2015, 11:06 PM
Though not a personality disorder, I was diagnosed w/ DID. It used to be hell (constant pains, voices, blackouts, etc), but I got used to it (Along with Xanax, but that's more for the PTSD and anxiety). Tbh, I feel that the more you understand your disorder, the better you handle it. And of course, the medications.

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