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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Piercings and school conflict Apr 02 2013, 03:29 PM
on thing that's been annoying me for awhile now is 'adults' ie teachers, moaning a pupils for having more than one lobe piercing yet they them selves seem to have multiple ear piercings and a few have facial .. now i go to a strictish school and this happens often that kids who even just have the one set of lobe piercings with a plain stud are told to remove it yet some kids and staff can get away with many tbh i think it's extremely hypercritical and unfair ..shouldn't it be one rule for both pupils and staff and after all whats wrong with 1 lobe piercing and PLAIN stud ?? What are your opinions on piercings and school rules going with them ??


Posts: 10
Apr 02 2013, 03:39 PM
I'm always being told to push my hair out of my face and it isn't even that it isn't that long haha.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Apr 03 2013, 02:09 PM
There are other similar topics (think I created one) and well back at school we had the same rules.
Posts: 1726
Apr 04 2013, 04:58 AM
while the school have u under their thumb your best to do as they say as a result I guess there would be less bullying for difference....when ya leve school there is plenty of time to get piercings sooo people need to chill and wait I guess
Emo Pictures - Ginger_Emo_Kid
Posts: 15
Apr 04 2013, 05:03 AM
Tbh, i don't see the point in school uniform or other stuff like that. At my schook we have to wear a blue or black coat, i got told off loads of times for wearing a green coat.. WTAF! And it was only one or two teachers who had a problem with it, no other teachers cared. Secondly, at my school we have to wear; a maroon blazer, maroon tie, white shirt and black trousers. Why?!?!? Why can't we get rid of school uniform and rules on apperance?!? I can understand that it's to 'keep the schools apperance' and so no kids will wear a t-shirt that says 'fuck you' on it. That's understandable, but the excuss that i get alot is: 'Children will get bullied if they don't wear the same up-to-date fashion as they're friends'. I mean, WOW! That's stupid! If that happens, then it's the schools fault for not dealing with that problem, and i seriously doubt that would happen at my school. (It's a very small school) Hair dye, why o' why can't people have their hair dyed?!? At our school you can be excluded for having your hair dyed 'unatural colours' and 3yrs ago, some kids all shaved their heads because they're friend had cancer, and they got sent home!!! Basicly, i hate the fact that we all have to look the same in a world where nothing is the same.
Posts: 21
Apr 04 2013, 06:59 PM
Eh, my school is pretty lax. The only thing that they really hate is people wearing hats and beanies in school. In the handbook it says you aren't supposed to wear things like tank tops because they show your shoulders (they think the guys are going to get distracted by a girl's shoulders...I mean I don't know about them but shoulders don't turn me on). But the school rarely enforces that rule. Now the middle school is a whole different story...you get sent to the office just for kissing somebody in the hallway. Anyway, like I said, my school is pretty lax. They don't care if you've got 20 facial piercings, just as long as it doesn't distract you or other people from learning.
Posts: 1
Apr 13 2013, 11:39 AM
On one hand, I can kind of see where the school is coming from; a guy walking around in all black with five pounds worth of metal piercings in his face is pretty deleterious to the learning environment. But then again, no one should be restricted from dressing the way they want. And in all honesty, it's your problem of you can't do your work just because someone dressed drastically different from you is in close proximity.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Apr 14 2013, 07:10 AM
It'd most likely increase bullying.
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Apr 14 2013, 12:28 PM
anything 'different' can cause bullying to be honest sadly it's part of life
Emo Pictures - thelastchapter
Posts: 179
May 31 2013, 04:53 AM
At our school there is no school uniform and one of my friends has a ear strecher angel bites snake bites and a scaffholding and and the black eye make-up didnt the teacher/s say anything to him.. It also dipeneds on what school yoeu go to
Posts: 286
Jun 02 2013, 06:29 AM
My school is REALLY strict about uniform and piercings, we can't even take our blazers off if its really hot. And I really don't get the piercing rule, who cares how much metal you're wearing? Uniform is only there so people can identify what school you're from and "stop bullying" but the bullying still goes on even with the uniform dumbasses!!! And we aren't allowed piercings cos "they look intimidating" what? And the all-black uniform isn't?! And it's cos "someone could rip them out or you can lose them" who in their right mind would rip out someone's piercing?! It never happens! And they're secured to your skin, in what universe does something secured to your skin get lost?
Posts: 39
Jun 05 2013, 07:38 PM
I don't know about piercings in my school but some girls have either belly button or ear piercings.. Besides, we actually have to wear uniform.. And we all get the same excuse of wearing the "Up-to-date fashion" from the teachers.. But the worst thing is that you can't walk near other schools wearing your uniform because you get beaten up.. You'll ask why? Because you are just from another school. That is way too STUPID.
Emo Pictures - Luzio
Posts: 30
Jun 07 2013, 03:55 AM
Luckily I live in The Netherlands, we have no school uniforms or that kind of stuff. I can just walk in my band shirts and piercings etc on my school. Only I'm the only emo on my school so I'm getting bullied alot, but yeh, yolo....
Emo Pictures - thelastchapter
Posts: 179
Jun 09 2013, 04:45 AM
@xzombieluvscookiesx maybe its cuz they get court on clothes and end up riped out
Emo Pictures - DizzyDotRocks
Posts: 830
Jun 09 2013, 08:10 AM
People get bullied for being alternative anyway, so why stop them from actually wearing what they want? I've never understood uniform, and certainly the whole thing about piercings, hair dye, make up etc. I don't agree with any of the "excuses", especially the whole "it'll distract you from learning" one. What? I just went through two years of sixth form, where there is no uniform (thankfully!), and it didn't distract me. If anything, when a school fusses so much about uniform, it detracts from the quality of teaching! (This is genuinely what happened in my year when I was at high school). In the end, you go to school to get an education, not to be lectured on your appearance. My parents have paid their taxes to pay for my education sweetheart, I'll wear whatever the fuck I like. Though of course, I don't have to worry about that now xD
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Jun 09 2013, 10:45 AM
^Totally agree with you
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Jun 09 2013, 10:53 AM
couldn't agree more so glad college doesn't have a dress code as such and I know i'm not the only 'alt' in my yr going =]
Emo Pictures - thelastchapter
Posts: 179
Jun 11 2013, 11:05 AM
Lucky Im the only metal/emo at my school @Kate
Emo Pictures - DaayLotek
Posts: 7
Jun 01 2014, 11:51 AM
well I've always had a pierced tongue and nose, call me crazy .. but dont care,I had 4 navel piercing but took it bothered me because when I used my corset
Posts: 71
Jun 07 2014, 06:42 PM
I think it's silly, personally. Although when I was in high school I learnt how to hide my piercings pretty well! I got my tongue pierced when I was 13, my eyebrow when I was 14, started stretching my ears in year 8, my nostril when I was 15 and my lip at the end of year 11. I somehow managed to hide all of mine until the end of year 11 haha. They've become a lot more "in fashion" lately though, many people who used to laugh about stretched ears started stretching their own. Straaaange.
Posts: 198
Jun 13 2014, 04:11 AM
When I lived in England, I found it strange to go to school and being treated like an unworthy little child. I did not know that from German school where - as Luzio pointed out before - kids are allowed to wear and look what/how they want to. I also found signs on shops strange that said "Not more than 2 pupils allowed at one time". And in Sixth Form, everyone freaked out because they were allowed to look like they want to. So somehow they were too strict with the younger children and in contrast extremely tolerant to the older students. I didn't get why.

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